Alice Munro

4 Stories

Short-Story Master Alice Munro Is Dead

She was the first lifelong Canadian to win the Nobel

(Newser) - Nobel laureate Alice Munro, the Canadian literary giant who became one of the world's most esteemed contemporary authors and one of history's most honored short-story writers, has died at age 92. A spokesperson for her publisher confirmed the death of Munro, winner of the Nobel literary prize in...

Alice Munro Wins Literature Nobel

She's the 13th woman to win

(Newser) - Once again, the USA has been shut out: This year's Nobel Prize for Literature went to Alice Munro today. The Canadian author is a "master of the contemporary short story," said Peter Englund, the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, in making the announcement. Munro's books...

Alice Munro May Be Done Writing

Author, 81, says she's 'probably' finished

(Newser) - Less than a year after Philip Roth announced he had stopped writing books, another literary great may be retiring: Alice Munro. The 81-year-old Canadian author, widely regarded as one of the world's greatest short story writers, told Canada's National Post during a recent interview that she was "...

Canadian Snags Man Booker International

77-year-old short-story writer Munro 'just won us over,' judge says

(Newser) - Alice Munro, whose short stories the judges described as “practically perfect,” is the third winner of the $95,000 Man Booker International prize, the Guardian reports. The 77-year-old, author of 11 short story collections and one novel, is on a path to “international literary sainthood,” fellow...

4 Stories