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Glee Holds Online Audition
 Glee Holds Online Audition 

Glee Holds Online Audition

Fans invited to submit videos for season 2

(Newser) - Glee fanatics with a knack for singing and acting, this is your chance: the show is hosting an open casting call for all those interested in performing in season 2. Would-be stars ages 16 to 26 are invited to upload audition videos to the show's myspace page . They should have...

White House Easter Egg Roll Books Cast of Glee

Fox dramedy has fans in the residence: Malia, Sasha—and Michelle

(Newser) - The cast of Glee will perform at the White House Easter Egg Roll with at least three big fans in the audience—Michelle, Malia, and Sasha Obama. The dramedy-musical set in the world of cutthroat high school extracurriculars airs on Fox, but not the part of the conglomerate that trades...

Streep, Bullock, Hangover, Avatar Clean Up

Jeff Bridges, Mo'Nique, 'Mad Men,' 'Glee' also among winners

(Newser) - Avatar and The Hangover captured the top film awards, Meryl Streep and Drew Barrymore charmed with stream-of-consciousness acceptance speeches, and host Ricky Gervais generally behaved at tonight's Golden Globes ceremony. Jeff Bridges and Sandra Bullock established themselves as Academy Award favorites with victories in the leading dramatic role categories, as...

The Pros, Cons of Losing Fox
 The Pros, Cons of Losing Fox 
no 'idol' mocking, for one

The Pros, Cons of Losing Fox

Sure, you might miss Glee, but will you really miss Family Guy?

(Newser) - Brian Moylan isn’t sure how to feel about the possibility of Fox channels going dark after tonight's midnight deadline with Time Warner: No more mocking of American Idol is a bummer, but life with no more nip/tuck? That’s a bonus for him. He lists the other pros and...

Up in the Air Leads Globe Noms
 Up in the Air Leads Globe Noms 

Up in the Air Leads Globe Noms

Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock score two Golden Globe nods each

(Newser) - Up in the Air ruled this morning’s Golden Globes nominations with six, including best director, actor, and picture (drama). Nine was a close second with five nominations, including best picture (comedy/musical). In the television categories, Glee came in first with four nominations, including best series—and, not surprisingly, HBO...

AFI's Best Movies, TV of 2009
 AFI's Best Movies, TV of 2009 

AFI's Best Movies, TV of 2009

From The Hangover to The Messenger , AFI jury chooses its faves

(Newser) - Two men—one Serious, one Single—made it into the American Film Institute ’s 10th annual selections for Most Outstanding Motion Pictures and TV Programs of the Year. The top 10 films:
  • Coraline
  • The Hangover
  • The Hurt Locker
  • The Messenger
  • Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire

TV's 'Loud and Proud' Gays Should Tone It Down
TV's 'Loud and Proud' Gays Should Tone It Down

TV's 'Loud and Proud' Gays Should Tone It Down

Outrageous characters may be hurting the cause

(Newser) - There was a time when homosexuality on TV helped the public become more accepting of gays and lesbians, but that time may be over. As the small screen fills with characters like Glee’s Kurt, “the sensitive gay boy who really wants to be a girl,” and a...

Songs You Can't Escape This Summer

Unless you go everywhere wearing headphones, of course

(Newser) - Just because everyone has an iPod these days doesn’t mean you can escape the inevitable “summer jams,” writes Maura Johnston on Gawker. She selects the “seven tracks you will likely be subjected to should you decide to spend headphone-free time” anywhere:
  • No Boundaries, Kris Allen: “

Glee Charms Critics Despite Clich&eacute;s
Glee Charms Critics Despite Clichés

Glee Charms Critics Despite Clichés

Fox musical comedy tweaks old high school archetypes

(Newser) - Fox’s new attempt to capitalize on the TV mania surrounding amateur singing with its musical comedy series Glee will get test run tomorrow night before continuing in the fall, but has already swayed several critics with its fresh take on high-school stereotypes.
  • Rohin Guha, writing for BlackBook, applauds the

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