Jon and Kate Plus 8

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Kate Answers Your Burning Questions

 Kate Answers 
 Your Burning 

Kate Answers Your Burning Questions

Meanwhile, Jon wants $12K per hour. Oh, those wacky Gosselins!

(Newser) - Move over, Meredith Vieira: TLC is giving its viewers the chance to ask Kate Gosselin whatever burning question they have about the reality TV mom and her brood, and they've submitted nearly 9,000 inquiries for Monday’s one-hour special, People reports. Sadly, the questions seem to be more “...

Jon Hits Synagogue for Advice
 Jon Hits Synagogue for Advice 

Jon Hits Synagogue for Advice

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach says Gosselin is a decent dude

(Newser) - Proof that Jon Gosselin is trying to better himself: Fellow TLC star and rabbi to the stars Shmuley Boteach will vouch for him, after Gosselin visited a synagogue to get some advice. No, Jon isn't converting—the New York synagogue was playing host to a values panel starring Boteach, among...

Why Jon and Kate Are Everywhere
 Why Jon and Kate 
 Are Everywhere 

Why Jon and Kate Are Everywhere

You might not want to read about the Gosselins—but tabloid lovers do. Why?

(Newser) - Kate Gosselin went from a dowdy, sweatpants-wearing nurse to a Nobu-dining celebrity on a first-name basis with Kelly Ripa; soon-to-be-ex-hubby Jon was a much-pitied, constantly-berated dad, and now a keg-standing, nanny-seducing frat boy no one can stand. How did this couple become the biggest tabloid story of the year, appearing...

TLC Sues Jon for Yakking
 TLC Sues Jon for Yakking 

TLC Sues Jon for Yakking

Plus, Gosselins fired up after former nanny accuses Jon of hacking Kate's stuff

(Newser) - Thought Jon and Kate Gosselin would go away just because their show is ending? Oh no. TLC is suing Jon for breach of contract—specifically, for accepting money to appear on other shows. The suit also claims Gosselin’s reason for blocking Jon and Kate from filming had nothing to...

Jon and Kate Ends Next Month
 Jon and Kate Ends Next Month 

Jon and Kate Ends Next Month

The trainwreck will finally get a little less public—maybe

(Newser) - Good news for everyone who’s been begging, “Make it stop!” Jon and Kate Plus 8 will finally be put to rest in mid- to late-November, sources tell Radar. “They are not shooting anymore so they are taking what they have and seeing how many more episodes...

Jon Must Pay Back $180K to Joint Account

Reality TV dad has 2 weeks to return cash

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin must return $180,000 to the bank account he shares with estranged wife Kate, a judge ruled today. The sum is part of a $232,000 withdrawal that Kate claims Jon made in violation of a divorce arbitrator’s orders, reports People. Jon has to pay up by...

Jon, Kate Will Go to Arbitration Over Cash Dispute
Jon, Kate Will Go to Arbitration Over Cash Dispute
family circus

Jon, Kate Will Go to Arbitration Over Cash Dispute

Mercurial couple may avoid emergency hearing over inappropriate withdrawals

(Newser) - Jon and Kate Gosselin may avoid an emergency hearing over disputed withdrawals from their joint bank account: The two will meet with a court-appointed arbitrator tomorrow in hopes of resolving the dispute privately. Kate filed court papers requesting the emergency hearing over Jon's $230,000 withdrawal; Jon has shot back...

Jon, Kate Call Birthday Truce
 Jon, Kate Call Birthday Truce 

Jon, Kate Call Birthday Truce

But did an entertainment show pay for the cake Jon brought?

(Newser) - Everyone can breathe a big sigh of relief: Cara and Mady Gosselin’s 9th birthday party went off without parents Jon and Kate killing each other. Though Kate made a well-publicized request for Jon to leave after 2 hours, she eventually gave in and told him, “You can stay...

Jon, Kate Face Off Over Twins' Birthday

Plus, Jon Gosselin's second smackdown with Nancy Grace; Kate on Jay Leno

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin, never one to keep a low profile, is all over the place this week—yesterday, he told anyone who would listen that Kate was trying to bar him from the twins’ birthday today. The only problem? In the same email limiting Jon to two hours with the girls,...

Gosselin Mess Hits Law & Order

Ripped from the headlines...a Jon-and-Kate inspired tale

(Newser) - The hot mess that is the Gosselin family is set to hit NBC's Law & Order—with a few twists. The Oct. 16 episode Reality Bites revolves around a show named Larry Plus 10; if you're wondering why there's no Kate in that equation, that's because she's dead: Larry's...

Housewife , Osmond Ream Jon
 Housewife, Osmond Ream Jon 

Housewife, Osmond Ream Jon

Gosselin defends himself against odd pairing of singer, Bethenny Frankel

(Newser) - His reality show may be washed up, but you just can't keep Jon Gosselin off TV. The octodad subjected himself to yet more pounding on the Insider last night, this time by—of all people—Donny Osmond and Real Housewife of New York Bethenny Frankel. Frankel doled out the tough...

Nancy Grace Tears Into Jon
 Nancy Grace Tears Into Jon 

Nancy Grace Tears Into Jon

Gosselin—and his lawyer—defend themselves on The Insider

(Newser) - Regardless of how you feel about Nancy Grace, you’ll probably want to thank her for regulating on Jon Gosselin during last night’s panel on the Insider. The best moments, as compiled in a YouTube clip at left:
  • “You got your lawyer here, you’re afraid to answer

Jon Could Go to Jail, Kids Upset Show's Stalled
 Jon Could Go to Jail, 
 Kids Upset Show's Stalled 

Jon Could Go to Jail, Kids Upset Show's Stalled

Jon and Kate Gosselin's divorce attorneys battle it out—and Jon's has a shady past

(Newser) - The war between Jon and Kate Gosselin drags on, and thanks to the gossip sites, you can follow right along at home. TMZ has a copy of the letter Kate’s lawyer sent to Jon’s, and Radar has all sorts of other oh-so-critical updates:
  • Some people will probably be

Kate Heads to Court After Jon Empties Joint Account

Mom of 8 has $1,000 to pay family's bills

(Newser) - Days after his lawyer told Larry King he "doesn't care about the money," Jon Gosselin withdrew hundreds of thousands of dollars from the joint bank account he shares with Kate, leaving his estranged wife with just $1,000. Kate has hired at least two new lawyers, one of...

Jon to Larry: My Kids Need 'Normal Childhood'

Gosselin talks 'epiphany' with King, admits 'mistakes'

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin defended his decision to fight Jon and Kate Plus 8 last night on CNN's Larry King Live, saying it’s not healthy for his kids because “we're going through a divorce right now, and I don't think it should be televised.” Sure, they’ve been on...

TLC Halts Filming of Gosselin Kids

(Newser) - TLC network has shut down filming of the children on Jon & Kate Plus 8 after receiving a cease-and-desist order from their father, Jon Gosselin. The network said production would remain suspended "pending further conversations" between Jon and Kate. Filming not directly involving the kids hasn't stopped. "It...

Jon to TLC: Stop Filming My Kids
 Jon to TLC: 
 Stop Filming 
 My Kids 

Jon to TLC: Stop Filming My Kids

Gosselin finally realizes life's a mess, orders reality show to stop production

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin finally understands what the rest of us have known for a long time: “Jon realized his family was like a trainwreck,” his attorney says, and—saying he wants to prevent “a mortal accident”—he has ordered TLC to cease and desist production on Jon ...

8 Perfect New Shows for Jon Gosselin
 8 Perfect 
 New Shows 
 for Jon Gosselin 

8 Perfect New Shows for Jon Gosselin

Former star of Jon and Kate Plus 8 would excel in any number of reality ventures

(Newser) - Now that Jon Gosselin’s been bumped from Jon and Kate Plus 8, he’s free to take part in some much more appropriate reality TV fare. Josef Adalian offers some suggestions on the Wrap:
  • The Other Half, Redux: Think a male version of The View starring “Roman Polanski,

Jon Asks to Stall Divorce
 Jon Asks to Stall Divorce 

Jon Asks to Stall Divorce

Gosselin files papers to delay divorce from Kate 90 days; rep adds he 'was not fired'

(Newser) - Despite the fact that he’s been squiring various 20-somethings around town for the past three months, Jon Gosselin wants a 90-day delay in his divorce from wife Kate. “I regret my conduct since Kate and I separated,” he tells In Touch. “I used poor judgment in...

Jon Cut From Jon &amp; Kate Plus 8
 Jon Cut From Jon & Kate Plus 8 

Jon Cut From Jon & Kate Plus 8

Gosselin divorce impacts reality show; will continue—for now—with just Kate

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin’s douchey antics appear to have finally gotten TLC’s attention. The network is dropping the reality dad from Jon & Kate Plus 8 as of Nov. 2 and changing the name to Kate Plus 8. “Given Jon’s recent antics, there was no way the show...

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