Georg Ratzinger

6 Stories

Hundreds of Boys Abused in Choir Led by Ex-Pope's Brother

Lawyer says there were more than 500 victims at German school

(Newser) - At least 547 members of a prestigious Catholic boys' choir in Germany were physically or sexually abused between 1945 and 1992, according to a report Tuesday. Allegations involving the Domspatzen choir were among a spate of abuse by Roman Catholic clergy in Germany that emerged in 2010, the AP reports....

Ahead of 85th Birthday, Benedict Asks Strength

Pontiff will also mark 7th anniversary as pope

(Newser) - Staring down both his 85th birthday and the seventh anniversary of his papacy, Pope Benedict today asked the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square for both prayers and strength, reports the AP . "Next Thursday, on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of my election to the See of...

As Abuse Scandal Nears Pope, Vatican Fires Back

But sex-abuse cases 'growing every day' in Germany

(Newser) - A day after high-level Catholic officials admitted that "serious mistakes" were made in handling a sex abuse case in the German diocese where Pope Benedict XVI was then archbishop, the Vatican came out swinging in defense of the embattled pontiff. Benedict, as the Vatican's cardinal in charge of sex-abuse...

Pope's Brother: I Overlooked Choir Abuse

Georg Ratzinger also admits to slapping students in the face

(Newser) - Pope Benedict’s brother today revealed that he used to slap pupils in the face at the Catholic school in Germany whose prestigious choir he led, and that he’d ignored allegations of more serious physical abuses. “Pupils told me about what went on,” Georg Ratzinger said in...

Pope's Brother Embroiled in Abuse Scandal

Georg Ratzinger denies knowledge of choir school abuse

(Newser) - Pope Benedict's older brother has been linked to a sex abuse scandal rocking the Catholic Church in Germany. Allegations of abuse at a boarding school whose choir Georg Ratzinger ran for 30 years have surfaced, although he has denied any knowledge of abuse and has agreed to testify in any...

Pope's Bro to Merkel: Chill Out
Pope's Bro to Merkel: Chill Out

Pope's Bro to Merkel: Chill Out

Ratzinger says German leader's call for pontiff to clarify Holocaust stance is 'irrational'

(Newser) - The pope’s brother today criticized Angela Merkel for demanding that Benedict XVI restate his views on the Holocaust amid the controversy over a reinstated priest, the Times of London reports. “I always saw her as a rational woman,” Georg Ratzinger—himself a Catholic priest—said of the...

6 Stories
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