Kate Gosselin

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Kate 'a Hit' on Talk Show Pilot

One Gosselin films, the other is nowhere to be seen as kids get stuck with nannies

(Newser) - Jon and Kate seem to be minus eight—the tots were in the care of their nannies for several days while Kate filmed her talk show pilot and Jon did whatever it is that he does, Radar reports. Kate’s pilot taping “went extremely well,” says a source....

Kate to Shoot Talk Show Pilot

Not one to let the grass grow under her feet, Jon and Kate Plus 8 star gets to work

(Newser) - Kate Gosselin is cashing in on her fame—or infamy—as quickly as possible. She and co-host Paula Deen are shooting the pilot of their proposed talk show this weekend, Radar reports. The show, based on popular website Mom Logic, will be a mash-up of advice, health and beauty tips,...

Jon to Nanny: Don't Worry —I Had a Vasectomy

Gosselin's new lawyer speaks out; Kate's new 'do—and family dogs—get the boot

(Newser) - The back-and-forth between Jon Gosselin and his nanny drags on, but at least there won’t be any lovechildren to worry about. Gosselin assured Stephanie Santoro “he’d had a vasectomy,” her mother tells Radar. Meanwhile, Jon’s new divorce attorney agrees “the content of the story...

Jon's Nanny Dishes on Affair
 Jon's Nanny Dishes on Affair 

Jon's Nanny Dishes on Affair

Yet another 23-year-old comes out of the woodwork to describe sex with reality star

(Newser) - It was only a matter of time before Jon Gosselin’s nanny got her very own tabloid interview—with In Touch—and Popeater snagged a copy. Stephanie Santoro, 23, overshares with details like Gosselin “wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t the best I ever had.” She claims...

Kate's New 'Do in Full View
 Kate's New 'Do in Full View 

Kate's New 'Do in Full View

(Newser) - Kate Gosselin, whose so-called reverse-mullet hairdo has been among her claims to fame, showed off a new cut today on ABC’s The View, where she’s been filling in as a guest co-host, E! reports. “Isn’t it cute?” she gushed as her colleagues fawned over the look....

Kate Wants a Talk Show, Jon Keeps Partying

The Gosselins are back, with Kate on The View and Jon on the party circuit

(Newser) - Not getting enough Kate Gosselin in your life? Good news: Perhaps inspired by her guest stint on The View this week, the reality show mom is looking to host a similar morning show, E! reports. Telepictures, which produces Ellen DeGeneres’ and Tyra Banks’ shows, is considering Gosselin, Paula Deen, and...

Advice to Budding Journos: Hate Is the Hottest Beat

(Newser) - Who says journalism is dead? Sure, newspapers are slashing newsroom staff and shutting down bureaus, Simon Dumenco writes in Advertising Age, but there’s still one booming sector: hate. “Everything is a hate beat these days, because everybody is consumed with hating on everybody else.” And you can...

Kate in Tears as Jon Brings Galpal Home

She says it's too soon for kids to meet Hailey; he says she's a drama queen

(Newser) - Kate Gosselin was crying hysterically yesterday at news that Jon Gosselin will be bringing his girlfriend home to meet the kids, Radar reports. "This came out of nowhere," says a friend. "It took Kate totally by surprise." Kate says it's too soon for the kids...

Kate Turns Down $400K Playboy Spread

Camera-happy Gosselin won't go nude 'because of the children'

(Newser) - Kate Gosselin is "proud" of her post-plastic-surgery body, but she won't take her bikini off for Playboy, the New York Daily News reports. The "mortified" mother of eight, who's fighting an ever-nastier divorce battle with hubby Jon, reportedly threw away a letter from Hugh Hefner offering her $400,...

I Despise Kate: Jon

 I Despise Kate: Jon 

I Despise Kate: Jon

Says he didn't leave her for girlfriend

(Newser) - In a Good Morning America interview today, Jon Gosselin didn't hide his feelings about estranged wife Kate. "I can't sit on the sofa with that woman," he said, explaining that their segments of Jon & Kate Plus 8 are filmed separately. "I despise (her) because she's not...

Jon, Kate Inch Closer to Divorce

Disputed money in trust for kids

(Newser) - Jon and Kate Gosselin are closer to each being minus a spouse. The reality TV pair has sorted out a money issue that was holding up their divorce, the New York Post reports. In June, Jon claimed Kate was hiding $80,000 in a secret trust. Turns out she was,...

Ambulance Responds to Call at Gosselin Home

Elderly female relative takes nasty spill while Jon watches kids

(Newser) - An ambulance was called to the home of Jon and Kate Gosselin yesterday after a woman took a nasty fall and needed medical attention, Radar reports. “The police were called for EMS assistance," a police official said. “An elderly female fell. She was transported to a local...

Kate Abused Me: Jon Gosselin
 Kate Abused Me: Jon Gosselin 

Kate Abused Me: Jon Gosselin

Reality star talks about marriage on Good Morning America

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin took "a lot of abuse" during his decade-long marriage to his soon-to-be ex-wife Kate, he tells Chris Cuomo on Good Morning America in his first interview since the infamous reality couple filed their divorce papers. Gosselin, 32, says he received little thanks from his wife for playing...

Kate: Aliens Must Have Abducted Jon

(Newser) - Soon-to-be-ex-hubby Jon has been acting so strange that Kate Gosselin feels there's only one way to explain his behavior: He was abducted by aliens. In a People interview, Kate says she still hopes Jon will snap back to his old self one day and phone her to say, "OK,...

Kate Gosselin to Guest Host View

(Newser) - As if one argument-laced show isn't enough, Kate Gosselin is about to up her on-air time with a guest spot on the View, People reports. The weary reality TV mom will fill in for Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who's out on maternity leave, on Sept. 14 and 15. She joins other guest...

Kate Gosselin: 'Lonely,' but 'Busy'

(Newser) - While her soon-to-be ex-husband tomcats around and waxes poetic about how he'd like to have a 9-to-5 job, Kate Gosselin told Larry King last night that she's "lonely," but "too busy" to date. When prodded further about potential beaus eying the size of her brood, she responded,...

I Want a New Job: Jon
 I Want a New Job: Jon 

I Want a New Job: Jon

Reality show dad just has it so rough

(Newser) - Life is so hard for Jon Gosselin that he would trade his gig on a hit reality show for a desk job, he tells Us. “I wish I had a 9 to 5 job instead of the nightmare I'm living. This is 24/7,” he said while standing outside...

Smug Americans Love 'Bad-Parent Porn'
 Smug Americans 
 Love 'Bad-Parent Porn' 

Smug Americans Love 'Bad-Parent Porn'

We're addicted to seeing moms and dads face 'public smackdowns'

(Newser) - America, it seems, is addicted to “bad-parent porn,” writes Meghan Daum in the Los Angeles Times. Nadya Suleman's new reality show is only the latest incarnation, along with Jon and Kate, of course. (And let us not forget Michael Jackson.) People just love to see moms and...

Twins Ratted Out Jon to Kate
 Twins Ratted Out Jon to Kate 

Twins Ratted Out Jon to Kate

Cara and Mady made the call that led to cop confrontation

(Newser) - Turns out the real reason Kate Gosselin tried to barge into the house during Jon’s time with the kids—which turned into such a noisy mess that the cops showed up—is because the twins called her, Star reports. Jon apparently got touchy-feely with babysitter Stephanie Santoro in front...

Jon Mulls a New Reality Show

Oh joy! Even if TLC ditches him, he won't go far

(Newser) - The good news: TLC might cut ties with Jon Gosselin for violating his contract by frequenting bars, TMZ reports. The bad news: He’s already in talks with another production company to appear in a new reality show, Divorced Dad’s Club, which chronicles the lives of famous divorced fathers....

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