
Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

To Combat Big Cats, Aussies Deploy Bad Dogs

Australia's Northern Territory overrun with enormous felines

(Newser) - This just in: Australia's been taken over by enormous cats. Well, sort of: The country's Northern Territory is apparently overrun with feral cats that weigh up to 45 lbs; to smaller creatures, they're basically killing machines, Vice reports, alongside a pretty stunning image . It's posing a...

Woman Attacked&mdash; by Stray Cat Mob
 Woman Attacked— 
 by Stray Cat Mob 

Woman Attacked— by Stray Cat Mob

Sent to hospital for pierced artery, rabies treatment

(Newser) - Cats can be cute and cuddly—or roving bands of terrorists. Just ask a French woman who was attacked by a band of wild felines while walking her poodle in Belfort last week. She didn't just emerge with a few scratches, "it was a living nightmare," her...

Cat-Allergy Breakthrough Could Herald New Treatments

Cure may be available within a few years: report

(Newser) - Scientists have formulated a clearer picture of how cats cause allergic reactions, and it's bringing new hope for sufferers—indeed, as the Daily Mail puts it, a cure could be ready within five years. Cat allergies are generally caused by the animals' dander, or skin particles; researchers examined the...

Nonprofit Offers Food Stamps—for Your Dog

Gives those on government aid free pet food

(Newser) - The rough economy takes a toll on everyone—including the furrier members of our families. But a nonprofit is aiming to ease the financial burden on pet owners by providing free pet food to people on food stamps, writes Al Lewis in the Wall Street Journal . The privately funded group,...

New Zealand in Uproar Over Quest to Eradicate Cats
New Zealand in Uproar Over Quest to Eradicate Cats
in case you missed it

New Zealand in Uproar Over Quest to Eradicate Cats

Gareth Morgan dreams of a country where birds can flourish

(Newser) - Gareth Morgan is not a cat lover—and a great many New Zealanders apparently aren't a Gareth-Morgan lover. The AP reports on the environmentalist's quest to make the country a haven for native birds by getting rid of cats, and the outrage that has quickly followed. Morgan has...

Feds Can Restrict Hemingway's Cats: Ruling

Judges crack down on Key West museum

(Newser) - Looks like Ernest Hemingway's famous six-toed cats won't roam so freely anymore. Three federal judges have ruled that a Key West, Fla., museum housing the cats can no longer keep them without restrictions, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The museum will have to put them in cages overnight,...

Cat Goes to Vet for Flea Bath, Gets Euthanized Instead

Owner is unamused over the screwup

(Newser) - Today in awful: A Massachusetts woman has filed a complaint after she sent her cat to the vet for a flea bath, and the animal was mistakenly euthanized, reports the Telegram & Gazette News . Colleen Conlon had her son drop off 8-year-old Lady at the Broadway Animal Hospital, where he...

Cats Are More Murderous Than You Think

For every corpse you see, there are 3 you don't

(Newser) - Only 30% of house cats kill when they are allowed to roam outside, but those that do are much bloodier than you might have thought, reports USA Today . In fact, the mouse carcasses and other gory presents that felines leave for their humans represent just a quarter of the average...

This Exists: DNA Tests for Cats

Now you can verify your cat's lineage

(Newser) - Do you have a burning desire to know your cat's ancestry? Are you dying to know if she's really a pure Abyssinian or if the guy at the pet store ripped you off? Well, now you can. Lyons Feline Genetics Laboratory at the University of California now offers...

Cat Poop Raises Owners&#39; Suicide Risk

 Study: Cat Poop 
 Raises Owners' 
 Suicide Risk 
in case you missed it

Study: Cat Poop Raises Owners' Suicide Risk

Parasite infection linked to higher rate of attempts

(Newser) - More bad press for cat poop: A parasite found in cat feces has been linked to an increased likelihood of owners committing suicide, reports NPR . The study of more than 45,000 Danish women over the course of 30 years found that those infected with toxoplasmosis (possibly from changing cat...

Artificial Brain Learns to Watch Cat Videos

Google experiment may make you feel better about your online habits

(Newser) - It turns out our future robot overlords love watching cats on the Internet, too. Google used 16,000 computer processors to create an artificial brain, connected it to the Internet, and fed it random images from 10 million YouTube videos so it could "learn." Its response was to...

Marc Jacobs Designs Obama T-Shirt ... for Dogs

Anna Wintour behind canine fashion project

(Newser) - Finally, your dog can voice support for President Obama—without sacrificing style. Thanks to encouragement from Anna Wintour , designers Marc Jacobs and Thakoon have designed doggie wear backing the president, including a T-shirt that says, "I bark for Obama" and a leash and collar set. The designers are both...

Missing Woman, Cat Found After Month in Forest

Woman survives weeks stranded in New Mexico national park

(Newser) - A woman who had been missing for nearly a month was found starving but still alive in New Mexico's Gila National Forest. Search crews say 41-year-old Margaret Page was stranded in the forest for weeks, surviving on creek water and the food she had brought with her, and lost...

Pet Owners Get Infections After Too-Close Contact
Pet Owners Get Infections
After Too-Close Contact

Pet Owners Get Infections After Too-Close Contact

They were comforting the dying animals

(Newser) - Pet owners should be careful of becoming too physically close with their furry friends: Three people contracted serious infections after cuddling and caring for their dying pets, a new study shows. One woman who ate honey from the dropper she used to feed her dog was hospitalized with a respiratory...

Want Your Pet to Last Forever? Freeze-Dry It

Taxidermists can freeze your cat or dog to last a lifetime

(Newser) - Freeze-dried pets may not play with you or go out for walks, but they look pretty darn real, LiveScience reports. And they cater to the need of pet owners who want little Scruffy or Ruby to last until the end. "What we hear from pet owners is that they'...

Forget Kibble: Today's Pets Eat Gourmet

Lobster consommé, salmon soufflé: dogs, cats are the new foodies

(Newser) - At least one demographic isn't feeling the burn of a tough economy: pets. Instead of cutting back, dogs and cats are living large—at least when it comes to fine dining. Pet food companies are offering meals fit for a king, such as egg soufflé for cats; a lobster...

Declaw Your Cat in Israel, Spend a Year in Prison

...and pay a $20K fine, too

(Newser) - Israel, land of shredded couch corners? Maybe. At the end of November, the country passed a bill that bans the declawing of cats—with some seriously stiff penalties. Those convicted of the crime will face up to a year in prison and a $20,000 fine, reports Discover . If the...

Bird Expert Convicted in Cat Poison Bid

Researcher wrote on the feline menace to birds

(Newser) - A Smithsonian bird researcher has been convicted of animal cruelty after she tried to poison the local cat population. Nico Dauphine, 38, was caught on a security tape standing in front of a bowl of cat food outside a DC apartment building, the Los Angeles Times reports. She said she...

Missing Cat Spent Months in JFK Airport

Jack finally found, sent to family in California

(Newser) - Perhaps he found inspiration in Willow . Jack the cat escaped his cat carrier at JFK Airport when his family was moving to California, prompting a Facebook campaign , an American Airlines search, and numerous sweeps of the airport and local areas. Finally, two months later, Jack has been found: Turns out...

Cat Fight Erupts at US Embassy in Kabul

Diplomats split over fate of semi-feral felines

(Newser) - At the Duck and Cover bar at America's embassy in Kabul, cats are a contentious topic, the Washington Post finds. Some 30 semi-feral cats roam the embassy grounds and some staffers are fiercely resisting plans to exterminate them to prevent rabies. The embassy "cat committee" has been told...

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