Mount Redoubt

7 Stories

Americans May Not Want to Live Near the 'Big 18'

USGS puts these US volcanoes in the 'very high threat' category

(Newser) - Government scientists have classified 18 US volcanoes as "very high threat" because of what's been happening inside them and how close they are to people. The US Geological Survey has updated its volcano threat assessments for the first time since 2005, per the AP , and the danger list...

Alaskan Volcano Ready to Blow Again

(Newser) - Alaska’s Mount Redoubt volcano is rumbling again, and an explosive eruption could come at any time, the Anchorage Daily News reports. “Seismic and rockfall activity increasing,” warned a volcano observatory. “Eruption likely in coming days; could occur at any time with little or no warning.”...

Redoubt Spits Up 50K-Foot Plume

(Newser) - The Mount Redoubt volcano in Alaska has had another large eruption after being relatively quiet for nearly a week. The Alaska Volcano Observatory says the volcano about 100 miles southwest of Anchorage erupted early today, sending a plume of volcanic ash 50,000 feet into the sky—one of the...

Redoubt Spews Ash 50K Feet High

(Newser) - Alaska's Mount Redoubt has erupted again, spewing an ash cloud 50,000 feet up into the air. The Alaska Volcano Observatory in Anchorage says the volcano had a significant eruption after midnight today, and coughed up ash that is expected to move north toward the Alaska Range, missing Anchorage, which...

Redoubt Eruption Burns Jindal
 Redoubt Eruption Burns Jindal 

Redoubt Eruption Burns Jindal

In wake of explosion

(Newser) - Mount Redoubt erupted in Alaska, but Bobby Jindal is feeling the heat in Louisiana, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports. Democrats are raking the governor over the coals for scoffing at “something called volcano monitoring” as an example of wasteful spending in his televised speech last month. “It’s...

Latest Redoubt Eruption Sends Ash 11 Miles Up

(Newser) - The fifth and largest eruption of Alaska’s Mount Redoubt occurred this morning, sending a plume of ash 60,000 feet above sea level, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The ash is spreading north into inhabited areas, but winds moving toward Anchorage are too high to dump ash there. “...

Alaska Volcano Erupts
 Alaska Volcano Erupts 

Alaska Volcano Erupts

Eruption could come within days, warns geologists

(Newser) - Rumbling Alaska volcano Mount Redoubt has erupted three times since late yesterday, reports AP. The first eruption was obscured by darkness and snow, but was detected by the US Geological Survey. Mud slides were possible into the nearly Drift and Crescent rivers after the blast that shot steam 50,000...

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