US troops

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Female Troops' Divorce Rate More than Double Men's

Rate was much higher even in peacetime

(Newser) - Female troops divorce at nearly twice the rate of their male comrades, Divorce360 reports, and the military is stumped as to why. Data from 2006 show male soldiers divorce at a rate of 2.7%—lower than the general population's 3.6%—but that leaps to 7% among women. The...

Bush Pledges More Troops for Afghanistan

Gates confident new administration will honor promise to NATO

(Newser) - The US will boost the number of its troops committed to NATO's effort in Afghanistan in 2009, President Bush told fellow alliance members at this week's summit, Reuters reports. Defense Secretary Robert Gates related the pledge to reporters as he left the Bucharest summit. He didn’t specify a figure,...

States Weigh Lowering Drinking Age
States Weigh Lowering Drinking Age

States Weigh Lowering Drinking Age

Battlefield-bar disparity irks during wartime, argue supporters

(Newser) - Several states are considering lowering the drinking age, spurred in part by concerns that teenage service members can fight overseas but can’t drink at home, USA Today reports. Kentucky, Wisconsin, and South Carolina are weighing a military-only change to alcohol laws, while other states may lower the legal age...

Numbers Tell the Tale in Iraq
 Numbers Tell the Tale in Iraq 

Numbers Tell the Tale in Iraq

As US deaths approach 4,000, here's a look behind the statistics

(Newser) - As US troop losses in Iraq near 4,000, USA Today profiles the dead: 98% were male, and the most common age among those killed was 21—but one in six was younger. The bloodiest day was Jan. 26, 2005, when a helicopter crash killed 31 and six died in...

Pentagon Delayed Brain Scans for Returning Troops

Brass feared troops would blame health woes on TBI

(Newser) - Seeking to duck controversy, the Pentagon did not screen returning US troops for brain injuries for more than 2 years. Top brass feared that soldiers would blame minor health woes on brain trauma—which could spark another Gulf War Syndrome, Air Force Col. Kenneth Cox told USA Today. But one...

Repeat Combat Tours Zap Troops' Mental Health

Survey finds steep rise in mental problems among soldiers on third, fourth tours

(Newser) - Cutting the time soldiers have between tours of duty helped the Pentagon boost troop numbers in Iraq—but has taken a heavy toll on soldiers' mental health, Reuters reports. An Army survey found a steep rise in mental health problems among soldiers returning for their third or fourth combat tour,...

Iraq Tours to Cut by 3 Months This Summer

Top Army general plans to return to yearlong stints

(Newser) - American soldiers deployed to Iraq this summer will likely serve shorter tours, the AP reports. Soldiers at war today are serving 15 months and coming home for a year before going back to Iraq for another tour. War tours are expected to be shortened to 12 months for units leaving...

US Troops Kill 9 Iraqi Civilians
US Troops Kill
9 Iraqi Civilians

US Troops Kill 9 Iraqi Civilians

Houses bombed during hunt for al-Qaeda suspects: Iraqi police

(Newser) - American military forces accidentally killed nine Iraqi civilians and injured three during raids south of Baghdad Saturday, US officials revealed today. The incident occurred near Iskandariyah, when a helicopter air strike was ordered on a checkpoint after a convoy of US troops in pursuit of Al Qaeda in Iraq came...

Bush May Stall Iraq Troop Cuts
Bush May Stall Iraq Troop Cuts

Bush May Stall Iraq Troop Cuts

Levels could be at least as high as last year when president leaves office

(Newser) - President Bush is signaling that troop reductions in Iraq may slow or stop after this summer, reports the New York Times. Insiders say Bush is preparing Americans for the possibility that troop levels may be at least as large as they were a year ago when he leaves office. Troop...

US May Send 3,000 Marines to Afghanistan

Pentagon considers more troops to ward off Taliban offensive

(Newser) - Afghanistan may receive its own troop surge this April, the AP reports. To fend off a resurgent Taliban, the Pentagon will consider deploying another 3,000 Marines for 7 months. Military commanders say they actually need another 7,500 troops to fend off the expected offensive, and defense chief Robert...

Iraqi Soldier Kills Two US Troops
Iraqi Soldier
Kills Two
US Troops

Iraqi Soldier Kills Two US Troops

He turned on them during joint patrol; 3 others wounded

(Newser) - An Iraqi insurgent who joined the country’s military force shot and killed two American troops, the BBC reports. Three other US soldiers were injured in the Dec. 26 shooting, which happened during a joint patrol in northern Iraq. After the patrol was besieged by gunmen, the Iraqi soldier “...

US Troops Rebuild With Old Enemies in Iraq

'Hard pill to swallow,' Marine says

(Newser) - Capt. Sean Miller keeps up an easy calm as he helps manage rebuilding efforts in Anbar province these days. But when an Iraqi contractor claimed he was promised money to bury Saddam's solders, the 32-year-old Marine captain lost it. "Those guys were trying to kill me,” Miller said....

Al-Qaeda In Iraq Down 75%, Baghdad Says

But Petraeus calls the group country's 'biggest threat'

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda in Iraq is down 75%, one Baghdad official said today—but US Gen. David Petraeus maintained that al-Qaeda is still “the most significant challenge" facing the country. Maj. Gen. Abdul Kareem Khalaf attributed the alleged al-Qaeda cut to beefed Iraq security, armed Sunni fighters, and the recent US...

Iraq: We Need Troops for 10 More Years

But nation won't accept permanent bases

(Newser) - Despite improved security, Iraq will need US troops for 10 more years, but won’t accept permanent bases, an Iraqi official said yesterday. "For 10 years our army will not be able to defend Iraq," said government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh. Iraq has asked the United Nations Security Council...

Heirloom Harmonicas Head Overseas
Heirloom Harmonicas Head Overseas

Heirloom Harmonicas Head Overseas

Late entertainer's sons plan to share dad's legacy with troops

(Newser) - The twin sons of the late entertainer Herb Shriner, after finding 400 antique harmonicas among their dad's effects, have a morale-boosting plan: They want to send them to US troops overseas, reports the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. "It beats sending them tubas," said son Wil, the actor/director. "They're...

Dems Fail to Bring Troop Bill to Senate Vote

Warner defection kills bill to mandate time between deployments

(Newser) - Senate Democrats were unable to muster enough GOP support today to bring to a vote a bill that would have given US troops more down time between overseas deployments. A late defection by Republican John Warner was the death knell for the bill, the Wall Street Journal reports, sponsored by...

Iranian Official Hits US for Scapegoating

Ambassador to Iraq says US is trying 'to cover up failed plans'

(Newser) - The US is hyping an Iranian threat to Iraq to deflect attention away from its mistakes, Iran’s ambassador to Iraq told CNN, again denying allegations Tehran is attacking American troops trying to stabilize the country. “US security plans for Iraq have not succeeded,” Hassan Kazemi-Qomi said. The...

Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed
Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed

Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed

Also, 60% say attacks against US forces are justified

(Newser) - Seventy percent of Iraqis say that the troop surge has made things worse, and 60% say attacks against US troops are justified, according to a new poll. The mood may be the most negative since the 2003 invasion. "I think that's a damning critique and an indication of the...

Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq
Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq

Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq

Senators, candidates use Sunday shows as firing range to lob verbal bombs at Maliki

(Newser) - Verbal bombs flew over the fate of US troops in Iraq this morning, heating up the debate as Congress awaits next month's troop surge report. John Warner, on “Meet the Press,” warned President Bush to “put teeth in these comments that we are not there forever” while...

Top General to Advise Iraq Troop Cut
Top General
to Advise Iraq
Troop Cut

Top General to Advise Iraq Troop Cut

Gen. Pace's position may clash with that of Gen. Petraeus

(Newser) - Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is expected to advise President Bush to cut the troop level in Iraq next year by nearly half, the Los Angeles Times reports.  He will be conveying the Joint Chiefs' concern that attempting to maintain elevated troop levels in...

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