
5 Stories

Penn State Vigil Honors Victims

Thousands gather on campus

(Newser) - Candles, not police lights , lit Penn State's campus last night as thousands of students and supporters gathered to show support for the victims in the school's child molestation scandal. They observed a moment of silence after the bell tolled at 10pm and listened to several speakers, an a...

Mumbai Marks First Anniversary of Terror Rampage

Candlelight vigils held throughout city in memory of 166 dead

(Newser) - Candlelight vigils and other memorial remembrances are underway in India to mark the first anniversary of the Mumbai terror attacks. The three-day rampage left 166 dead, plus nine Islamic militant gunmen. Particularly poignant was a ceremony at the city’s Jewish center, where a rabbi and his pregnant wife were...

Yale Holds Vigil for Annie Le
 Yale Holds Vigil for Annie Le 

Yale Holds Vigil for Annie Le

(Newser) - Hundreds of students and faculty members turned out tonight on the campus of Yale University, NECN reports, for a candlelight vigil in memory of Annie Le, the 24-year-old grad student found dead yesterday on the New Haven, Conn., campus. Le’s body was discovered inside a wall in a lab...

Go Easy on the Candles
 Go Easy on 
 the Candles 
health study

Go Easy on the Candles

(Newser) - Don't go overboard on the candles, researchers warn. The fumes of paraffin wax candles can contribute to cancer and asthma, though it would take years of heavy use to cause a problem, the BBC reports. “An occasional paraffin candle and its emissions will not likely affect you,” says...

150K Join Tiananmen Vigil in Hong Kong

(Newser) - An annual vigil marking the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre brought a record 150,000 people to a park in Hong Kong, the only place in China to mark the event, reports the BBC. “It is something to remember not only for our generation but for the...

5 Stories
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