tablet computer

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Microsoft Tablet Priced for 'Major Impact' at $499

Entry-level Surface cheaper than retina iPad

(Newser) - Microsoft's tablet price has finally been revealed: Earlier today, the Microsoft Store listed the 32-gigabyte Surface RT for $499. The price is "more than the retina-display competitive" and "seems right to make a major impact," writes Brian Barrett at Gizmodo , at $100 less than the retina-display...

Toys 'R' Us Launching Tablet for Kids

Tabeo on sale Oct. 21

(Newser) - Toys 'R' Us is struggling, and in a bid to remain competitive, the toy giant is introducing its own proprietary tablet for kids this fall. The $149.99 Tabeo runs on Android and includes 50 pre-loaded apps such as Angry Birds, the Wall Street Journal reports. The tablet, which...

Google&#39;s Nexus 7 &#39;Obliterates&#39; Kindle Fire
 Google's Nexus 7 
 'Obliterates' Kindle Fire 
Tech Review

Google's Nexus 7 'Obliterates' Kindle Fire

It's got better features and a better design, Rich Jaroslovsky says

(Newser) - Sorry, Kindle Fire owners. When the Google Nexus 7 arrives next week, your tablet will officially be second-rate. "The Nexus 7 obliterates every reason for buying the current Kindle, and sets a high bar for whatever Amazon comes up with to replace it," Rich Jaroslovsky of Bloomberg writes....

This Now Exists: Tablet Made for Christians

Edifi boasts 27 translations of Bible, 'safe' browsing

(Newser) - It's got porn blockers, Christian radio, and 27 different translations of the Bible—it's the Edifi, and religious retailer Family Christian calls it the world's first Christian tablet computer, reports Fox News . And at just $149.99 for a 7-inch HD tablet that runs on Android, Family...

Sorry, Apple: Court OKs Galaxy Nexus Sales

...for now

(Newser) - Apple's two-week-old legal victories have just been cut in half. In late June, a judge halted US sales of two Samsung products, the Galaxy Nexus smartphone and the Galaxy Tab 10.1. But on Friday an appeals court rejected the preliminary injunction on the Nexus, Wired reports, though it...

Best Buy Giving Itself an Apple Makeover
 Best Buy 
 Getting Apple 

in case you missed it

Bumbling Best Buy Getting Apple Makeover

Gadgets chain tests human focus

(Newser) - Struggling big box electronics giant Best Buy is taking a page from Apple's svelte playbook and testing a new strategy to turn its warehouse-like stores into more streamlined and intimate retail outlets, says the Wall Street Journal . A test store in Minnesota prominently features a Geek Squad-staffed Solution Central,...

Apple Preps 'iPad Mini': Reports

Cheaper tablet would have smaller screen

(Newser) - Looks like Applephiles will soon have one more gadget to add to their collection of must-have gear. Two insiders tell Bloomberg that a "mini" iPad is in the works, and should arrive by the end of this year. The planned tablet—intended to help battle competition from Google, Amazon,...

Google Now Selling Prototype Glasses

Skydiving Google workers show off new technology

(Newser) - Google's new computerized glasses are now on sale—but only to developers attending Google's I/O conference this week. The San Francisco conference was treated to a stunning demonstration of the technology yesterday, when Google employees wearing the Internet-connected glasses skydived from a blimp above the conference building, using...

Apple Wins Big: Judge Bans Sales of Samsung Tablet

Galaxy Tab 10.1 ruling marks Apple's 'greatest victory yet' in patent battle

(Newser) - The Galaxy Tab 10.1 is such an iPad rip-off that it can no longer be sold in the US, a district court judge announced yesterday, issuing a preliminary injunction against the sale of Samsung's tablet. Samsung "does not have a right to compete unfairly by flooding the...

Details Leak Out on $199 Google Tablet

Nexus 7 could compete with the iPad and Google Fire, analysts say

(Newser) - Google is jumping into the tablet market with the Nexus 7, a 7-inch tablet that starts at $199 and runs on a new Android operating system, Gizmodo Australia reports. One caveat: The following is based on a leaked training document that "could prove to be an elaborate fake,"...

Microsoft Unveils 'Surface' Tablet

CEO Steve Ballmer shows off tablet with multi-touch keyboard

(Newser) - Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer revealed the company's uber-hyped new tablet at an event in Los Angeles today: the Microsoft Surface. Windows division President Steven Sinofsky ran down the details, MSNBC and Forbes report:
  • A magnetic, clip-on cover includes a multi-touch keyboard and trackpad, which Sinofsky says is twice as

Amazon Soars as Kindle Fire Grabs Market Share

Sales of digital products pay off tablet investment

(Newser) - Selling Kindle Fires turns out to have been a very profitable way for Amazon to lose money. The no-frills tablet computer—which sells for slightly less than it costs to make —has now captured more than half of the Android tablet market, with rival tablets from Samsung and Motorola...

Android May Outsell iPad by 2016

Amazon's lower prices might make the difference: report

(Newser) - Priced well below the iPad at $200, Amazon's Kindle Fire could help its fellow Android tablets outsell Apple's devices by 2016, says research firm IDC in a report picked up by Wired . In the fourth quarter of last year, Apple accounted for 54.7% of tablet shipments, compared...

iPad First Day Sales to Top 1M
 iPad First Day Sales to Top 1M 

iPad First Day Sales to Top 1M

Wait time now up to three weeks

(Newser) - More than a million eager pairs of hands will be gripping the third version of the iPad on its launch day this Thursday, analysts predict. Some 300,000 models of the first iPad were sold on its first day in 2010, and while Apple didn't release launch-day figures for...

Facebook Co-Founder Buys New Republic

Chris Hughes aims to focus on grabbing tablet readers

(Newser) - Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes has purchased a majority stake in The New Republic, and installed himself as the influential liberal magazine's publisher and editor in chief, the publication announced today. Hughes, a new-media guru who also helped run Barack Obama's online operation in 2007, tells the New York ...

With iPad, Apple Will Own the Future, Too

Even if new version doesn't seem much different: Dan Frommer

(Newser) - Sure, Apple's new iPad may seem only an incremental improvement over its predecessor. But for the company, yesterday's rollout was a very big deal, asserts Dan Frommer at ReadWriteWeb . The new device ensures Apple remains the undisputed king of tablets both in terms of quality and price. And...

Windows 8: Bold, Risky, Revolutionary

 Windows 8: 
 Bold, Risky, 

Windows 8: Bold, Risky, Revolutionary

Microsoft goes all in with unified tablet and PC OS

(Newser) - Microsoft unleashed Windows 8 on the world today, in the form of a "Consumer Preview" (read: Open Beta), and it's definitely not business as usual. The OS is designed to work on both tablets and PCs, and that means that, while it still has a familiar Windows "...

iPad Can Hurt Your Neck, Study Finds

At least if it's resting on your lap all the time

(Newser) - Everyone knows hunching over a laptop for too long can hurt your neck, but you might not realize that using an iPad might be even worse. A new study from the Harvard School of Public Health and researchers at tablet non-player Microsoft found that using a tablet usually strains users'...

Cyber Monday Was Biggest-Ever Online Shopping Day

Sales up 22% to $1.25B

(Newser) - This year's Cyber Monday was the biggest day in the history of online shopping, with a record $1.25 billion in sales, up from $1.03 billion last year, according to research firm comScore. Online sales were very strong all through the holiday weekend, but the following Monday "...

B&amp;N Unveils $249 Nook Tablet
 B&N Unveils $249 Nook Tablet 

B&N Unveils $249 Nook Tablet

Barnes & Noble device has more memory, better display than Kindle

(Newser) - The Nook Tablet is here, and while it won’t cost you nearly as much as an iPad, at $249 it still comes in a bit more expensive than Amazon’s Kindle Fire . Barnes & Noble unveiled the tablet in New York City today, just in time for the holiday...

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