Kelly Rutherford

2 Stories

Rutherford Has Baby Gossip Girl

(Newser) - Gossip Girl "mom" Kelly Rutherford was rushed late yesterday to a Los Angeles hospital where she gave birth to bouncing baby girl, reports Radar. The newborn will join big brother Hermes, 2. The new arrival comes just as Kelly is divorcing the kids' pop, business tycoon Daniel Giersch, for...

Gossip Girl Star's Divorce Turns Ugly

Kelly Rutherford, hubby David Giersch trade nasty allegations, legal documents

(Newser) - Sounds like something from her Gossip Girl script: Shortly after filing for divorce from her multi-millionaire hubby, 4-months-pregnant Kelly Rutherford, 40, fears he’ll fly the coop to his native Germany with their 2-year-old son Hermes, People reports. David Giersch, 34, has allegations of his own, claiming the actress is...

2 Stories