
16 Stories

Tweens Parrot Their Parents' Phone Habits
Tweens Parrot Their
Parents' Phone Habits

Tweens Parrot Their Parents' Phone Habits

Study finds a strong link in screen use

(Newser) - A new study has some advice for parents who want to unglue their tweens' eyeballs from their phones: Practice what you preach. The researchers used a questionnaire to collect data from 10,000 American parents and their 12- to 13-year-old children, reports NPR . They found a strong correlation between how...

Cops Chasing Stolen Forklift Find Surprise Driver

Boy, 12, arrested after pursuit by Michigan police through Ann Arbor and beyond

(Newser) - A Michigan tween has been arrested after cops say they chased him on a stolen forklift through the streets of Ann Arbor. Local officers say they were called to Forsythe Middle School around 6:45pm local time on Saturday over a report of a stolen construction vehicle, and just minutes...

Cops Drew Their Guns. They Didn't Expect What Came Next

Runaway 10-year-old boy, 11-year-old sister drove 200 miles in mom's car before they were busted

(Newser) - Cops say two Florida tweens said to be upset about a punishment handed down by their mom decided to run away—by taking their mom's car and trying to drive to California. Per the AP , the Alachua County Sheriff's Office became involved when deputies pulled over a sedan...

Cops: 10-Year-Old Skipped School to Rob Luxury Store

Boy is youngest member of gang that allegedly raided watch store in Hong Kong

(Newser) - A 10-year-old boy in Hong Kong is one of four people arrested over a robbery at a luxury watch store. Police say 20 watches worth a total of almost $500,000 in US dollars were stolen in the Monday robbery in Kowloon's Tsim Sha Tsui district, RTHK reports. A...

Report: Tween Retailer Has 'Deadly Poison' in Makeup

Justice says it's testing 'Just Shine Shimmer Powder' for asbestos after news team probe

(Newser) - Tween girls love a Justice store, but the latest news involving cosmetics sold at the national chain isn't exactly heartwarming. A WTVD I-Team probe claims that it sent samples of Justice's "Just Shine Shimmer Powder" out for testing to a North Carolina lab because it was curious...

Bieber Launches ... Nail Polish Line

'One Less Lonely Girl' collection to hit Wal-Mart

(Newser) - Justin Bieber, mop-haired heartthrob and undisputed King of Twitter , is expanding his tween empire by launching his very own ... nail polish line. The ultra-glittery 'One Less Lonely Girl' collection by OPI will debut at Wal-Mart over the holidays and then spread like Bieber Fever to Target, Sears, and Ulta stores...

Broke 'Rents Crack Down on Kids' Sprees

Managing the expectations of your free-spending kids

(Newser) - What to do with a 10-year-old daughter who insists—insists!—on designer 'jeggings' for fall? "Manage expectations," advises the Wall Street Journal in a feature on suddenly cash-strapped middle income parents and their "costly" kids. Today's children face a real drop in their standard of living,...

Amanda Bynes Retires From Acting

24-year-old tweets big news

(Newser) - Onetime child star Amanda Bynes, who gained fame on Nickelodeon, has retired from acting. "I don't love acting anymore so I've stopped doing it," the 24-year-old announced at 3am yesterday—on Twitter, of course. "If I don't love something anymore I stop doing it." If she's...

Bieber Fans Outsmart Twitter
 Bieber Fans Outsmart Twitter 

Bieber Fans Outsmart Twitter

Tweens fool trending algorithm to keep Justin on top

(Newser) - Hoping to keep things fresh—and, perhaps, curb Bieber-mania—Twitter changed the algorithm that decides which topics to publicize as "trending," Gawker reports . The new rules favor topics that suddenly become more popular over those, like teen singing sensation Justin Bieber , that are constant topics of discussion. But...

Cops Hunt Tween Girl Bank Robbers

Robbers, 12 and 14, elude police dragnet

(Newser) - Police are seeking two girls believed to be aged just 12 and 14 who robbed a Cincinnati-area bank and made their getaway on foot, presumably because they're too young to drive. The pair escaped with an undisclosed amount of money after handing a teller a note demanding cash, and escaped...

London Mayor Rescues Woman From Tweens
 London Mayor Rescues 
 Woman From Tweens 

London Mayor Rescues Woman From Tweens

Big Boris rides by at the right time

(Newser) - London Mayor Boris Johnson came to the rescue of a woman beset by a group of “feral” 12-year-old girls. “One of them had an iron bar in her hand,” the woman recalls to the Guardian . “It was as big as her.” Just then, the wild-haired...

Jaycee's Kids Seemed Normal: Neighbor

Daughters like Hannah Montana, attended birthday parties

(Newser) - The two daughters Jaycee Lee Dugard had in captivity seemed like normal kids, a neighbor of kidnapper Phillip Garrido told CNN. Angel, 11, and Starlet, 15, were “polite” and “well-mannered,” neighbor Cheyvonne Molino said, who noted they liked Hannah Montana. Media reports “made it seem like...

Retailers Pitch Tweens, Moms Age-Appropriate Wares

Marketers seek positive messages for their products

(Newser) - Tween girls are a $43 billion market—but they’re not the ones with the wallets. Marketers are aiming for parents concerned about kids facing a barrage of ads that may not be “age-appropriate,” the Washington Times reports. “Many products are about making them older faster, but...

Girls Bond, Boys Compete: Brain Study

Scans confirm gender split on one-on-one interaction

(Newser) - Ever wonder why girls are so fixated on swapping friendship bracelets? They may just be wired that way, according to a new study. Using MRIs to look inside tweens' and teens' brains, researchers found that one-on-one interactions got girls’ synapses firing, Time reports. Boys focused less on other individuals than...

Obama Girls Are Tween Sensation

Move over Jonas Brothers, here come the Obama Daughters

(Newser) - The Obama daughters are starting to rival even Miley Cyrus as an obsession of tween girls, the Washington Post reports. Young girls—especially in the DC area—are poring over every shred of information available about Malia and Sasha Obama, plastering their bedroom walls with photos of the first family...

Relax, Parents: Tween Dora Still 'Wholesome'

New doll of beloved character had sparked short-skirt concerns

(Newser) - Dora the Explorer is getting a tween update in a new doll, which trades her baby fat for a more girly, urban look, Hispanic Business reports. After concerns were sparked by a silhouette preview of the doll sporting a very short dress, parents can breathe a sigh of relief: the...

16 Stories