universal health care

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Calif. Lawmakers Want to Abolish Private Health Insurance Market

But the bill has a long way to go

(Newser) - California Democrats on Tuesday took their first step toward abolishing the private health insurance market in the nation’s most populous state and replacing it with a government-run plan that they promised would never deny anyone the care they need. But the proposal that cleared a legislative committee in the...

Bernie Sanders Wants to Give You a 'Universal Medicare' Card

Senator unveils plan to provide insurance for everyone through Medicare

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders rolled out his vision to overhaul the health care system on Wednesday, one in which everybody would get their insurance from the government through Medicare instead of through their jobs or a private insurer. Sanders calls it the Medicare for All Act of 2017, but you'll also...

Colorado Will Vote on Universal Health Care

It could become the first state to ditch ObamaCare

(Newser) - The residents of one US state could become the first to reject ObamaCare next year, Al Jazeera reports. Surprisingly they'd be dumping it for something even more liberal. Officials announced Monday ColoradoCareYES collected enough signatures—158,831—to get Initiative 20 on the ballot. If passed, the bill would...

Yes, Uninsured People Deserve Compassion
Yes, Uninsured People Deserve Compassion
Nicholas Kristof

Yes, Uninsured People Deserve Compassion

Nicholas Kristof responds to critics of his dying friend

(Newser) - In a recent column, Nicholas Kristof told the story of his friend Scott, who chose to save money by not buying health insurance, and wound up getting prostate cancer. "I was taken aback by how many readers were savagely unsympathetic," he writes in today's New York Times...

ObamaCare Will Define John Roberts' Supreme Court

Chief justice pledged not to be activist, but controversial case a test

(Newser) - Chief Justice John Roberts swore up and down in confirmation hearings that he wouldn't legislate from the bench, a vow that has taken center stage along with his entire judicial legacy, as his Supreme Court gets ready to announce its ruling on ObamaCare on Thursday. Roberts has not written...

Stephen Hawking Talks Health Care, ALS, and Life

Physicist offers advice for living with disability

(Newser) - When you can only speak by twitching your cheek toward words flitting past your screen, you don’t tend to do a lot of interviews. But Stephen Hawking sat down with the New York Times last month to talk about his life, aliens, and health care. Some highlights:
  • On aliens:

1B Can't Afford Health Care: WHO

Health costs push 100M into poverty yearly

(Newser) - A billion people worldwide can’t afford health care, and paying for it drives 100 million people into poverty annually, a World Health Organization report says. The global report says all countries should seek creative ways to boost health-care efficiency and funding, Reuters reports. “For many, health services just...

Bastards! Health 'Reform' Isn't Worthy of Name

Dems should be ashamed of bill, but pass the damn thing

(Newser) - The Democrats should hurry up and pass their sorry excuse for a health bill, but they should stop calling it "health care reform," writes Michael Moore. The president and Democratic leaders should apologize to the American people for coming up with a bill that leaves 12 million people...

Bishops to Congress: Get Health Reform Done
 Bishops to Congress: 
 Get Health Reform Done 

Bishops to Congress: Get Health Reform Done

Church's role in health debate becomes even more paradoxical

(Newser) - The US Catholic bishops, whose primary role in the health care debate until recently was to voice concern about abortion funding, have changed tack in the wake of Scott Brown's election and are now urging Congress not to abandon the "moral imperative" of universal health coverage. The appeal the...

Romneycare Did In Obamacare
 Romneycare Did In Obamacare 

Romneycare Did In Obamacare

Mass. already has even-more-liberal health plan—why aid others?

(Newser) - Mitt Romney didn’t help Scott Brown win by campaigning for him, Timothy Noah writes, but by giving Massachusetts universal health care four years ago. Sure, the senator-elect and the former governor railed against Obamacare as a “one size fits all” health reform plan, but they were being disingenuous....

The Senate's Health Care Plan: Try Everything
The Senate's Health Care Plan: Try Everything

The Senate's Health Care Plan: Try Everything

Pilot programs might be the best way to solve the cost problem

(Newser) - The Senate health care plan ensures universal coverage, but when it comes to controlling costs, all it offers is…pilot programs. Sounds pretty flimsy, right? “Two thousand seventy-four pages and trillions of dollars later, this bill doesn’t even meet the basic goal,” complained Mitch McConnell, “to...

House Passes Landmark Health Care Reform

Measure passes 220-215, with only one Republican in favor

(Newser) - The House narrowly passed landmark health care legislation tonight to expand coverage to tens of millions who lack it and place tough new restrictions on the insurance industry. The measure passed 220-215 with only one Republican—Louisiana's Joseph Cao—in favor and 39 Democrats opposed. "Oh, what a night,...

Obama to Recast Health Reform as Moral Issue

Focus on legislative details has bogged down debate, supporters worry

(Newser) - President Obama is about to start focusing more on the moral aspects of health care reform, stressing the need to provide secure coverage to all Americans, the Wall Street Journal reports. The shift may reflect the concerns of some supporters that Obama has spent too much time talking about the...

Obamacare Isn't 'Socialist Hellhole,' It's Switzerland

Krugman: White House plan not all that radical

(Newser) - Investor's Business Daily made a howler when it said the British physicist Stephen Hawking "wouldn't have a chance" under the UK's health care, but for Paul Krugman, the "vile and stupid" editorial missed the point. Obamacare doesn't look like the British system, in which government runs hospitals...

Health Care Opponents Aren't (All) Crazy
Health Care Opponents Aren't (All) Crazy

Health Care Opponents Aren't (All) Crazy

They aren't 'delusional' for equating reform with fewer choices

(Newser) - There are definitely crazy black helicopter watchers amongst the screaming masses of health care foes, but most of the people filling town halls are “confused and concerned Americans,” writes Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post. “And they have a point.” Robinson’s a self-proclaimed “true...

Dems Propose 5.4% Tax on Top Earners for Health Care

Legislation proposes paying for coverage with a new tax on the wealthy

(Newser) - And they're off: House Democrats unveiled their bill to reform the US health care system today, the Hill reports. The bill includes a government-run insurance option to cover more than 30 million uninsured Americans and would impose new taxes on the wealthy to pay for it all, notes Politico. The...

If Health Care Push Fails, Blame Dems
If Health Care Push Fails, Blame Dems

If Health Care Push Fails, Blame Dems

Public wants a public option; why do 'centrists' oppose it?

(Newser) - Now ought to be a good time to reform health care. With costs up and coverage down, polls show the public overwhelmingly favors change. Unfortunately, “a handful of Democratic senators are still determined to party like it’s 1993,” writes Paul Krugman of the New York Times. These...

Obama Seeks Another $313B in Health Cuts

He wants to reduce Medicare payments to hospitals

(Newser) - In an effort to pay for his ambitious health care plans, Barack Obama today proposed another $313 billion in cuts to government health care spending over the next decade, the Wall Street Journal reports. That brings the total cuts proposed to nearly $950 billion, just shy of the $1 trillion...

Kennedy Floats Health Bill to Make Employers Pay

(Newser) - Employers would be required to offer health care to employees or pay a penalty, and all Americans would be guaranteed health insurance, under a draft bill being circulated today by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's health committee. The bill would provide subsidies to help poor people afford care, and give patients...

Obama Attacks Tax Havens to Save Health Care: Reich

(Newser) - Offshore tax havens may not be fair, but they’ve been around for decades. So why is President Obama taking them on now, Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich asks in Salon. It’s not to try to keep jobs here, as the White House claims; the move might even drive...

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