female sexuality

Stories 21 - 28 | << Prev 

The C-Word Ain't What It Used to Be
 The C-Word Ain't 
 What It Used to Be 

The C-Word Ain't What It Used to Be

'Superstar of four-letter words' hits Guardian's front page, losing its bite

(Newser) - Rest assured, Dear Reader: As a respectable organization, Newser won’t publish what Kathleen Deveny in Newsweek calls “the rudest, crudest, most taboo term in the English language.” To be blunt, on this issue we must punt, because, on a family website, that dog just won’t hunt—...

Why Bardot Is Back in Style
 Why Bardot Is Back in Style 

Why Bardot Is Back in Style

(Newser) - Brigitte Bardot's pouty, carefree sexuality is back, and just in time for her 75th birthday next month. With fashion designers aping her look and London girls imitating her outfit in And God Created Woman—cropped jeans, pumps, and striped top—John Walsh looks back in the Independent at the sex...

Men Spend a Full Year Ogling Opposite Sex

Males ogle women for a solid year of their lives, study finds

(Newser) - Men check out 10 women every day, spending an average of 43 minutes with their eyes fixated on a member of the opposite sex—adding up to a full year over a lifetime, researchers tell the Sun. A Kodak Lens Vision study found that the wandering eye is not unique...

Not Feeling Sexy? 'Just Do It.'

New book reveals reasons behind lack of sex in marriage

(Newser) - Why does passion so often fizzle in a marriage? Prepare to be shocked: Bettina Arndt’s The Sex Diaries reveals the reasons aren’t what you think, the Daily Mail reports. Included in the nearly 100 couples who kept diaries for a year are many men who love their wives...

150 Maldive Women to Be Flogged for Affairs

(Newser) - A criminal court in the Maldives has ruled that 150 women will be flogged for having affairs in the Muslim country, reports the Independent. Some 50 men face the same punishment. Earlier this month an 18-year-old woman fainted after being flogged 100 times for having sex with two men, who...

China Plans Sexy Theme Park

 China Plans 
 Sexy Theme Park 

China Plans Sexy Theme Park

(Newser) - China is about to topple taboos big time with giant plastic genitalia and sexual technique workshops at a new sex theme park, reports the BBC. "Love Land" is slated to open in Chongqing in October. "Sex is a taboo subject in China but people really need to have...

The Cougar Must Be Put Down
 The Cougar Must Be Put Down 
tv review

The Cougar Must Be Put Down

(Newser) - Rebecca Traister is fed up with the concept of the “cougar,” she writes for Salon. She doesn’t “hate the solitary wildcat who feasts on deer,” or “women who have sex with younger men. What I hate is the never-ending cutesy-pie conflation of the two....

In SF, a Center for Female Orgasm

Commune is devoted to female sexuality

(Newser) - Every morning as the rest of us fight sleepiness and traffic, a group of women at the One Taste Urban Retreat Center lie back and let a fully clothed male "research partner" coax them to orgasm, reports the New York Times. The co-ed commune in San Francisco also offers...

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