
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Feds Shut Calif. Slaughterhouse After Abuse Video

Dairy cows shocked, kicked, shot repeatedly before slaughter

(Newser) - Federal officials have shut down a California slaughterhouse after receiving an undercover video showing dairy cows, some unable to walk, being repeatedly shocked, kicked and shot, according to authorities. Investigators, sent to the Central Valley Meat company after officials viewed the heartbreaking footage, found evidence of "egregious inhumane handling...

Forget Shark Week, Cow Week Is Here

Turns out bovines are more dangerous than sharks

(Newser) - Maggie Koerth-Baker was astounded when she learned that cows actually kill more people than sharks—27 times more people, at least between 2003 and 2008. It made her think about "the way we talk about sharks" and "the way we think about risk," she writes on Boing...

Our Worst Drought Disaster Ever Gets ... Bigger

Dairy, meat prices are headed through the roof

(Newser) - With severe drought cracking parched fields across the nation, the Agriculture Department has expanded the largest disaster area declared in its history , adding 39 new counties in eight states to its list, reports the Wall Street Journal . The current tally sits at 1,297 counties in 29 states. Ag Secretary...

No More Cowbell: Austria Court Bans Noisy Clangers

Judge sympathizes with neighbors losing sleep

(Newser) - More cowbell is no longer an option in a small Austrian town. A judge has ordered a farmer near the small town of Stallhofen to remove the noisy apparatuses from his cattle because neighbors were losing sleep, reports Der Spiegel . The farmer had refused their pleas, claiming the bells...

Mad Cow Was Lame, 'Recumbent'

Animal was 10 years old: USDA

(Newser) - Officials previously said that the California Holstein with mad cow disease had shown no signs of the illness . Now they say it was lame and had taken to lying down, the AP reports. It was "humanely euthanized after it developed lameness and became recumbent," according to the USDA....

Mad Cow Discovery? Chalk It Up to Pure Luck

Infected cow showed no signs of the disease

(Newser) - This may not help you sleep better tonight. The discovery of mad cow disease in California was the result of ... luck, reports the AP . It explains that the state's dead cows are transported to a central California facility, where a very small number of the carcasses are tested. Officials...

Mad Cow Disease Shows Up in California

Authorities say food chain is safe

(Newser) - For the first time since 2006, US officials have confirmed a new case of mad cow disease, this time in California. The dairy cow's illness was detected during routine testing at a rendering plant by the USDA. None of the affected cow's meat got into human food, the...

Forest Service May Blow Up Frozen Cows

Cows got stuck in remote Colorado cabin

(Newser) - It's not your typical Forest Service problem: The agency is considering explosives to move a bunch of frozen cows that died after getting stuck inside a cabin at 11,000 feet in Colorado's Rocky Mountains. The carcasses were discovered by two Air Force Academy cadets when they snow-shoed...

Cow Superbug Jumping to Humans

Scary new form of MRSA found in dairy herds

(Newser) - A new strain of the drug-resistant "superbug" MRSA has been found in British cows, and it appears to be spreading to people. The strain, identified in cows' milk by researchers studying udder infections, is genetically very different from the dozens of other strains of superbug identified, reports the BBC...

Manolo Blahnik Execs Take Up Dairy Farming

And, not surprisingly, their milk is quite pricey

(Newser) - After you've helped convince women to spend $575 on a single pair of shoes, why not move on to very expensive milk? That's what George Malkemus and Tony Yurgaitis, Manolo Blahnik's top two executives, are doing. Milk from their Connecticut farm, Arethusa, sells for $4.49 per...

New Source of Human Breast Milk: Cows?

Genetic engineers in China face criticism from health, animal advocates

(Newser) - Scientists in China have genetically altered some 300 cows to produce "human" milk, the Telegraph reports. Using cloning techniques, scientists inserted human genes into cow embryos and implanted the embryos in mother cows. Scientists say the resulting dairy cows produced milk with "much higher nutritional content" than regular...

UK Farmers Put Cows on Special Diet to Help Climate

They should burp less on linseed

(Newser) - Farmers across the pond have hit on an interesting way of fighting climate change: They’re feeding their cows a “health food” diet of linseed to make them belch and fart less. And yes, this is the same linseed you see in the natural supplements aisle at health food...

Here's What Killed Those Dead Cows

Toxic sweet potatoes were included in their feed

(Newser) - The latest mass animal death mystery has been solved: The 200 cows that dropped dead in a Wisconsin pasture two weeks ago were killed by, of all things, moldy sweet potatoes. The farmer who owned them originally suspected disease, but investigators ruled that out and determined the cows were likely...

Only Rich Will Eat Beef in 2050
 Only Rich Will Eat Beef in 2050 

Only Rich Will Eat Beef in 2050

Production costs could make it the 'caviar of the future'

(Newser) - You might want to have a hamburger while you can—beef is likely to become as pricey and exclusive as caviar over the next 40 years, predicts a UN agriculture expert. The production costs of raising cows, especially for water, are just too high to accommodate inexorable rises in world...

Town Forms Cow Posse
 Town Forms Cow Posse 

Town Forms Cow Posse

Burlington, VT, residents band together to protect artsy bovines

(Newser) - Burlington, Vermont, has a unique problem with lawlessness: the city's vibrant painted cow sculptures are under attack. Six of the 35 cows have been broken or overturned by vandals, and to solve the problem, the Chamber of Commerce is deputizing any willing residents as "cow tenders"—those who...

Your New Food Trend: Wine-Fed Cows

Canadian farmer has an inspiration

(Newser) - Teetotallng vegetarians, this food trend is definitely not for you: A Canadian farmer has latched onto the idea of giving each of her cows a liter of red wine for the last 90 days of before slaughter. "Yes, it seems strange at first, but when you stop to think...

Brits Bellowing About 8K-Cow 'Factory'

Enterprise promises 'environmental disaster,' say foes

(Newser) - A monstrous 8,000-cow dairy operation in Britain has critics bellowing even before it opens. The "cow factory" enterprise, expected to be the largest in the world, will emit carbon emissions equal to 3,000 homes, say foes. The operation will combine herds from several regions and owners into...

Kyrgyzstan Sheep Will Get Passports

Nation of 5 million humans will track 4.25 million animals

(Newser) - Kyrgyzstan is about to launch a program that will issue passports to millions of residents of the largely rural country—its 4.25 million sheep. "From their birth to their slaughter, it will be possible to recognize a sheep's pedigree by using laser scanning," the first deputy PM...

Kiefer Sutherland Loses $869K in Cow Scam

Michael Wayne Carr allegedly roped actor into Ponzi scheme

(Newser) - Kiefer Sutherland is the latest celebrity victim of a Ponzi scheme, losing $869,000 to a scam involving…cows? Yes, cows. The 24 star fronted Michael Wayne Carr the money to buy cattle in Mexico then sell them at a profit in the US—but the suspected con man never...

Your Guide to Greenhouse Gases
 Your Guide to 
 Greenhouse Gases 

Your Guide to Greenhouse Gases

Carbon dioxide you know, but what about perfluorocarbons?

(Newser) - With things set to really heat up next week at the Copenhagen climate summit, the Guardian runs down greenhouse gases you oughta know:
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2): Industrialization and deforestation have produced high levels of this gas, which helps trap heat inside Earth’s atmosphere.
  • Methane (CH4): Thirty times more dangerous

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