
7 Stories

Woman Used Government Funds to Buy Tuxedo for Pug

Kristi Goss pleaded guilty to fraudulent use of a credit card

(Newser) - A former administrative assistant to an Arkansas county official has pleaded guilty to fraudulent use of a credit card after prosecutors accused her of using public money to buy personal items, including a tuxedo for her pet pug, the AP reports. Kristi Goss was set for trial this week but...

Michelle: Barack Had Same Tux, Shoes His Entire Presidency

'And he was proud of it, too'

(Newser) - The same tuxedo and shoes served former President Obama for as long as he was in the White House and nobody noticed, Michelle Obama says. Speaking at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, the former first lady contrasted the close attention paid to her outfits to the apathy that greeted her...

Female Student Booted From Prom Over Suit

Aniya Wolf says principal threatened to get the cops

(Newser) - Aniya Wolf has always felt "more masculine" than other girls. That wasn't an issue during her three years at Bishop McDevitt High School in Harrisburg, Pa., where she dressed in pants. But a similar outfit got her kicked out of her prom on Friday. Aniya, who identifies as...

Bernie Sanders: I've Never Worn a Tux

And he eats turkey

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders might have been taking shots at Hillary Clinton during Sunday's debate, but he sat down for a decidedly lighter interview with Time and dropped this little gem: "I do not own a tuxedo. Never have I worn a tuxedo." Nonetheless, the senator from Vermont says...

Gay Student Banned From Wearing Tux to Prom

La. honor student says she's skipping it in protest

(Newser) - At Carroll High School in Monroe, La., the principal says, "Girls wear dresses and boys wear tuxes, and that's the way it is," according to the mother of an openly gay student skipping the prom to protest the dress policy. Honor student Claudetteia Love, 17, tells the...

Teen Arrested in Stolen Tux —at Prom

18-year-old faces felony charges

(Newser) - When a $600 tuxedo was stolen off a mannequin Friday night at a bridal shop in Prescott Valley, Ariz., police knew just where to look: They called around to local schools and discovered that one of them had its prom scheduled for the weekend. The store owner, whose front window...

In DC, Rash of Wary Tux Renters Ahead of Inaugural

(Newser) - Uninitiated DC men are scrambling to procure tuxedos for the inauguration, and they, luckily, have a few seasoned resources, the Washington Post reports. While inveterate ball-goers frequent Brooks Brothers and such, a younger class of invitees is flocking to the capital’s rental shops, where veteran tailors calm their jitters....

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