
Read recent news stories involving stereotypes on

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Netflix Changes 'Racist' Summary for Pocahontas

Writer pointed out sexism and stereotypes against Native Americans

(Newser) - Until recently, the Netflix description for the 1995 animated Disney film Pocahontas read like the back cover of a Harlequin novel—and was sexist and racist to boot, a Native American writer asserts, per the Guardian . The original description, seen in a screenshot Adrienne Keene posted on the Native Appropriations...

&#39;Gaydar&#39; Isn&#39;t Real, but It is Dangerous
'Gaydar' Isn't Real,
but It Is Dangerous
new study

'Gaydar' Isn't Real, but It Is Dangerous

The 'myth' of gaydar legitimizes stereotypes, according to study

(Newser) - Not only is everyone's "gaydar" permanently on the fritz, this faulty gay-identifying equipment can actually be dangerous. That's according to a study published in July in the Journal of Sex Research. The Washington Post reports psychologist William Cox and his team of researchers found gaydar doesn't...

Teacher Denied Interview Because She's Irish

One South Korean seems to think all Irish have an 'alcoholism nature'

(Newser) - Irish teacher Katie Mulrennan got a Craigslist job reply so bizarre she was compelled to post it and see if it went viral. And it has. The 26-year-old tells the BBC that, in spite of having taught English for more than three years in Barcelona, Oxford, Abu Dhabi, and South...

China's Advice to Citizens: Don't Pick a Stripper Name

Those who want an English name should avoid Sugar, Satan, other bad choices

(Newser) - Thank you, BBC , for directing us to perhaps the most useful thing we've seen this week: a tutorial for Chinese people on a quest to pick an English-sounding name. According to CCTV's appropriately labeled "Tips for Chinese choosing an English name," native English folks are "...

Taylor Swift Accused of 'Perpetuating Black Stereotypes'

New video for 'Shake It Off' riles more than a few

(Newser) - Taylor Swift announced her upcoming album, 1989, Monday by releasing a music video for the first single, "Shake It Off." The video features, among other things, Swift dancing alongside twerking, break-dancing black back-up dancers—and not everyone is happy about it, Salon reports. Odd Future rapper Earl Sweatshirt...

Why Asian Kids Are Schooling White Students

It's simple: They work harder, study finds

(Newser) - Researchers in the US and China are investigating the roots of a school-age stereotype: Why are Asian-American students more successful than their white peers? It's not a matter of innate cognitive ability, the experts find. Instead, Asian-American students often simply try harder, the study says, via . That...

School&#39;s &#39;Redneck Day&#39; Does Not Go Over Well
 School's 'Redneck Day' 
 Does Not Go Over Well 

School's 'Redneck Day' Does Not Go Over Well

Many offended at the stereotype

(Newser) - Questionable idea of the week: The student council at an Arizona high school thought it would be awesome to organize a schoolwide "Redneck Day," in which students would dress up like, well, you get the idea. Needless to say, this did not play out well. The local schools...

Obama in Mexico: Time to Kill 'Old Stereotypes'

President addresses young audience in Mexico City

(Newser) - Calling for an end to "old stereotypes," President Obama today portrayed Mexico as an emerging nation that is remaking itself and said the US-Mexico relationship should be defined by shared prosperity, not by threats that both countries face. "It's time to recognize new realities," he...

Mountain Dew Yanks Ad Over Racism Complaints

It features a goat in a police lineup saying, 'snitches get stitches'

(Newser) - PepsiCo is pulling an online ad for Mountain Dew that was criticized for portraying racial stereotypes and making light of violence toward women. In the 60-second spot developed by black rapper "Tyler, The Creator," a battered white woman is urged by an officer to identify a suspect out...

TV&#39;s Top 5 Racist Shows
 TV's Top 5 Racist Shows 

TV's Top 5 Racist Shows

2 Broke Girls, Glee, and WWE Wrestling indulge in stereotypes: Ian Forte

(Newser) - Americans have come a long way since watching Benson seemed progressive and Archie Bunker was an amusing prime-time racist ... right? Not so, argues Ian Forte at Cracked . He lists five shows "that seem to not just exist in a vacuum, but revel in just how intolerant or ignorant of...

How Google Reveals State Stereotypes

It's all about the autocomplete feature

(Newser) - Ever wondered what people really think of your state? Google can tell you: Just type in, "Why is (state name here) so..." and let autocomplete fill in the rest; that'll show you what others have been searching. Blogger Renee DiResta tried it for all 50 states, and...

Michelle Obama Has a Right to Be &#39;Angry&#39;
 Michelle Obama 
 Has a Right 
 to Be 'Angry' 
kathleen parker

Michelle Obama Has a Right to Be 'Angry'

Everyone should be over this slur: Kathleen Parker

(Newser) - The latest round of attempts to portray Michelle Obama as an "angry black woman" are enough to make any sensible person angry, writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post . Parker says the various political operatives and former staffers she has talked to, including Republicans, "without exception" have all...

'Anti-Semitic' Hanukkah Vodka Ad Pulled

'Christmas Quality, Hanukkah Pricing' slogan angers ADL

(Newser) - A New York City billboard selling cheap vodka with the slogan "Christmas Quality, Hanukkah Pricing" was taken down after a flood of complaints, including one from the Anti-Defamation League. "In a crude and offensive way of trying to make a point that their vodka is high quality and...

Video Pokes at 50 State Stereotypes a succinct 2:03

(Newser) - Every one of the 50 states will no doubt be teeming with barbecues, parades, and fireworks today. But that shared love of corn on the cob isn't the only thing the 50 states have in common. Each lays claim to a specific stereotype. Like, for instance, Indiana: "You...

Teen Fakes Pregnancy, Fools Family, School
Teen Fakes Pregnancy, Fools Family, School
in case you missed it

Teen Fakes Pregnancy, Fools Family, School

Only a few knew about 6-month experiment

(Newser) - Month after month, as her baby bump grew, fellow high schoolers talked behind Gaby Rodriguez’s back—until they found out she’d never been pregnant at all. Instead, the 17-year-old faked a pregnancy, complete with a wire-and-cotton belly, as a social experiment at her school in Washington, the Yakima ...

Pleas, Protests as Islam Hearings Loom

Security official blasts stigmas ahead of domestic radicalization hearings

(Newser) - The White House is calling on Americans not to stigmatize all followers of Islam, as Congress readies hearings on al-Qaeda’s attempts to radicalize US Muslims. In the US, "we don’t practice guilt by association," a top national security official said yesterday in what Politico calls a...

Italy Demands Apple Store Ditch 'Offensive' App

There's more to Italy than the Mafia

(Newser) - Italy is home to many things, but a sense of humor may not be one of them. The country's tourism minister is demanding that Apple bar the "offensive and unacceptable" What Country app from its store, and has instructed lawyers to take legal action against its creators. The app,...

We Hate Vuvuzelas, But Condone Tomahawk Chop?

Sports spectators should apply their outrage elsewhere

(Newser) - The constant drone of vuvuzelas is annoying for people watching the World Cup, but Derrick Z. Jackson thinks American spectators should apply their "outrage to more serious sports matters." Specifically, the stereotypes about American Indians that still abound. Consider the tomahawk chop at Atlanta Braves and Florida State...

New Jersey: Hey, We Don't Stink
 New Jersey: 
 Hey, We Don't Stink 

New Jersey: Hey, We Don't Stink

Website launches to combat the stereotypes

(Newser) - Don't believe everything you see on Jersey Shore: Tired of boorish comments and jokes about New Jersey, residents and business people have created a website to express their Garden State pride. The site——is designed to rally those who are tired of the putdowns about pollution, wisecracks about...

Anti-Gay-Adoption Org Mixes Lesbian Photos

'Obvious use of stereotype ... as scare tactic': blogger

(Newser) - A Florida group that opposes adoption by gay couples is guilty of using stereotypes in its “scare tactics,” blogger gwen writes for Sociological Images . The Florida Family Policy Council used a photo of an “androgynous-looking, angry, mannish lesbian couple” to alert members that a different pair had...

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