
Stories 81 - 85 | << Prev 

Wills and Kate Have Split
Wills and Kate Have Split

Wills and Kate Have Split

Brits mourn fairtytale marriage of Prince William to commoner Kate Middleton

(Newser) - Prince William's four-year romance with shopgirl Kate Middleton is off, the Sun reported in a "world exclusive" today. Though palace-watchers had been betting on another fairytale wedding at St. Paul's, the couple has been growing apart since Wills started his military service, and seemed to prefer carousing with army...

UK About-Face On Sailors Selling Stories

Public outcry leads to ban on further embarrassing interviews

(Newser) - The British Ministry of Defense bowed to public opinion last night and banned further media deals for the sailors and marines released from captivity in Iran. The decision to let the detainees sell their stories had "not reached a satisfactory outcome," the defense secretary said.

Prince Will's Steady Fights Back Against Tabloids

Kate Middleton ups the ante in struggle for privacy

(Newser) - Prince William's girlfirend Kate Middleton is getting tough on tabloids to get the paparazzi out of her face. Her lawyers filed a complaint with the Press Complaints Commission yesterday after the Daily Mirror published a close-up photo of her she said was obtained through harassment, the Daily Telegraph reports.

Whew! Mills Survives Week One
Mills Survives Week One

Whew! Mills Survives Week One

Beatles ex chats about Dancing With the Stars on just one good leg

(Newser) - Disabled Dancing With the Stars contestant and tabloid target Heather Mills (formerly Ms McCartney) says her one leg "turned to jelly" when she realized she was staying for another week on the show. Mills writes about her experience for USA Today, talking up her designated charities (Vegetarians International Voice...

Heather Mills Dances into America's Good Graces

(Newser) - Heather Mills, amputee victim and Beatle ex-wife, tried to foxtrot her way into the hearts of Americans last night on Dancing with the Stars. Much maligned by the British press since her acrimonious split with Paul McCartney last May, Mills, whom LInda Stasi calls "the most loathed amputee since...

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