Citizens United

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Move Over PACs, Here Come Super PACs

New weapon allows virtually unlimited spending on campaigns

(Newser) - Expect to hear the term "Super PAC" a lot between now and the midterms. As the Washington Post explains today, these fundraising committees are quickly becoming the norm in how modern campaigns are financed by interest groups. Thanks in part to the Citizens United court ruling, Super PACs are...

Dems Swamped By GOP Ad Buys

Party blames Supreme Court ruling for free-spending GOP groups

(Newser) - Republican-leaning interest groups are grossly outspending their Democratic-leaning counterparts on TV ads in election races around the nation, and the gap is widening as races heat up. Democratic officials say the trend is a direct result of a Supreme Court decision lifting a ban on direct corporate spending on political...

What Recession? Candidates Spend Like Mad

Supreme Court ruling allows record-setting money bonanza

(Newser) - Politics looks like a recession-proof industry. With campaign finance rules gutted by the Supreme Court, money is flooding into this year’s election. House and Senate candidates have raised $1.2 billion so far, putting them on a record-setting pace. Gubernatorial races are just as pricey; Meg Whitman alone has... Boycott Target Boycott Target Boycott Target

Retailer's donation to anti-gay marriage candidate sparks controversy

(Newser) - has asked its members to boycott Target, in response to a $150,000 donation the retail giant gave to a PAC supporting ultra-conservative Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer. The group tells Reuters it’s already gotten 200,000 members to sign up for the boycott. “Most Americans...

Roberts Court Flexed its Muscle
 Roberts Court: Most 
 Assertive in Decades 
Term in Review

Roberts Court: Most Assertive in Decades

More bold, controversial decisions than any term since New Deal

(Newser) - It was not a quiet term for the Supreme Court. In addition to its landmark campaign finance reform and gun rights decisions, the court flexed its muscles on a host of cases, making independent, assertive decisions, the Washington Post observes. “I see this as the least deferential court since...

Rove Constructs 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' imitating Democrats

(Newser) - The Republican party's top operatives are quietly building a massive fundraising and organizing machine inspired by the one the Democrats used to sieze Congress and the White House. Headed up by Karl Rove and former party chair Ed Gillespie, the network of five connected groups is modeled after the "...

Democrats Ready to Revamp Campaign Finance

A look at the draft bill

(Newser) - Democrats have completed a draft of their new campaign finance reform bill, and plan to introduce it as soon as next week. The bill, which is designed in part to blunt the effects of the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, would require CEOs to publicly attach their names to ads...

Democrats to Play Offense in Court Fight

Will attack 'conservative judicial activism,' citing Citizens United ruling

(Newser) - “Judicial activism” isn’t just a conservative buzzword anymore. Democrats intend to use the upcoming confirmation battle over John Paul Stevens’ successor to argue that it’s the conservatives on John Roberts’ court who are litigating from the bench, high-ranking Democrats tell Politico . Exhibit A: The wildly unpopular Citizens...

Obama Aide: Change Is Out, Reform Is In

Plan is to scale back agenda, focus on government clean up

(Newser) - President Obama’s new 2010 strategy, arrived at after weeks of internal debate, is to replace his sweeping “change” agenda with a more modest push for government reform. First up: a tough new campaign finance law, pushing back against the deeply unpopular Citizens United Supreme Court ruling. “Americans...

Dems Fight High Court's Campaign Finance Ruling

New law would seek to limit flood of corporate cash

(Newser) - Democratic legislators introduced a bill yesterday designed to mitigate the impact of the landmark Supreme Court ruling that gutted decades of campaign finance reform efforts. They’re hoping to get the bill passed ASAP, so corporate money can’t dominate the 2010 election—something that many fear would favor Republicans,...

Sotomayor's First Case Could Transform US Politics

New justice in at the deep end with landmark campaign finance case

(Newser) - There aren't any easy cases at the Supreme Court level but the one newbie Sonia Sotomayor and her eight colleagues will tackle  tomorrow is as momentous—and as tricky—as they come, McClatchy reports. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission will require the court to decide whether the long-standing ban...

Supreme Court Will Rule on Hillary Documentary

Anti-Clinton flick deemed campaign ad

(Newser) - Supreme Court judges will go the movies next week when they hear arguments about a feature-length film on Hillary Clinton, the AP reports. Screened in eight theaters during the presidential campaign, Hillary: the Movie fizzled after federal courts said the scathing documentary and its commercials amounted to campaign ads....

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