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GOP Senator: I Don't Care About Grover Norquist

Chambliss says he'll raise taxes if need be

(Newser) - Grover Norquist's once-solid hold on Republicans who took his anti-tax pledge seems to be loosening. Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss has publicly broken ranks, telling WMAZ that he will vote to raise taxes if it's right for the nation. "I care more about my country than I do...

Why the Earth&#39;s Age Does, Actually, Matter in Politics
Why the Earth's Age Does, Actually, Matter in Politics
paul krugman

Why the Earth's Age Does, Actually, Matter in Politics

Paul Krugman: Republican Party becoming increasingly 'anti-rational'

(Newser) - When Marco Rubio deflected a question about the Earth's age recently, the Florida senator argued that such issues have nothing to do with politics—but he's wrong, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Let's not forget that Rubio himself once "provided powerful aid to...

Soul-Searching in GOP? Don&#39;t Believe It
 Soul-Searching  in GOP?  
 Don't Believe It 
paul krugman

Soul-Searching in GOP? Don't Believe It

Paul Krugman doesn't buy the talk about 'new Republicans'

(Newser) - Political chatter has it that some "new Republicans" are emerging in the wake of Mitt Romney's loss, a group willing to budge on economic and social issues, writes Paul Krugman at his blog in the New York Times . Don't believe it for a second, he adds. "...

GOP Still Holding Grudge Against Christie
 GOP Still Holding 
 Grudge Against Christie 

GOP Still Holding Grudge Against Christie

He's been caught by surprise by backlash: NYT

(Newser) - Republicans are not in forgive-and-forget mode in regard to Chris Christie's embrace of President Obama in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Big donors, fellow governors, and party bigwigs remain convinced that he gave Obama a crucial, maybe decisive, boost on the eve of the election, writes Michael Barbaro of...

Gingrich: GOP Needs to 'Stop Talking,' Start Thinking

Newt Gingrich on the future of the Republican Party

(Newser) - In a less-than-subtle column for Politico , Newt Gingrich blasts the GOP for being downright "wrong" about pretty much everything from voter turnout to the best advertising messages to "the makeup of the electorate." Bottom line: "Republicans spent more and achieved less than Democrats in 2012,"...

We Need a Center-Right Party

 We Need a Center-Right Party 
Nicholas Kristof

We Need a Center-Right Party

Republicans have to adapt, for everyone's sake

(Newser) - Democrats didn't win this election: Republicans lost it, mostly because of demography. "A coalition of aging white men is a recipe for failure in a nation that increasingly looks like a rainbow," observes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . But nobody should cheer the ongoing decline...

Boehner to Obama: Let's Make a Deal

He's willing to accept 'new revenue' but not higher tax rates

(Newser) - It seems like a start anyway. John Boehner and the White House are at least talking about talking in regard to a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff , reports the Wall Street Journal .
  • Boehner: “For purposes of forging a bipartisan agreement that begins to solve the problem, we’re

The Age of Reagan Is Over

 The Age of Reagan Is Over 
Ross Douthat

The Age of Reagan Is Over

Barack Obama's coalition is real, Ross Douthat admits

(Newser) - Conservatives wanted to believe that Barack Obama's 2008 victory was a one-time affair, a unique confluence of events. Now they know better. It's a genuine realignment, writes Ross Douthat in the New York Times . Obama won with the same coalition he marshaled in 2008. "It was the...

blue state tally


A list of the blue states in this year's election

(Newser) - The results are in, and the win goes to President Obama. Here are the states that aligned behind him for an Electoral College tally of 332 to 206:
  • Virginia (13)
  • Vermont (3)
  • Illinois (20)
  • Connecticut (7)
  • Maine (4)
  • District of Columbia (3)
  • Delaware (3)
  • Rhode Island (4)
  • Maryland (10)
  • Massachusetts



A list of the red states in this year's election

(Newser) - The AP reported that Mitt Romney was feeling pretty optimistic about his chances tonight, so much so that he had written a 1,118-word victory speech—and hadn't prepared a concession speech. But the win went to Obama, though Romney managed to take the following states and 206 Electoral...

Fight for the Senate: Can GOP Flip 4 Seats?
 Democrats Keep Senate: 
 Warren, McCaskill Win 
election 2012

Democrats Keep Senate: Warren, McCaskill Win

Tim Kaine, too; Democrats coast as Mourdock, Akin, McMahon lose

(Newser) - Democrats had a banner night in the Senate, starting with Elizabeth Warren knocking off GOP incumbent Scott Brown in Massachusetts. Meanwhile, Tim Kaine beat George Allen in Virginia, and Chris Murphy did the same to Linda McMahon for Connecticut's open seat—despite her huge personal influx of cash . It...

Fight for the House: GOP Poised to Keep Control
Republicans Retain
Control of House
election 2012

Republicans Retain Control of House

Although Jesse Jackson Jr. won re-election

(Newser) - Speaker John Boehner is going to keep his gavel. Republicans are on track to easily retain control of the House, reports Politico . Democrats needed to gain 25 seats to avoid that fate, but they won't even come close. In fact, Republicans might even increase their majority, which stood at...

After Tonight, GOP Could Own 66% of Governor Mansions

GOP will pick up 1 seat, and could grab as many as 4

(Newser) - It's a race for the governor's mansion in 11 states today, and the GOP could end the night at the helm of more than two-thirds of the 50 states. The GOP currently controls 29 of the country's top state offices; it's expected to keep the three...

How I Went From Democrat to the GOP&#39;s Money Man
How I Went From Democrat
to the GOP's Money Man
Sheldon Adelson

How I Went From Democrat to the GOP's Money Man

Sheldon Adelson explains his stance

(Newser) - Sheldon Adelson has made his opinion known this election season—mostly by writing gigantic checks. But the casino mogul and GOP super-donor spoke out in his own words in a Wall Street Journal op-ed today, explaining that he grew up as a Democrat. "Indeed, only liberal politicians campaigned in...

Electing Mitt Would Reward Bad Behavior

The GOP hasn't played fair since 2008: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Regardless of how you feel about Mitt Romney's policies, there's a big reason not to vote for him: A Romney win would reward the bad behavior the Republican Party has exhibited over the past four years, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . After President Obama was elected, the GOP...

'No-Limits' Giving: Missouri Has It, and US Could Too

Lawyers want to ax all political-donation caps

(Newser) - With Republicans trying to remove caps on all direct political donations, the New York Times looks at how it works in Missouri—where one retired investor has donated $20 million to PACs and candidates over the past four years. Rex Sinquefield, 68, has helped sustain a GOP campaign for secretary...

At Long Last, Dems Giving to Super PACs

But they've got a long way to go to match GOP

(Newser) - After the Supreme Court paved the way for super PACs, many Democrats were uncomfortable with the idea of limitless political spending—but as Republican-backing groups rake in the cash, it seems reluctant Democrats are coming around. As of the beginning of September, more than 40 donors had given at least...

Teachers Now Backing ... the GOP

Republicans see more union dollars roll in

(Newser) - Talk about strange bedfellows: Some American teachers' unions, bruised by struggles with Democrats like Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel , are lending their support to ... Republicans, the New York Times reports. Reaching across the aisle in states like Illiinois, Ohio, and Texas, teachers' groups gave $1.2 million to GOP state candidates...

Wall Street Has Plenty of Democrat Pals, Too
Wall Street Has Plenty
of Democrat Pals, Too

Wall Street Has Plenty of Democrat Pals, Too

They know how to 'tow the line,' too: Gary Weiss

(Newser) - Yes, Wall Street would love to see Mitt Romney win in November, writes Gary Weiss at TheStreet , but Weiss wants to debunk the "conventional wisdom" that the financial services industry and Democrats don't get along. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is a case in point. She's a...

Oops: House Candidate Withdraws, May Have Voted in 2 States

Maryland's Wendy Rosen is registered in Florida, too

(Newser) - A congressional candidate in Maryland is dropping out of her race for a doozy of a reason: She allegedly voted in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008, reports the Baltimore Sun . Democrat Wendy Rosen was a longshot challenger for the House anyway, and now her party is scrambling...

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