Paul Ryan

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New Ryan Plan Would Keep Medicare

He'll offer new strategy with Democrat Ron Wyden

(Newser) - Paul Ryan looks to be backing off his controversial plan to scrap Medicare entirely—the one Newt Gingrich famously derided as "right-wing social engineering," reports the Hill . Instead, the GOP congressman and Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden will unveil a new strategy tomorrow that would allow the program to...

Mitt Romney Names Kelly Ayotte as Possible Vice-Presidential Pick
 Romney: Ayotte Could Be VP 

Romney: Ayotte Could Be VP

NH senator 'one of 15 names,' he says

(Newser) - Asked if he had anybody in mind for VP if he won the Republican nomination, Mitt Romney said "I have no names for you, it’s presumptuous, I’m not the nominee," before naming one name: Kelly Ayotte. Romney said the senator from New Hampshire, who endorsed him...

Key GOP Endorsements to Watch

Politico has Kelly Ayotte, Steve King, and Marco Rubio on its list

(Newser) - With states leapfrogging each other to move elections ever closer, we've just about arrived at crunch time for endorsement season. Chris Christie may be done , but Politico lists a dozen yet to come that could prove pivotal for Republicans. Along with some of the usual suspects (Sarah Palin, Rush...

Paul Ryan: 'Buffett Rule' Amounts to Class Warfare
 Paul Ryan: 
 Obama Waging 
 'Class Warfare' 


Paul Ryan: Obama Waging 'Class Warfare'

'Buffett Rule' finds no fan in Budget Committee chair

(Newser) - The so-called Buffett Rule, President Obama's pending plan to raise taxes on the rich named for Warren Buffett , found an outspoken critic in Paul Ryan today, Politico reports. "Class warfare might make for good politics, but it makes for bad economics," the House Budget Committee chairman tells...

Paul Ryan: I'm Not Running

Wisconsin GOP congressman puts rumor to rest

(Newser) - So much for rumors that Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan will enter the GOP fray for the Oval Office. He nixed that today, the Wall Street Journal reports. "While humbled by the encouragement, I have not changed my mind," he said. Ryan has slammed the current crop of Republican...

Political Rumor Mill: Ryan Still Might Run

A spokesman, however, tries to tamp down speculation

(Newser) - No sooner does Rick Perry join the GOP field than rumors surface of a potential Paul Ryan candidacy. He is "strongly considering a run," writes Stephen F. Hayes in the Weekly Standard , who quotes an insider as saying that Ryan is "coming around" and is discussing the...

Want to Ask Paul Ryan a Question? Please Pay $15

Congressmen find questions easier at paid-for events

(Newser) - Tired of being harassed and embarrassed by angry constituents—and, of course, always in need of cash—congressmen such as Paul Ryan, Ben Quayle, and Chip Cravaack are eschewing open town halls and instead are charging for access over this August recess, reports Politico . Questioning Ryan at an upcoming luncheon...

Dean: What&#39;s the Tea Party Smoking?
 Dean: What's 
 the Tea Party 

Dean: What's the Tea Party Smoking?

GOP blames Obama, Dems blame Tea Party for S&P downgrade

(Newser) - If nothing else, the S&P downgrade made for a lively August Sunday on the talk show circuit, with anyone who is anyone booking an appearance to sling some blame for the US' brand new AA+ rating . The Democrats pointed directly at the Tea Party and its refusal to raise...

Paul Ryan to Obama: You're Distorting My Plan

Republicans meet with president on debt

(Newser) - Republicans met with President Obama today to talk about the debt, resulting in what the Los Angeles Times describes as a "pointed exchange" between Paul Ryan and Obama. Ryan accused the president and Democrats of distorting his proposal to overhaul Medicare. "It's been misdescribed by the president...

Paul Krugman: Americans Have Seen Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan, and That's 'Bad News' for Republicans
Paul Ryan Is a 'Sore Loser,' Maybe a Liar
Paul Krugman

Paul Ryan Is a 'Sore Loser,' Maybe a Liar

Americans know the truth about his Medicare plan: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Paul Ryan's Medicare proposal is taking its lumps of late (see here and here ), and the GOP budget wonk is deflecting criticism by accusing "demagogue" Democrats of lying about what his plan would do. Paul Krugman begs to differ: "The reality is that the Ryan plan...

Resolute GOP Stands by Ryan's Medicare Overhaul

Despite its divisive nature, Republicans still fighting for Ryan's plan

(Newser) - Despite the five Senate Republicans who voted against Paul Ryan’s Medicare overhaul yesterday, the GOP remains wedded to the divisive, and increasingly unpopular , plan. Rather than back off, Republicans are responding by increasing attacks on the Democrats’ position, the Wall Street Journal reports. "We need to make it...

Senate Rejects Paul Ryan Medicare Plan

Five Republicans join Democrats in voting against budget blueprint

(Newser) - More bad news for Paul Ryan's Medicare proposal: The Senate today rejected Ryan's 2012 budget blueprint that calls for overhauling the system, reports Politico . All Democrats voted against it, as expected. But in a potentially troubling sign for GOP leaders, five Republicans broke ranks and joined them: moderates...

Paul Ryan Should Rescue Republicans by Running in 2012: Jonah Goldberg
Run, Paul Ryan:
This Is Your Moment

Run, Paul Ryan: This Is Your Moment

Jonah Goldberg: Who better to defend his Medicare proposal in 2012 race?

(Newser) - With Mitch Daniels out, the GOP needs a "wonk on a white horse" to save the day and defend the party's vision on entitlement reform and spending cuts, writes Jonah Goldberg. The likeliest candidate should have been Newt Gingrich, but he first attacked Paul Ryan's Medicare plan...

GOP Rep Hits Brown for Opposing Ryan Plan

Brown breaks with party over Medicare overhaul

(Newser) - Scott Brown is taking flak from fellow Republicans over an op-ed in Politico in which he explains why he opposes the House GOP budget drafted by Paul Ryan. The Massachusetts senator, who opposes Ryan's plan to privatize Medicare, "ought to be ashamed of himself," says Rep. Joe...

Election 2012: Eric Cantor Says Paul Ryan Should Run, GOP Unsure Whether Field Is Set
 Eric Cantor: 
 Paul Ryan 
 Should Run 


Eric Cantor: Paul Ryan Should Run

Top Republicans argue about whether field is set

(Newser) - Paul Ryan has his highest profile fan for his non-existent presidential race yet, reports Politico. The House's No. 2 Republican, and Ryan's fellow self-styled "Young Gun," Eric Cantor thinks the Budget Committee chair should make a run for the White House. "Sure," he replied...

Ryan Budget a 'Time Bomb,' GOP Pollsters Warned GOP

Public has never been fond of plan

(Newser) - GOP pollsters warned House leaders not to call a vote on Paul Ryan’s budget proposal, saying its Medicare provision was positively toxic. No matter how positively they framed the bill, the plan’s approval rating never climbed above the upper end of the 30s, and its disapproval numbers were...

Mitch Daniels Is Out: Who Will Replace Him in 2012 Presidential Race?
 Daniels Is Out—Now What? 

Daniels Is Out—Now What?

Republicans look for an alternative

(Newser) - Now that Mitch Daniels is officially out of the 2012 race, many Republicans are scanning the field to find another suitable alternative to Mitt Romney. Politico looks at the possibilities:
  • Jeb Bush and Chris Christie: Though they have both flatly said they won’t run, donors and operatives are likely

Sunday Morning Talk Shows: GOP Reacts to Mitch Daniels' Decision Not to Run for President

 Boo to Whew!: 
 GOP Reacts to 
 Daniels' Dodge 

Boo to Whew!: GOP Reacts to Daniels' Dodge

Gingrich, predictably, is quite relieved; eyes turn to Paul Ryan, others

(Newser) - A reeling GOP took to the airwaves today to react to Mitch Daniels' decision not to run for president, reports Politico, and to speculate on who might take his place. Paul Ryan's reaction was typically "disappointed. I think his candidacy would have been a great addition to this...

Meet the Press Comment Not About Ryan Plan: Gingrich

Discusses 'right-wing social engineering' controversy with Rush Limbaugh

(Newser) - When Newt Gingrich said the words “right-wing social engineering” on Meet the Press—then called Paul Ryan to apologize for uttering them—he actually wasn't referring to Ryan's Medicare proposal, or so Gingrich said yesterday. The Atlantic reports that in an interview with Rush Limbaugh, Gingrich explains...

Newt Gingrich Apologizes to Paul Ryan

Former House speaker goes into damage control quickly

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich says he's sorry and sounds like he'd take a do-over if he could. After running into a buzzsaw of GOP criticism for bashing Paul Ryan's budget plan over the weekend, Gingrich personally called the congressman today, reports Politico . “Newt apologized,” says his press...

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