Nouriel Roubini

9 Stories

Davos Brimming With Optimism for 'New Reality'

But rising food prices, political uncertainty are cause for concern

(Newser) - The Davos World Economic Forum is an optimistic place this year—the theme is “Shared Norms for the New Reality,” meaning the post-financial-crisis reality. In a poll, 48% of the assembled CEOs said they were “very confident” of growth in the next 12 months, according to the...

Dr. Doom: Europe on Path to Recession

And America might 'run into the wall'

(Newser) - Dr. Doom isn't happy with what he sees happening in Europe, which the NYU economist (real name Nouriel Roubini) says is on the path to recession or something very much like it. Some interview highlights, as reported by Reuters and Bloomberg :
  • In the euro zone, "growth will fall toward

Dr. Doom Fears a Double Dip Recession
Dr. Doom Fears a Double Dip Recession
Nouriel Roubini

Dr. Doom Fears a Double Dip Recession

Roubini thinks macro data contradict cheery recovery theories

(Newser) - There’s a debate raging over whether the US will recover quickly or undergo a painful double-dip recession . Guess which side eternal pessimist Nouriel Roubini is on? Dr. Doom doesn’t like the macroeconomic numbers he’s seeing. The horrendous consumer confidence, housing and employment numbers “actually suggest a...

Forget the Rosy Stats: The Little Guy Is in Bad Shape
Forget the Rosy Stats:
The Little Guy Is in Bad Shape
Nouriel Roubini

Forget the Rosy Stats: The Little Guy Is in Bad Shape

Economy far worse off than statistics indicate

(Newser) - Don’t believe the rosy official statistics; for most Americans, the economy is in incredibly bad shape, according to the economist some call “Dr. Doom.” We’re looking at a tale of two economies, Nouriel Roubini writes in the Globe and Mail . For top businesses, it’s recovering...

Recession Soon Over, but Here Comes Another
Recession Soon Over, but Here Comes Another

Recession Soon Over, but Here Comes Another

Roubini: Unwinding rescue could produce 'W-shaped' recovery

(Newser) - The global recession is nearly over, but the recovery is far from certain, writes NYU professor and professional pessimist Nouriel Roubini in a Financial Times op-ed. The economist who predicted the financial crisis chides colleagues who foresee a V-shaped recovery, with a quick return to growth. Rather, the recovery will...

Economy Is on an Upswing, Says Dr. Doom

Roubini predicts end to recession, sends markets jumping

(Newser) - The financial crisis is over and the worst of the recession is behind us, writes Nouriel Roubini, the extremely pessimistic economist who was among the few who predicted the scale of the downturn. "The light at the end of the tunnel is for once not an incoming train,"...

Dow Up 96 Despite CIT Woes
 Dow Up 96 Despite CIT Woes 

Dow Up 96 Despite CIT Woes

Rally extends into 4th day on Roubini comments, tech optimism

(Newser) - Stocks gained today as the tech sector continued to inspire and economist Nouriel Roubini predicted a recovery in late 2009, the Wall Street Journal reports. Though the looming bankruptcy of CIT Group depressed stocks most of the day, financials were able to trim losses before the close. The Dow rose...

Dr. Doom Still Gloomy on Economy
Dr. Doom
Still Gloomy
on Economy

Dr. Doom Still Gloomy on Economy

NYU's Roubini thinks more rough times lie ahead

(Newser) - Dr. Doom isn't ready to ditch his nickname. Nouriel Roubini, the New York University economist who predicted much of the current malaise, says he doesn't see a happy ending any time soon, Reuters reports. Although the stock market has generally performed well of late, he thinks it will be a...

Doctor Doom Says It's Time to Nationalize
Doctor Doom Says It's Time
to Nationalize

Doctor Doom Says It's Time to Nationalize

Temporary takeover isn't 'Bolshevik'—it's the only option

(Newser) - Nouriel Roubini thinks it will soon be time to nationalize the banks, and these days people listen to Nouriel Roubini. For years the NYU economist has been predicting financial catastrophe, earning the nickname “Doctor Doom,” so he’s now looking pretty prescient. “No one’s in favor...

9 Stories
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