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US Spends More on War Than Next 7 Nations Combined

China is a distant 2nd

(Newser) - A "near-constant state of war" is just one of the reasons the US spends more than any other country in the world on its military—by a long shot. If the next seven major military spenders combined their funds, they still wouldn't measure up, according to a list...

South Korea's President: 'There Will Be No War'

President Moon Jae-in says he has 'firm agreement' with Trump

(Newser) - Concerned about a possible war on the Korean peninsula? Don't be—it won't happen, says South Korea, which claims President Trump won't strike North Korea without its say-so. "No matter what options the United States and President Trump want to use, they have promised to have...

One Grossly Overlooked Fact: US Is Now Fighting 5 Wars

Silence is deafening, complains op-ed

(Newser) - Even though it's an election year, one vital issue has been all but ignored: "The United States is waging war in at least five countries simultaneously: Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia," writes Damon Linker at the Week . Blame for the silence goes all around. Republicans want...

Deal Will End 52-Year War, but Hurdles Remain
Deal Will End 52-Year War,
but Hurdles Remain
the rundown

Deal Will End 52-Year War, but Hurdles Remain

FARC, Colombian government made major announcement Wednesday

(Newser) - Its 52-year span makes it the Americas' "longest-running war," reports the New York Times , and after four years of negotiations, it will come to an end, at least assuming all goes according to plan. Colombia's government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or the FARC, on...

This Time It's 'Total War' in Anonymous vs. Trump

Hacking group reboots 'OpTrump,' vows to 'dismantle' mogul's POTUS campaign

(Newser) - Anonymous gave Donald Trump an unwanted Christmas present in December by taking his Trump Tower website offline in response to his comments that he'd ban Muslims from entering the United States. Now the hacktivists have him in their sights once more, but this time they're taking it up...

Here's What 4.5K Years of War Looks Like

Interactive map has 12K battles represented

(Newser) - Researchers have used data harvested from Wikipedia and DBpedia to create a map of all the wars—at least those that have been documented—since 2500 BC. That's 12,703 battles, Sputnik News reports. Variously colored dots on the map represent battles from different time periods. Clicking on a...

Easter Island May Not Have Collapsed Due to War After All

Obsidian artifacts were likely just general tools, not weapons

(Newser) - The ancient civilization of Rapa Nui, more commonly called Easter Island and a part of modern-day Chile, has long been thought to have been brought to its knees before Europeans arrived by violent infighting as precious resources ran out. But now anthropologists from Binghamton University in New York are publishing...

CBS Workers Dispute Bill O'Reilly's 'War Zone' Story

Fox host under fire over claim he saw combat

(Newser) - The media skirmish over Bill O'Reilly's "war zone" claim is only getting nastier. The Fox News host has long said "many were killed" in Buenos Aires, Argentina, when he was there in 1982 for CBS—but now several CBS staffers say it's not true, CNN...

UN: Sites From 'Dawn of Civilization' Ruined in Syria

Satellite images show war devastation of 290 cultural heritage sites

(Newser) - Insurgents camping inside the 900-year-old Crac des Chevaliers Crusader medieval castle and snipers firing from atop Aleppo's Citadel illustrate the sad plight of Syria's oldest cultural heritage sites—some of them dating back to what Reuters calls the "dawn of civilization." Satellite images have revealed that...

Rand Paul: Let's Declare War on ISIS

Congress hasn't made formal declaration since WWII

(Newser) - Rand Paul wants Congress to do something it hasn't done since World War II: formally declare war. President Obama plans to ask lawmakers to formally support the use of force against the militant group, the New York Times reports, but the senator described his own plan to the paper...

Obama Has a New Role: War President

He should embrace it, writes editor at Politico Magazine

(Newser) - Yes, President Obama came to national prominence on an anti-war platform, or, more specifically, as an opponent of what he saw as a "dumb" war in Iraq. But that was then. Now he "must go from being the president who was elected to end wars—his most treasured...

Sunken Nazi Sub Slumbers Off Texas Coast
 Sunken Nazi Sub 
 Slumbers Off 
 Louisiana Coast 

Sunken Nazi Sub Slumbers Off Louisiana Coast

And a camera captures incredible images of the German U-boat

(Newser) - Many never knew how close German U-boats came to US soil during World War II, but new high-def footage reveals several wrecks on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. Robert Ballard, known for discovering the Titanic, is now mapping some of these wrecks, including the SS Robert E. Lee...

South Sudan: This Means War
 South Sudan: This Means War 

South Sudan: This Means War

President Salva Kiir says Sudan's attacks amount to declaration of war

(Newser) - As far as South Sudan is concerned, Omar al-Bashir has crossed the Rubicon. In a meeting today with Chinese President Hu Jintao, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir said it was "a very critical moment for the Republic of South Sudan because our neighbor in Khartoum has declared war,"...

5 Questions to Ask Before Starting a War

Bill Keller offers lessons from Iraq

(Newser) - As the drum-beating grows louder on Iran and Syria, Bill Keller looks back on Iraq and beyond. To avoid a debacle, there are five questions we should ask ourselves before entering a war, he writes in the New York Times :
  1. "How is this our fight?" Are American interests directly

GOP Bill Clears Path for Obama's Impeachment

Republican Rep. Walter Jones says president violated war powers

(Newser) - Calls for President Obama's impeachment have come down the pike before, most recently from Grover Norquist . This time a Republican representative—North Carolina's Walter Jones—has introduced a House resolution that would authorize Obama's impeachment for using the military without official permission from Congress, RawStory reports. Jones,...

Iraq, Afghan Wars Put 'Severe' Hit on US Finances

And limited lawmakers' ability to address downturn: Study

(Newser) - In the short term, wars might help the US economy—but the brief uplift is just a bubble, according to a report. In the long run, wars are a serious drag on the country's finances, the Institute for Economics and Peace finds after studying all major American wars since...

The Root of All Evil: Men&#39;s Sex Drive

 The Root of 
 All Evil: Men's 
 Sex Drive 
study says

The Root of All Evil: Men's Sex Drive

Male desire for battle is deeply rooted in our genes: British study

(Newser) - Wars, brawls, defense budgets, riots: All of these aggressive male by-products are genetically rooted in men's drive to win as many mates as possible, according to British scientists. A study published this week blames the world's conflicts on this male "tribal" attitude, saying it "might not...

Amid Sanctions, Iranians Expect War

Iran announces new Strait of Hormuz exercises

(Newser) - Western officials are fairly sanguine that Iran's recent provocations are only posturing. But on the streets of Tehran, sanctions are taking a real toll, and the populace expects violence, the Washington Post reports. The country is in the midst of a currency crisis that has made prices shoot up...

Drones and Cyberwar: Obama Doctrine Calls for Silent War, Writes Roger Cohen

 The Obama 
 Silent War 

The Obama Doctrine: Silent War

War on Terror has gone 'undercover': Roger Cohen

(Newser) - Make no mistake about it, there is an Obama Doctrine—but you won’t hear about it from the man himself. That’s because it’s a “doctrine of silence,” writes Roger Cohen in the New York Times . “America has decided that conventional wars of uncertain outcome...

Crime Killing Far More Than War: Study

It is easily the biggest source of armed violence

(Newser) - You’re a lot more likely to be shot by a criminal than by an enemy combatant, according to a new international study. Crime is a drastically larger source of armed violence than war, the 2011 Global Burden of Armed Violence report concludes. Of the 526,000 people killed violently...

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