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Zynga's $1B IPO Mentions Facebook 200 Times

Filing makes clear that growth is tied to the site

(Newser) - Farmville may be booming, but the game's success hinges precariously in a co-op with Facebook. Zynga—the company behind the social-gaming phenomenon—filed for a $1 billion IPO today, and the language in the document mentions Facebook more than 200 times, points out Fast Company . It's a warning...

Zynga Looks for $2B IPO
 Zynga Looks for $2B IPO 

Zynga Looks for $2B IPO

Would value FarmVille creator at $20B

(Newser) - Zynga, the gaming company behind such Facebook behemoths as FarmVille and CityVille, is poised for an IPO that could raise as much as $2 billion—which would turn it into a $20 billion company, reports Reuters . Analysts expect Zynga, with 215 million active monthly users, to file its paperwork today...

Pandora Shares Soar in IPO
 Pandora Shares Soar in IPO 

Pandora Shares Soar in IPO

It's the latest in a new wave of Internet coming out parties

(Newser) - The shares of popular but unprofitable Internet radio service Pandora soared more than 50% in its market debut. Its shares rose as high as $26 in early trading this morning, up from its offering price of $16 and valuing Pandora Media Inc. at more than $4 billion. That is easily...

Pandora IPO: Internet Radio Company Jacks Public Offering to $161M
 Pandora Jacks IPO to $161.5M 

Pandora Jacks IPO to $161.5M

Betting on LinkedIn-esque investor frenzy

(Newser) - This is getting to be one pricey box to open: Pandora has jacked the price of its hotly anticipated IPO to $161.5 million, reports the New York Post, up from a slightly more modest $109.5 million last week and $100 million in February. The stock market may be...

Another High-Profile IPO: Groupon Going Public

Online coupon company expects to raise $750M

(Newser) - If you think Groupon's online coupon idea will continue to be a surefire success against mounting competition , you'll have a chance to bet on it: The company filed paperwork for its much-anticipated initial public offering today, reports MarketWatch . Groupon plans to raise $750 million with its IPO and...

FarmVille Maker Zynga Planning IPO

Zynga poised to go public

(Newser) - Social gaming juggernaut Zynga is poised to turn all those virtual cows and chickens into billions of real dollars through an initial public offering, sources tell All Things Digital. The company—which says its has around 250 million people a month playing Facebook games like FarmVille, CityVille, and Mafia Wars—...

Your LinkedIn Lesson: Quick, Move to Silicon Valley

The dot-com madness is upon us again: Brett Arends

(Newser) - Investors went nuts over LinkedIn's IPO today —it more than doubled to close at $94.25 per share. What might you take from this? "Quit your job, move to Silicon Valley, and start a venture to compete with LinkedIn," writes Brett Arends at MarketWatch . After all,...

LinkedIn Shares Skyrocket in IPO

Market hungry for social networking companies

(Newser) - LinkedIn had its IPO today, and there was an investor feeding frenzy before the bell had even rung. The shares wound up opening at $83, an 84% premium on their $45 offering price, the Wall Street Journal reports. They're currently trading at around $105—having peaked this morning at...

Facebook Considering Buying Skype
Facebook Considering Buying Skype

Facebook Considering Buying Skype

Meanwhile, Google holds talks with Skype for joint venture

(Newser) - Skype is suddenly the prettiest girl in school now that it’s pushed back its IPO. Google is in talks for a joint venture with the online calling company, and Facebook is considering buying it outright, sources tell Reuters . Skype is expected to rake in about $1 billion if it...

Facebook Posts Killer Earnings: Report

IPO speculation heats up as word leaks that earnings could hit $2B

(Newser) - Speculation about a Facebook IPO heated up today, after sources who have seen the company's recent financials told the Wall Street Journal that its earnings were a lot better than expected. The company is now on pace to earn more than $2 billion this year before taxes, interest, depreciation,...

Facebook Ready to Cash in On Your Data

Facebook ads mining user data like never before

(Newser) - After seven years of concentrating on the cool, Facebook is finally ready to cash in. The social networking giant is starting to mine its immense database to match users to advertisers like never before, reports the LA Times . Facebook's ad revenue reportedly doubled last year to $2 billion, and...

For Sale: Stock in the Empire State Building?

Family controlling the building wants to open new real estate company

(Newser) - Looking to invest in a piece of the New York real estate market? Well, soon you may be able to invest in the biggest piece of all: the Empire State Building. The Malkin family, which controls the building, is trying to create a publicly-traded real estate company that would feature...

When It Comes to Tech Bubbles, 2011 Is Not 2000

...because 2010 was not 1999

(Newser) - With more money pouring into tech funds and some huge valuations for IT companies, there are more and more signs that we're in another tech bubble . But there are also some big differences, notes the New York Times , which compares the tech boom of 1999 with that of 2010. For...

Buffett: Beware 'Overpriced' Social Networking Sites

Oracle of Omaha will stick to his usual investments, thank you

(Newser) - Warren Buffett says he's just itching to make another big deal for his beloved Berkshire Hathaway, but you won't catch him frothing over the slew of initial public offerings expected in the tech world, reports Bloomberg . “Most of them will be overpriced,” said Buffett. "It’s extremely...

Pandora Eyes $100M IPO
 Pandora Eyes $100M IPO 

Pandora Eyes $100M IPO

It hasn't ever turned a profit, but why let the details get you down?

(Newser) - Pandora's about to open a new box, reports the LA Times: The Internet radio service filed yesterday for an IPO it hopes will raise $100 million and give it the chance to turn a profit for the first time. Though some 80 million listeners tune in, Pandora is largely free;...

LinkedIn Files to Go Public
 LinkedIn Files to Go Public 

LinkedIn Files to Go Public

IPO seen as gauge of market interest in social networks

(Newser) - After weeks of speculation , LinkedIn has confirmed what many suspected—it will go public later this year. The career-focused social networking site filed a registration statement with the SEC yesterday, setting the stage for the company to become the biggest social network yet to land on Wall Street, reports Mashable...

IPO Talks Peg Value of Groupon at Staggering $15B

Public offering could come in spring

(Newser) - Social deal site Groupon is moving toward an initial public offering that values the company at the princely sum of $15 billion, the New York Times reports. The company met with bankers this week to discuss the IPO, likely to occur in the spring; it would be one of the...

Expect Facebook to Be Publicly Traded Next Year

It will hit the 500-shareholder deadline this year

(Newser) - The Goldman-Facebook deal has triggered all kinds of speculation about whether Mark Zuckerberg will turn his little company into a publicly traded one, and the Wall Street Journal now makes things a little less abstract: Figure on Facebook going public by April 2012. It arrives at that date based on...

LinkedIn Going Public —to Trump Facebook

Financial underwriters already selected, say sources

(Newser) - Facebook may not be going public just yet, but LinkedIn sure as heck is. The professional networking site will go public this year, multiple sources tell Reuters , although a company rep officially calls an IPO “just one of many tactics that we would consider.” Why are they doing...

Goldman Loot Staves Off Facebook IPO

By delaying, Facebook keeps secrets, avoids regulation

(Newser) - The $500 million Goldman Sachs and other investors just dropped on Facebook will stave off its long-awaited IPO for a good while longer, the New York Times observes. Until recently, tech companies would jump to go public as soon as possible, but Facebook has so far decided it’s not...

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