
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Fan Cams Change Players' Lives

New technology has athletes thinking twice about interacting with the public

(Newser) - The Information Age is great in a lot of ways, but when it comes maintaining the privacy of public figures, it can be a real hassle. Just ask Matt Leinart, Paul LoDuca, and countless other professional athletes who can tell you just how easy it is to have their most...

Teenager's Beating Raises Cyberbully Fears

Bizarre confrontation triggered by MySpace trash-talking

(Newser) - Parents and educators are still puzzling over how a dispute among girls got so out of hand that it ended with six Florida cheerleaders giving a high school classmate a concussion in a vicious beating. Teen bullying is nothing new but the fact that the feud started on MySpace and...

Teens Tape Beating for Web
 Teens Tape Beating for Web 

Teens Tape Beating for Web

Police say girls ambushed their rival to post it on YouTube

(Newser) - Six girls aged 14 to 17 lured another teen to a home, beat her and videotaped the ambush to put it on the Internet, Florida police say. The 16-year-old victim is recovering from a concussion and hasn't fully regained her vision. Her assailants, with whom she'd been feuding online, may...

MySpace Music Takes On iTunes
 MySpace Music Takes On iTunes

MySpace Music Takes On iTunes

Joint venture with record companies aims to create competition

(Newser) - The world of online music buying looks set for a shakeup with the launch of MySpace Music, announced today. The joint venture between MySpace and three of the big four record labels aims to compete head-to-head with iTunes, CNET News reports. Music industry bigwigs are said to have long felt...

Microsoft Standing Pat on Yahoo Bid
Microsoft Standing Pat
on Yahoo Bid

Microsoft Standing Pat on Yahoo Bid

Sans other suitors, Microsoft feels no pressure to up its $44B

(Newser) - Microsoft is standing pat on its $44.6 billion offer for Yahoo, with no intention of upping its ante, reports the Wall Street Journal. The software maker’s Jan. 31 bid—worth $31 per share—was rejected by Yahoo as undervalued. Since then, pundits have waited for Microsoft to raise...

For Generation 'Look at Me,' Every Moment Is Public

But pitfalls lie amid flurry of documenting

(Newser) - They’re known as millennials, the documentation generation, and the Look at Me’s. But what defines Americans born after 1982 is a mindset that every moment can be turned into a performance worthy of YouTube and MySpace and maybe parlayed into broader fame, Newsweek reports. Now sociologists are asking:...

'Kristen' Lawyer Scolds Media Over Racy Pics

Photo spreads of call girl may violate copyright law

(Newser) - The lawyer for Ashley Alexandra Dupre—the call girl known as "Kristen" to resigned New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer—blasted the media yesterday for unauthorized use of revealing photos of the 22-year-old. Attorney Don D. Buchwald said the media has thrust Dupre into the "public glare" without her...

As Press Closes In, 'Kristen' Clams Up

Online profiles attract publicity, good and bad

(Newser) - The woman introduced to the world this week as a prostitute named “Kristen”—aspiring singer Ashley Alexandra Dupre—is trying to maintain some privacy as she keeps close tabs on her Facebook and MySpace accounts, CNN reports. After the New York Times revealed her identity, she began cleaning...

The Internet Is Watching You
The Internet Is Watching You

The Internet Is Watching You

Biggest companies gather data on the average user hundreds of times a month

(Newser) - Long gone are the days of Internet anonymity. Big Web companies know all about you, says a study commissioned by the New York Times. The Internet giants track users’ behavior across sites, gathering details on a typical person several hundred times a month. That information lets them target content and—...

OMG! Parents Friend Kids on Facebook

Some are cool with it; others horrified

(Newser) - What to do when their father starts talking about “getting poked" is a question many high school and college kids are asking themselves these days. It's a modern-day dilemma: Do teens allow their folks into their friends network on Facebook and grant them access to blogs, photos, and messages?...

Lisa Marie: I'm Not Fat, I'm Pregnant

'Vicious' attacks force disclosure, Presley blogs

(Newser) - Lisa Marie Presley is expecting her third child, OK! Magazine reports. Elvis' daughter said she was forced to make the announcement by the media's mockery of her expanding figure. "I have had to show my cards and announce under the gun and under vicious personal attack that I am...

Web 2.0 Firms Taking Slower Route to IPOs

The new business model calls for a 'slow and easy' approach to going public

(Newser) - Growing Web 2.0 companies like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Slide are biding their time before going public, making sure to run up their value as much as possible to fetch top dollar with an IPO, reports Business Week. It’s a far different approach than companies took before the dot-com...

Euro Websites Rock Recording Industry

Slicethepie, Sellaband get visitors to invest in favorite bands

(Newser) - While the recording industry continues to lose profits, two online companies are reinventing the recorded music business model—and raking in the cash. Europe's SellaBand and Slicethepie are getting fans to finance their favorite indie rock up-and-comers. Amazon UK wants in, but online gambling legislation in the US makes it...

The Cool Kids Take Hip-Hop Back to the '80s

Miss the days of LL Cool J? Give this Chicago duo a listen

(Newser) - Hip-hop sensation the Cool Kids might come off as too, ahem, cool for school, catapulting from an online hit to Pitchfork Music Festival performer and MIA's fall tour opener—without ever releasing an album. But Chicago Magazine paints Antoine Reed, 20, and Evan Ingersoll, 23, as two inexperienced Chicagolanders whose...

MySpace Makes Music Overtures
MySpace Makes Music Overtures

MySpace Makes Music Overtures

Social networking site turns to recording labels in effort to broaden appeal

(Newser) - MySpace has spent the past few weeks approaching major record labels, trying to hammer out a deal for a new online music service, the Wall Street Journal reports. The deal—tentatively MySpace Music—would likely let users stream unlimited music for free, and buy downloads that could be played on...

Microsoft Talks Tough; Proxy Battle Likely

Gates says Yahoo should 'take a hard look' at $41.6B bid

(Newser) - Microsoft, at loggerheads with Yahoo over its $41.6-billion offer for the popular web portal, is talking tough, threatening a proxy battle to unseat Yahoo’s reticent board of directors, reports the Wall Street Journal. But even a win, which experts say would be relatively cheap to achieve, could cost...

News Corp. Talks Deal With Yahoo
News Corp. Talks Deal
With Yahoo

News Corp. Talks Deal With Yahoo

MySpace merger could create new company, deny Microsoft

(Newser) - News Corp. and Yahoo are in talks over combining MySpace and other News Corp. entities with Yahoo, the Wall Street Journal reports today. The deal, which could fend off Microsoft's $44.6 billion hostile takeover bid, would allow Yahoo to remain independent while giving the Murdoch-run company a stake of...

MySpace Opens Doors to Developers
MySpace Opens Doors to Developers

MySpace Opens Doors to Developers

Website joins Facebook, Bebo in offering tools, backing for new applications

(Newser) - MySpace members already customize personal profile pages, but they’ll soon be able to add applications like photo albums, email, and calendars. The News Corp. property plans to open its platform and release developer tools, reports the New York Times. Third-party developers will be allowed to create and make money...

No Yahoo! for News Corp., Says Murdoch

Media mogul won't trade bids with Microsoft over Internet behemoth

(Newser) - News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch won't be following Microsoft's lead to place a bid for  ailing Internet giant Yahoo, CNNMoney reports. Murdoch also dispelled rumors today that his company was interested in purchasing AOL, or in making any other major acquisitions. His remarks follow on the heels of Microsoft's unsolicited...

Prez Hopefuls Get Their MTV
Prez Hopefuls Get Their MTV

Prez Hopefuls Get Their MTV

Candidates to face young voters in MTV/Myspace 'Super Dialogue'

(Newser) - Voters hoping to get a question in to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul before Super Tuesday will get their chance tonight when the candidates appear via satellite on an MTV/Myspace forum. John McCain and Mitt Romney were also invited to the event, the fourth in the...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>