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US Needs to Dump Its Entire Terrible Education System

It hurts our kids, and there is a better way: Peter Gray

(Newser) - People talk a lot about how to fix our educational system—but the only real answer is to get rid of it, or at least its traditional components, writes research professor Peter Gray on Salon . Gray, an expert on psychology and how children learn, points out that schools today retain...

California the 1st to Give Transgender Kids Rights

Transgender students can now use bathroom of choice

(Newser) - California yesterday became the first state to enshrine certain rights in state law for transgender students in kindergarten through 12th-grade, requiring public schools to allow those students access to whichever restroom and locker room they want. Gov. Jerry Brown announced that he had signed AB1266, which also will allow transgender...

'Boobies' Bracelets Aren't Lewd: Court

They're about breast cancer awareness

(Newser) - If kids at a Pennsylvania middle school want to wear bracelets declaring their love for boobies, the district has no right to stop them, a federal appeals court says. Two teens were suspended for wearing bracelets reading "I Heart Boobies"—a breast cancer awareness slogan—during their school'...

Let&#39;s Get Rid of Summer Vacation
 Let's Get Rid of 
 Summer Vacation 

Let's Get Rid of Summer Vacation

It's creating gap between rich, poor kids: Matthew Yglesias

(Newser) - Imagine the government deciding to shut down the military, or the transit system, or law enforcement, for a few months every year, for no particular reason. The outcry would be insane, because that's a ridiculous idea. So why, then, is there no backlash over the three months out of...

Boys, 7, Suspended for Pretending Pencils Are Guns

School says it's not okay with even play violence

(Newser) - What's the dumbest thing you ever got in trouble for in school? Because two Virginia second-graders probably have you beat. The two 7-year-olds were suspended for two days for pretending their pencils were guns in a game of make-believe, CBS DC reports. "When I asked him about it,...

Sex-Ed Teacher in Trouble for Teaching Sex-Ed

 Sex-Ed Teacher 
 in Trouble for 

Sex-Ed Teacher in Trouble for Teaching Sex-Ed

Among the complaints in Idaho district: using the word 'vagina'

(Newser) - An Idaho science teacher is being investigated by the state over the content of his 10th-grade biology class. Complaints about Tim McDaniel by scandalized Dietrich school parents include: using the word "vagina," talking about orgasms, showing a video clip of genital herpes, and teaching different forms of birth...

Ex-Atlanta Schools Chief Indicted in Cheating Scam

Beverly Hall, 34 underlings accused of massive testing fraud

(Newser) - The astonishing improvement in test scores made by students in Atlanta last decade earned schools chief Beverly Hall plaudits from around the nation and superintendent-of-the-year honors in 2009. Now, they might get her 45 years in prison. Hall and 34 underlings were indicted today and accused of orchestrating a massive...

US Schools Need $542B in Repairs: Report

Bill Clinton calls for federal review

(Newser) - America's schools are in such disrepair that it would cost more than $270 billion just to get elementary and secondary school buildings back to their original conditions—and twice that to get them up to date, a report released today estimates. In a foreword to the report, Bill Clinton...

NJ School Bans Cursing —If You're a Girl

Staff wants 'ladies to act like ladies'

(Newser) - New Jersey's Queen of Peace High School would like girls to stop cursing, saying it wants "ladies to act like ladies," a teacher tells the Record . So the Catholic school asked the girls, but not the boys, to take a pledge not to swear, NBC10 reports. The...

High School to Fire Blanks During Shooting Drill

Starter pistol aims to familiarize kids with sound of gunfire

(Newser) - A Chicago-area high school has an unconventional safety drill slated for today: During its "code red drill," Cary-Grove High School is going so far as to have someone in the hallway shoot blanks from a starter pistol. The point? "To provide our teachers and students some familiarity...

Newtown Kids Head to 'Safest School in America'

Superintendent seeks 'normal' day

(Newser) - It's the first day back at Sandy Hook Elementary for survivors of last month's shooting—and its new campus , guarded by law enforcement, is "the safest school in America," police tell the AP . Police are checking every car that enters campus, and there are unspecified "...

Recess as Essential as Class: Doctors

Great for kids' brains, bodies

(Newser) - Great news, though it comes too late for most of us: Doctors are taking a stand on the benefits of recess, and not just for the exercise. It's just as important to children's development as class time is, the American Academy of Pediatrics says. The organization is officially...

Malala: Take My Name Off Pakistan College

Students fear attacks over school's link to teen activist

(Newser) - The 15-year-old Pakistani girl who was shot by the Taliban for promoting girls' education has urged Pakistan to reverse a decision to rename a college in her honor. Malala Yousufzai wants to avert militant attacks on students, an official said today. The teen, who became a symbol of youth resistance...

22 Kids Injured in Knife Attack at Chinese School

Incident echoes string of similar knife attacks

(Newser) - A knife-wielding man injured 22 children and one adult outside a primary school in central China as students were arriving for classes today, police said, the latest in a series of periodic rampage attacks at Chinese schools and kindergartens. The attack in the Henan province village of Chengping happened shortly...

Now Banned in Amsterdam: Smoking Pot at School

Kids will just have to take their weed elsewhere

(Newser) - It's kind of amazing that this wasn't illegal already: Students will no longer be able to smoke pot in Amsterdam's schools, the city's mayor announced today. Just as amazing: It's the first city in the Netherlands to introduce such a ban, reports the AP . A...

Coming in 2013: 300 Extra Hours of School

Students at some schools in 5 states will get extra learning time

(Newser) - Happy holidays, kids: Your present is an extra 300 hours of school in 2013! Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Tennessee will announce the extra learning time today, a three-year pilot program at select schools meant to improve student achievement and allow kids to take part in more enrichment activities...

Pakistan School Renamed for Malala

Girl's parents arrive in Britain to see daughter

(Newser) - Pakistani officials are renaming an all-female college in Swat in honor of Malala Yousufzai, the teen activist hospitalized by a Taliban attack. As to the militant group, "we just want to tell them we will not be deterred by their actions," says a local official. "We always...

Mom Jailed 180 Days for Kids' Truancy

She broke California's law on unexcused school absences

(Newser) - A California mother who let her two young kids miss a huge chunk of school last year for no good reason is paying the price in jail. Lorraine Cuevas, 34, already has begun serving her 180-day sentence for violating the state's truancy law, reports KMPH . Kings County school officials...

LSU Evacuated Over Bomb Threat

Police checking for connection to recent threats in other states

(Newser) - Louisiana State University's campus was evacuated today after the school received a bomb threat, the AP reports. The school's website urged the roughly 30,000 students, professors and miscellaneous staff on site to leave "as calmly and quickly as possible." Bomb technicians are searching the campus....

Maryland School Nixes Homework

Kids read 30 minutes per night instead

(Newser) - It's every schoolkid's dream come true: There's no more homework at a Maryland elementary school. The new assignment for students: Read a book of their choosing for 30 minutes per night, Fox 5 reports. After becoming principal two years ago, Stephanie Brant and her colleagues "really...

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