
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

NASA Wants to Send a Submarine to Saturn Moon

Kraken Mare is a liquid methane sea roughly the size of the Great Lakes

(Newser) - Saturn's moon Titan, which happens to be larger than the planet Mercury, is cold. Very cold. As in -290 degrees Fahrenheit is not out of the ordinary. These super low temps, combined with an atmosphere roughly 1.5 times as dense as Earth's, have resulted in a few...

Obama Rolls Out Rules to Hack Methane Emissions

Obama administration aims to cut emissions by 45% by 2025

(Newser) - President Obama is rolling out major new steps to fight methane emissions, aiming to cut them by up to 45% of 2012 levels within a decade. The administration's rules will address the growing domestic oil and gas industries, whose expansion is expected to significantly increase the amount of methane...

New Climate Change Culprit: Beavers
 New Climate Change 
 Culprit: Beavers 
study says

New Climate Change Culprit: Beavers

Numbers are rising as dammed ponds release methane into atmosphere

(Newser) - We were just trying to help. Turns out the efforts of humankind to save beavers from extinction over the past century have had an eco-unfriendly side effect: The animals, whose population has rebounded, are contributing to climate change, researchers say at EurekAlert . Beaver dams create shallow ponds, which can host...

Rover's Discovery Raises Hopes of Life on Mars

Curiosity detects methane

(Newser) - The Mars rover has delivered what a NASA scientist calls an "oh my gosh moment"—it detected methane on the red planet, reports the New York Times . The discovery is making headlines because the gas had to originate somewhere, and one possibility is that the source is some...

Scientists Explore Mysterious 'End of World' Crater

Working theory is that the crater formed from a release of gas hydrates

(Newser) - When a mysterious crater was discovered this past summer on the Yamal Peninsula in northern Siberia, origin theories abounded, including it being the work of extraterrestrials, a man-made hoax, a meteorite, or the result of a stray missile colliding with the surface of the Earth. Now that it's cold...

US' Worst Spot for Methane: Four Corners

Site where 4 states meet produces triple the typical amount of the gas

(Newser) - Put together all the methane produced by the coal, oil, and gas industries each year across the UK, and you'll have a good estimate of the amount produced in a small stateside area between 2003 and 2009. The 2,500-square-mile Four Corners region—where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and...

Atlantic Sea Floor Is Burping Methane
 Atlantic Sea Floor 
 Is Burping Methane 


Atlantic Sea Floor Is Burping Methane

570 methane seeps quite unexpected in 'cold, old' East Coast

(Newser) - The bottom of the Atlantic Ocean has been burping methane for at least 1,000 years, scientists have discovered. NOAA surveyed the Atlantic Coast using sound waves and found at least 570 methane "seeps" from Cape Hatteras to Nantucket, right where the continental shelf meets the ocean, LiveScience reports....

Supermarket's New Power Source: Its Expired Food

'Digestion plant' will turn rotten food into bio-gas

(Newser) - Food in a British supermarket too rotten to be sold is still being digested—by a plant that turns it into electricity to power the store. The Sainsbury's store says it's the first retail outlet in the country to remove itself from the national power grid, receiving electricity...

Explosive Methane Lake Becoming a Power Source

US company building plant that could almost double Rwanda's energy supply

(Newser) - A US company and the Rwandan government think they can turn an infamous lake from a time bomb into a power battery. Lake Kivu is loaded with a mix of methane and carbon dioxide that, if disturbed, could cause a disastrous explosion or "lake overturn," sending waves of...

Gassy Cows Cause Barn Explosion

There were 90 of them in the German barn

(Newser) - A herd of dairy cows nearly lifted the roof off their barn in central Germany yesterday when methane released by the animals caused an explosion. Police in Hesse state said in a statement that a static electric charge apparently triggered the detonation, and a spurt of flame, at a farm...

Earthquakes Tied to Global-Warming Gas

 Earthquakes Tied to 
 Global-Warming Gas 
new study

Earthquakes Tied to Global-Warming Gas

Study finds huge 1945 quake released methane into atmosphere

(Newser) - When it comes to infamous greenhouse gases, methane may be scooting ahead of carbon dioxide on the list of villains. First came last week's attention-grabbing news that the release of the gas by way of thawing permafrost could cost the global economy $60 trillion. Now comes a study that...

Scientists' $10M Goal: Burpless Cows

They'll try to cut methane emissions through selective breeding

(Newser) - A team of international scientists is going to spend $10 million to try to breed a herd of all-star cows—ones that don't burp a lot. The idea is to cut down on the cows' methane emissions, which would have a two-fold benefit, explains the Verge : It would help...

In a First, Japan Turns 'Fire Ice' Into Natural Gas

Underwater methane hydrates could be a huge energy find

(Newser) - The quest to mine frozen methane has taken a big step forward—Japanese officials say their researchers have, for the first time anywhere, extracted gas from an underwater deposit of methane hydrate, reports the BBC . (Methane hydrates are also known as "fire ice," notes the Washington Post .)...

Ancient Romans, Chinese Helped Warm Planet
Ancient Romans, Chinese Helped Warm Planet

Ancient Romans, Chinese Helped Warm Planet

Ice samples reveal greenhouse gas emissions

(Newser) - Human activity contributed to climate change long before the Industrial Revolution, according to new research. Scientists analyzing ice core samples from Greenland found a spike in emissions of the greenhouse gas methane during a 200-year period around 2,000 years ago, when the ancient Roman and Chinese empires were at...

Huge Lake Found in Titan's Tropics

Discovery suggests underground channels

(Newser) - University of Arizona researchers have discovered a massive methane lake in the arid tropics of Titan, they announced today, suggesting that Saturn's biggest moon may have subterranean channels of the liquid. Titan has long been known to contain liquid methane, which forms pools, clouds, and rains much as water...

New Environmental Worry: Ancient Gas

Researchers now able to distinguish new, old sources of methane

(Newser) - There are huge quantities of methane locked in ice sheets around the world, threatening to speed up climate change as they get released in melting ice. But determining which methane is the ancient kind and which is much younger and hails from, say, plant life that has decayed in lakes...

Methane Rains on Titan... Every 1K Years

Storms are rare, but they're doozies

(Newser) - Scientists think there are only two places in the solar system where liquid rains fall on solid land—the Earth and Saturn's moon Titan. But on Titan, that rain isn't water, it's methane, and it falls as little as once every 1,000 years in parts, according...

Study: 14 Practical Steps Can Slow Climate Change

Try ditching wood cook stoves in developing world

(Newser) - Just because the world can't agree on a battle plan against carbon dioxide doesn't mean we can't take big strides against climate change, scientists say. In fact, a dozen or so relatively simple steps could cut global warming by nearly 1 degree Fahrenheit by mid-century, a process...

25 Dead in Ukraine Mining Accidents

Two separate incidents highlight safety lapses

(Newser) - Rescue workers have found five more bodies at two Ukrainian coal mines where accidents occurred, raising the death toll to 25. Twelve other miners remain missing. The accidents in the eastern region shocked the country and highlighted the dangers of the nation's mining industry. It is believed to be...

Australia: Let's Kill Camels to Save Planet

Government wants to offer carbon credits in exchange for wiping them out

(Newser) - Meet another global warming bad-guy: the lowly camel. Australia's government is pitching a proposal in which it would be a-OK to kill camels in the name of reducing greenhouse gas emissions—and in exchange for cash. The AP reports that in one year's time, just six of these...

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