school shootings

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Parkland Security Officer: 'Why Didn't I Know to Go In?'

Scot Peterson defends actions at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, also second-guesses himself

(Newser) - Eight security guards manned the grounds of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, but only one had a gun—and that one resource officer says he now grapples daily with the 17 lives lost and 17 injured on his watch on Feb. 14. The Washington Post talks with Scot Peterson, now...

'You're All Going to Die,' Cruz Laughs in Chilling Video

He discusses shooting plan, motives in 3 videos out Wednesday

(Newser) - "Hello. My name is Nik and I'm going to be the next school shooter of 2018." So begins one of three short cellphone videos recorded by Nikolas Cruz at some point before he killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Feb....

GOP Rep Blames School Shootings on Porn

Tenn. gubernatorial candidate says it's a 'big part of the root cause'

(Newser) - Pornography is playing a "big part" in the spike in school shootings, according to a Republican congresswoman running for governor of Tennessee. While discussing school shootings during a meeting with pastors in Clarksville last week, Rep. Diane Black said porn is "available on the shelf when you walk...

Student Killed at Santa Fe High Returns to Pakistan in a Coffin

Sabika Sheikh was buried on Wednesday

(Newser) - "19 days until I'm back!" said the Snapchat message sent to her best friend last Friday morning. But Sabika Sheikh ended up returning home to Pakistan sooner than planned: Her body arrived in Karachi in a flag-draped coffin Wednesday. The 17-year-old was one of the victims of...

Girl Who Spurned Texas Suspect Was Among Victims

Mom of 16-year-old Shana Fisher said Dimitrious Pagourtzis 'continued to get more aggressive'

(Newser) - Sixteen-year-old Shana Fisher died in the art room of Santa Fe High School on Friday, but only after "4 months of problems from this boy," the suspected shooter, Shana's mom tells the Los Angeles Times . Sadie Rodriguez says that Dimitrios Pagourtzis "kept making advances on her...

He Was Shot in School in 2016. Now, Punishment for a Protest

Cooper Caffrey gets detention for March 14 student walkout

(Newser) - It shouldn't be surprising that a survivor of a school shooting might want to demonstrate against gun violence in schools—but maybe a little bit surprising that his school would punish him for it. That's the plight of Cooper Caffrey, a sophomore at Madison High School in Ohio,...

Sheriff: Maryland School Shooter Killed Himself

Cops release new details, timeline of latest school shooting

(Newser) - The student who fatally shot a female classmate last week at a Maryland high school died from a self-inflicted gunshot in a confrontation with a school resource officer who also fired his gun, police said Monday. The St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office said in a statement that 17-year-old...

District Upgrades Security Policy From 'Throw Stones'

Pennsylvania schools will get armed security, too

(Newser) - A rural school district in Pennsylvania that has armed teachers and students with rocks to ward off potential school shooters has arranged for armed security, reports the AP . Blue Mountain School District Superintendent David Helsel said in a statement posted on the district's website that "Starting tomorrow and...

School District Arms Students With Rocks

But official says it's only a 'last resort'

(Newser) - Active shooters in one Pennsylvania school district better watch out: the teachers and students are armed with rocks. David Helsel, superintendent of the Blue Mountain School District in Schuylkill County, raised the plan at a state House committee meeting on education last week, the Hill reports. "If an armed...

Sandy Hook Mom Pens Moving Letter to Jacob Hall's Mom

'Jacob was your superhero. Dylan was my Superman': Nicole Hockley to Renae Hall

(Newser) - No one ever really knows another's pain over the loss of a loved one, but Nicole Hockley probably has, more than most, a "sense of the journey" Renae Hall is now taking. Hockley is the mom of Dylan Hockley, a 6-year-old who died in the 2012 Sandy Hook...

Girl in Colo. School Shooting Plot Charged as Adult

She planned to make assault deadly as possible: prosecutors

(Newser) - One of two suspects accused of plotting to kill classmates and teachers at a suburban Denver high school has been charged as an adult. Sienna Johnson, 16, faces felony charges of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder related to a shooting plot that police tell the Denver Post was to "...

Obama on Oregon Shooting: 'I Will Politicize It'

'Our inaction is a political decision that we are making'

(Newser) - President Barack Obama says opponents of gun control laws know how to stir up fear and scare politicians. At a news conference Friday, Obama lamented the inability to pass stricter gun laws even after incidents such as the shooting Thursday at an Oregon community college that killed nine people. He...

An Emotional Obama Responds to Today's School Shooting

He's now made 15 statements on mass shootings since taking office

(Newser) - A visibly frustrated President Barack Obama said Thursday that thoughts and prayers are no longer enough as Americans respond to another deadly school shooting , and he challenged voters wanting to deal with the problem to vote for elected officials who will do something. Obama addressed the nation from the White...

Suspected School Shooter: 'This Is the Only Time I'll Be in the News'

20-year-old male exchanged gunfire with police, authorities say

(Newser) - The gunman in Thursday's shooting at an Oregon community college was a 20-year-old male, Gov. Kate Brown said at a press conference broadcast by KOIN . Police and the superintendent of the state also said the gunman exchanged gunfire with police and that he is dead, though it was not...

Stories of Horror From Today's School Shooting

Shooter apparently asked students to state religion before firing

(Newser) - Horrific stories are trickling out from inside Thursday's mass shooting at an Oregon community college:
  • Student Kendra Gordon tells Fox News she was in a classroom next to on where the gunman was shooting. "I was sitting in class when we had first heard the shot. And we

Bullying Victims Pack Thousands of Guns at School
Thousands of Bullying Victims Pack Guns to School
study says

Thousands of Bullying Victims Pack Guns to School

And knives and clubs too, study says

(Newser) - Bullied high-school students are bringing hundreds of thousands of clubs, knives, and guns onto school grounds—at a time when student-on-student violence has stunned and baffled the nation, NBC News reports. According to data extrapolated from a CDC survey , bullying victims who are injured or threatened by a weapon at...

Boys, 7, Suspended for Pretending Pencils Are Guns

School says it's not okay with even play violence

(Newser) - What's the dumbest thing you ever got in trouble for in school? Because two Virginia second-graders probably have you beat. The two 7-year-olds were suspended for two days for pretending their pencils were guns in a game of make-believe, CBS DC reports. "When I asked him about it,...

More Schools Adopting Bulletproof Whiteboards

Minnesota school district is the latest

(Newser) - A Minnesota school district where two students were killed in a 2003 shooting unveiled a new device yesterday aimed at adding a last-ditch layer of safety for teachers and students: bulletproof whiteboards. The Rocori School District has acquired nearly 200 of the whiteboards, made of a material touted by its...

NRA Study Backs Arming Educators

Every school should have armed personnel, it concludes

(Newser) - Schools across the nation should train selected staff members to carry weapons and should each have at least one armed security officer to allow a quicker response to an attack, the director of an NRA-sponsored study said today. Former Rep. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas made the remarks as a task...

Stephen King: My Novel 'Gas' for School Shooters

Says 'Rage' could have been 'possible accelerant' to killers

(Newser) - Stephen King is jumping into America's conversation on gun violence, with a new Kindle Single entitled simply, "Guns." According to Amazon , the 99-cent essay "constructs his argument for what can and should be done" to reduce violence. But the segment that's grabbing attention is one...

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