Bush administration

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Reid Vows to Block Olson as AG Pick
Reid Vows to Block Olson
as AG Pick

Reid Vows to Block Olson as AG Pick

Majority leader blasts reported Bush favorite as Gonzales 2.0

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pledged to stop conservative attorney Ted Olson from becoming attorney general if he's nominated, Reuters reports. The former solicitor general is thought to be President Bush's first choice, but faces stiff opposition from Dems who are pushing for a less partisan figure after Alberto Gonzales'...

Olson May Be Top Dog on AG Roster
Olson May
Be Top Dog
on AG Roster

Olson May Be Top Dog on AG Roster

But conservative stalwart would face tough confirmation fight

(Newser) - Conservative stalwart Theodore Olson is the likely top choice to replace Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Reuters reports. The former solicitor general may have a partisan reputation among Democrats—he represented President Bush in the Florida election battle and was accused of trying to dig up anti-Clinton scandals in the 1990s—...

McCain Hitches Hopes to Petraeus' Star

Steadfast support of war, general may help candidate gain traction

(Newser) - John McCain’s presidential prospects may rest on his criticism of the Bush administration and his support for David Petraeus, and if the situation allows, the Arizona senator will be rewarded for his support of an unpopular war, the Politico's Roger Simon contends. McCain bemoans the “many mistakes” made...

General Walks the Party Line
General Walks the Party Line

General Walks the Party Line

Petraeus as concerned with selling the war as winning it, say analysts

(Newser) - General Petraeus appeared to be a mouthpiece for the White House in testimony that had no surprises and left many questions unanswered when he recommended no significant troop draw down from Iraq at least until summer, several analysts agree. Though he presented himself as just a soldier presenting facts, Petraeus...

Rumsfeld Says He Has No Regrets
Rumsfeld Says He Has
No Regrets

Rumsfeld Says He Has No Regrets

Ex-defense secretary sleeps just fine, thank you; still backs Bush

(Newser) - Ever unflappable, Donald Rumsfeld praises progress in Afghanistan, backs his old boss, and tells GQ he has nothing to apologize for in his first interview since his ouster in December. Rummy still exudes the confidence he was known for in office, dismissing questions of guilt in Iraq, saying, "I...

Bush Zeros In on Next AG
Bush Zeros In
on Next AG

Bush Zeros In on Next AG

Candidate list down to five; decision expected this week

(Newser) - President Bush is down to five candidates to replace Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. Of his current choices, Michael Mukasey, a former chief judge for the US Southern District of New York, has the most bi-partisan appeal, while Ted Olson, winning lawyer in the Supreme Court Bush v. Gore election case,...

Bush's True Base Isn't the Right, It's the Rich

Business and wealthy have hijacked the GOP, argues new book

(Newser) - Don’t be fooled by the lip service to Christian conservatives: the interests the Bush administration serves are economic, not religious, Jonathan Chait writes in the “The Big Con,” a book that the Washington Monthly’s Kevin Drum calls the best on the long list of recent  Bush-bashers....

Condi Now: The Cost of Loyalty
Condi Now: The Cost of Loyalty

Condi Now: The Cost of Loyalty

Hard-headed realist drank the Kool Aid

(Newser) - The bond between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and President Bush is her chief asset—and a critical weakness—according to an analysis in the Washington Post. Both have been changed by the relationship; he from a foreign policy novice to veteran, and she, perhaps more profoundly, from a hard-headed...

Snow Sets Departure Date
Snow Sets Departure Date

Snow Sets Departure Date

After weeks of rumors, press secretary will step down next month

(Newser) - After weeks of rumors about his departure, White House press secretary Tony Snow gave his two weeks' notice today. Snow, who has battled colon cancer since 2005, made it clear he was leaving for financial and not health reasons, CNN reports. "I love you," President Bush told Snow,...

Bush to Unveil Bailout Plan in Mortgage Crisis

Reforms will help families keep their homes

(Newser) - President Bush will announce a rescue package for homeowners with subprime mortgages faced with foreclosure. The package will include a call for Congress to give the Federal Housing Administration more power to help borrowers keep their homes—and stricter enforcement of laws against predatory lending, Reuters reports.

With Gonzo Gone, Whither W?
With Gonzo Gone, Whither W?

With Gonzo Gone, Whither W?

Lame-duck Justice Dept., confirmation wrangling loom

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales leaves the Justice Department swamped with scandal and doubt, and the White House in a pall of uncertainty. Bush is finally unburdened of one of his administration's biggest targets, but is also increasingly alone as his closest advisers evaporate. And the confirmation hearings for Gonzales' replacement could turn...

Alberto Gonzales Resigns
Alberto Gonzales Resigns

Alberto Gonzales Resigns

Attorney general steps down after months of criticism over politicized Justice Department

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales has resigned, the White House told CNN today, after months of calls for his replacement—and even impeachment—from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle worried that the Justice Department was becoming overly politicized. The AG told President Bush of his intention to step down Friday, following...

US Will Screen Charity Workers for Terror Ties

To keep funding AID funding, groups will get background checks

(Newser) - A new Bush administration plan will require personnel of some charities and NGOs to register with the government to ensure they are not associated with terrorists. The Washington Post reports that organizations that receive funding from the Agency for International Development will have to provide the phone numbers and e-mail...

How to Shut Protesters Up: A White House Guidebook

ACLU lawsuit forces release of manual

(Newser) - A lawsuit sparked by two protesters wearing anti-Bush T-shirts has forced the White House to reveal its guidebook on dealing with dissenters, the Washington Post reports. The manual calls for a "protest area" separate from event sites and roaming "rally squads" to drown out demonstrators who infiltrate the...

Group Drops $15M on Pro-Surge Campaign

TV, Internet, radio ads backed by GOP heavies

(Newser) - Launched today by ex-White House PR man Ari Fleischer and a laundry list of pro-Bush bigwigs, a new group called Freedom's Watch has spent $15 million on ads to support the president's troop surge in Iraq, Politico reports. The group aims to fill a conservative "vacuum" ahead of September's...

Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits
Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits

Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits

Candidate backs looser rules on money transfers, family visits

(Newser) - Barack Obama says that as president, he would reverse the Bush administration's increased restrictions on travel to Cuba, the AP reports. Visiting or sending money to relatives on the Communist-controlled island became more difficult in 2004, a policy change the candidate calls "strategically blundering" in an op-ed published in...

The Karl Rove Question: Were Federal Assets Used to Further GOP?

(Newser) - In the wake of Karl Rove's resignation, the Washington Post  does a detailed account of the political strategist's use of the White House to pursue his dream of insuring GOP dominance for the foreseeable future. While all administrations send senior officials out to help party members get elected, the Post...

Dems Afraid They've Let in Big Brother

New law could give White House broad spying powers

(Newser) - Americans who phone friends or shoot emails overseas could have business records snatched up or be subject to searches whenever Washington wants, the Dems worry – after passing new surveillance powers that they may not have fully understood. Yet the White House swears that “the intent here was pure,...

Spokesman Snow Set to Quit
Spokesman Snow Set to Quit

Spokesman Snow Set to Quit

(Newser) - White House spokesman Tony Snow, who recently battled colon cancer, is ready to step down from his post, CNN is reporting. The move could come as early as next month. On a TV interview show yesterday, Snow said he might not be able to stay for the rest of the...

White House to Ghostwrite Surge Report

Think Progress blogger furious over detail hidden in LA Times

(Newser) - An irate blogger has blown up the fine print in today's news, exposing a plan by Washington to pen a long-awaited report on Iraq’s troop surge. Think Progress blogger Faiz posted a paragraph he discovered deep in a Los Angeles Times story, revealing that the White House will secretly...

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