Grey Gardens

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You Could Buy Grey Gardens for $20M
Grey Gardens Is for Sale

Grey Gardens Is for Sale

The house was made famous in a 1975 documentary and 2009 movie

(Newser) - A home in East Hampton made famous in a 1975 documentary—and again in an Emmy-winning 2009 HBO movie starring Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore, and yet again in a Broadway musical—is for sale for the first time since 1979. That's right, Grey Gardens could be yours for...

Streep, Bullock, Hangover, Avatar Clean Up

Jeff Bridges, Mo'Nique, 'Mad Men,' 'Glee' also among winners

(Newser) - Avatar and The Hangover captured the top film awards, Meryl Streep and Drew Barrymore charmed with stream-of-consciousness acceptance speeches, and host Ricky Gervais generally behaved at tonight's Golden Globes ceremony. Jeff Bridges and Sandra Bullock established themselves as Academy Award favorites with victories in the leading dramatic role categories, as...

Family Guy Scores Nod; 30 Rock Leads With 22 Noms

Mad Men also rakes them in

(Newser) - The list of Emmy nominations, out today, is full of familiar names. One surprise: Family Guy is nominated for best comedy series—it's only the second animated show to get a nod in the category, the Los Angeles Times reports. The Fox stalwart is up against Entourage, 30 Rock, The ...

Grey Gardens a Grim Retelling of Odd Duo's Life

Latest incarnation has its 'flaws'

(Newser) - The riches-to-rags story of an eccentric mother and daughter—relatives of Jackie O, no less—who gained fame for their destitute existence in a 1975 documentary gets another retelling in HBO's Grey Gardens. Critics aren't overly excited:
  • The movie "fills in bittersweet blanks” left by the original documentary, writes

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