NATO Secretary-General

4 Stories

NATO Commits 7K More Troops
 NATO Commits 7K More Troops 

NATO Commits 7K More Troops

Britain, Italy, Poland, Slovakia are in; France and Germany mum

(Newser) - NATO answered President Obama's call for reinforcements in Afghanistan today with a pledge to provide 7,000 more troops. The NATO secretary-general, speaking at a press conference, didn't say where the troops will come from, but Britain has already offered 500, and Italy, Poland, Georgia, and Slovakia will each deploy...

NATO Chief: Let's Combine US, Russian Missile Defenses

(Newser) - One day after the US decided to scrap a missile-defense system that Russia opposed, NATO wants to make relations with Moscow even cozier. Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen proposed combining Russia's anti-missile defenses with those of NATO and the US, Reuters reports. He pitched it as a shared interest: "If...

NATO Probes 'Disastrous' Air Strike; 90 Dead

Horrific injuries reported after fireball engulfs villagers

(Newser) - NATO will conduct a "thorough investigation" into the air strike on two Taliban-hijacked fuel tankers in Afghanistan that killed 90 people today, many of them believed to be civilians, the alliance's secretary general said. An investigation team has already been sent to the area as reports trickle in of...

Despite Cartoon Flap, Danish PM to Head NATO

Turkey shoots down Danish candidate

(Newser) - NATO named Anders Fogh Rasmussen as its new secretary-general today, overcoming a contentious stalemate with Turkey, the AP reports. Turkey had strongly opposed the Danish prime minister because he’d supported the newspapers that printed cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in 2005. Turkey argued that Rasmussen’s selection wouldn’t...

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