bike gang

2 Stories

Canadian Hitman Cops to 27 Murders

Assassin took out rival gang members during Quebec's biker wars

(Newser) - A Canadian contract killer confessed yesterday to murdering 27 people during Quebec's biker wars, reports the Toronto Star. Gerald Gallant turned police informant after receiving a life sentence in 2001 for yet another murder. The biker, 58, received no extra time for his confession and will be eligible for parole...

Sydney Airport Defends Security After Gang Killing

Police say security did all they could

(Newser) - Officials are defending security systems after a gang of bikers fatally beat a man inside Sydney Airport—then fled in taxis, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. "The police can't be everywhere and this could have happened anywhere," said the federal police commissioner. Horrified passengers watched as the...

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