Mirek Topolanek

5 Stories

Ex-Czech PM: Yep, I'm the Naked Guy in Berlusconi Pic

(Newser) - Ouch. Maybe the one guy who regrets the publication of private photos at Silvio Berlusconi's villa more than Berlusconi himself is former Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek. Faces were blurred in the photos, but Topolanek admits that he's the naked man pictured standing by the pool in one of the...

EU Prez Slams Obama's Call for Stimulus as 'a Way to Hell'

So what if Czech PM's gov't has collapsed

(Newser) - Mirek Topolanek, the Czech prime minister whose government collapsed last night, today blasted President Obama’s economic ideas, calling further stimulus “a way to hell.” Topolanek spoke before the European Parliament just hours after Obama called on the world to share the burden of economic stimulus, the BBC...

Czech Government Falls on Eve of Obama Visit

Collapse endangers plans for missile defense installation

(Newser) - The Czech prime minister announced his resignation last night after his government lost a confidence vote in parliament, reports the New York Times. The ouster of Mirek Topolanek comes at an awkward moment: Not only do the Czechs hold the rotating EU presidency, but Barack Obama is scheduled to visit...

Leaders Warn of Economic 'Iron Curtain'

Eastern Europe melts down, but Western leaders refuse bailout

(Newser) - EU leaders meeting in Brussels yesterday rejected a Hungarian-led effort to bail out the faltering economies of Eastern Europe, leading to apocalyptic warnings of an economic "Iron Curtain," with millions of unemployed workers heading west. Countries from the Baltic states to Poland and Romania have seen their once-booming...

EU Meets Over Economic Crisis

Protectionism concerns weigh on leaders

(Newser) - European Union leaders have begun an emergency meeting about the economic crisis amid fears of protectionism among nations, the BBC reports. The Brussels summit comes after French President Nicolas Sarkozy said he would bail out France’s auto industry if it didn’t send jobs out of the country. “...

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