
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Study Suggests Link Between Air Pollution, Alzheimer's

Magnetite a 'plausible risk factor' for disease, says author

(Newser) - Air pollution has been linked to strokes, heart attacks , autism , and raised blood pressure . Now, scientists say it might also be responsible for Alzheimer's disease. Scientists at Lancaster University in the UK say they found an "extraordinary" amount of magnetite, an iron oxide toxic to the brain, in...

The Dead Man's Brain Was Famous; the Battle Over It, Secret

Luke Dittrich on what happened after Henry Molaison's death

(Newser) - Luke Dittrich doesn't mince words. In an adaptation from his new book published in the New York Times Magazine , he refers to Henry Molaison as "arguably the most important human research subject of all time." HM, as he was referred to in scientific literature, in 1953 underwent...

Scientists Map 97 New Areas of the Human Brain

'A huge leap in neuroscience'

(Newser) - It's not quite the leap from an 18th-century atlas to Google Maps, but it's close. The Verge reports scientists from Washington University in St. Louis have created a new map of the human brain that includes 97 areas never before identified. They published their findings Wednesday in Nature...

Alzheimer's Gene Found to Have Effect on Kids' Brains

Could Alzheimer's be a developmental disorder?

(Newser) - You have one of six possible variations of the APOE gene , having inherited one variant—e2, e3, or e4—from each parent. Reporting in the journal Neuron , University of Hawaii researchers found that the brain development of children as young as preschool age with two copies of e4 or one...

Chyna's Brain to Be Screened for CTE

'We want to know what made Chyna tick,' says manager

(Newser) - Chyna's brain will be donated to science following her death last week , reports NBC4 Los Angeles . The former wrestler's manager says her brain will be screened for chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the brain disease linked to repeated knocks to the head. Anthony Anzaldo tells the New York Daily News...

Why You Toss and Turn the First Night in a Strange Place

Blame the left side of your brain: researchers

(Newser) - If you find it hard to doze off on your first night in unfamiliar surroundings, you're not alone—and it may be because you're like a dolphin. In a study published in Current Biology , Brown University scientists found this type of sleep disturbance (referred to as the "...

Woman Develops 'Temporary Kleptomania' After Surgery

Brazilian went in for a tummy tuck and boob job, came out with a desire to steal

(Newser) - A woman who went under the knife for a little nip-and-tuck in 2013 ended up with a case of pocket-and-run as well. Per Live Science , the 40-year-old Brazilian had cosmetic surgery on her stomach, arms, and breasts, but just a few days after the procedure, she started having "recurring...

The Female Brain Isn&#39;t Wired for Modern Obesity Meds
Obesity Drugs May Not
Work So Great for Women

Obesity Drugs May Not Work So Great for Women

Male mice see much greater benefit in study

(Newser) - Bad news, ladies: Your brain may be wired in a way that doesn't help you lose weight—at least when compared with male brains. That's what scientists led by the University of Aberdeen conclude after observing how mice shed extra weight. In a Molecular Metabolism study, pointed out...

When It Comes to Mood Disorders, Girls May Be Like Mom

Mothers and daughters have similar brain circuitry

(Newser) - A woman with depression might have her mother's brain circuitry at least partly to blame, suggests a new study out of the University of California San Francisco . In the small but potentially groundbreaking study led by psychiatry professor Fumiko Hoeft, researchers discovered that the structure of the part of...

Girl With Almost No Brain Is Still Alive at 10

Most people with hydranencephaly don't live to see their first birthday

(Newser) - When Alex Simpson was born, she seemed to be a typical baby in many respects—but she would cry for 20 hours a day. For two months, her parents didn't know why. Then, an answer, reports KETV in Omaha, Neb. Alex was diagnosed with a rare congenital disorder called...

Lumosity to Pay $2M for Deceiving Customers

Its brain games are not proven to stave off cognitive decline

(Newser) - Vitaminwater isn't actually a health drink , Almond Breeze might not actually have many almonds in it , and Lumosity may not actually protect your brain from cognitive impairment. The so-called "brain training" company, which offers users online and mobile app subscriptions for the use of its "cognitive games,...

Most of Us Have Brains That Are Both Male and Female

'Human brains cannot be categorized into two distinct classes'

(Newser) - Maybe this explains why we're hooked on both fantasy football and Gilmore Girls. Researchers studying more than 1,400 brains found it impossible to categorize them as either male or female, the Los Angeles Times reports. "Brains with features that are consistently at one end of the '...

Here's What Potent Pot Does to Your Brain

Study finds damage in white matter used to send signals

(Newser) - A new study raises concerns for those who indulge in potent forms of marijuana. Researchers out of King’s College London and Rome's Sapienza University studied brain scans of 56 patients who had reported an episode of psychosis and 43 healthy volunteers. They found that those who regularly smoked...

Scientists Might've Just Revolutionized Brain Medicine

Canadian scientists breach blood-brain barrier for first time

(Newser) - Inside your head, there's something called the blood-brain barrier—a natural defense system that keeps germs in your bloodstream from entering your brain. While it's great when it comes to preventing bacterial infections, the barrier makes treating some brain diseases impossible, since it prevents drugs from reaching the...

Man&#39;s Headaches Turn Out to Be Tapeworm in Brain
Man's Headaches Turn Out
to Be Tapeworm in Brain
in case you missed it

Man's Headaches Turn Out to Be Tapeworm in Brain

Tiny, wriggling worm was removed from Luis Ortiz

(Newser) - It's something most of us have done before: ignored a headache. A 26-year-old California man did just that beginning in late August, but then the pain got worse. The cause turned out to be almost unimaginable: a tapeworm larva that had made its way to his brain. The Napa ...

Here's Why You Can't Draw a Perfect Circle

It requires the use of several joints, while your brain prefers to move only one

(Newser) - If you've felt disappointed at not being a genius who can draw a perfect circle, well, take solace: BrainDecoder explains the matter in detail, and it's not exactly your fault. The site starts by pointing out that we can recognize a perfect vs. imperfect circle pretty easily, and...

150-Year-Old Question About the Brain Is Answered

A bigger brain doesn't equal a bigger IQ, meta-analysis finds

(Newser) - If brain size relative to body size determines IQ, the venerable shrew would be the smartest creature on the planet. But it doesn't, and it's not, and scientists from Austria, the Netherlands, and Germany have combed through 88 studies with more than 8,000 participants to confirm in...

Brain Scan 'Fingerprints' Can Show How Smart We Are

Scientists say 'connectivity profiles' may predict how well we do on cognitive tasks

(Newser) - Each person's brain activity, or "connectivity profile," may be as unique as a set of fingerprints, YaleNews reports—and could prove useful in IDing individuals, assessing intelligence, and predicting future success on certain tasks. In a study published Monday in Nature Neuroscience , scientists reviewed fMRI scans for...

Scientists Link Brains Over the Internet

They say it's the most successful mind-meld yet

(Newser) - University of Washington scientists say they pulled off the amazing feat of linking two minds over the Internet—and they didn't have to stick electrodes into anybody's brain to do it. Instead, pairs of study participants a mile apart wore caps—one connected to an EEG machine monitoring...

Your Liver Is Younger Than Your Brain
Your Liver Is Younger
Than Your Brain

Your Liver Is Younger Than Your Brain

Scientists learn what makes our organs age at different rates

(Newser) - It's well established that our most vital organ, the heart, doesn't necessarily age at the same rate as we do—based in part on lifestyle factors, some of us have hearts that are older or younger than our chronological age. Now researchers are reporting in the journal Cell ...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>