Roman Catholic bishops

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Bishops: Birth Control Change Not Good Enough

President's compromise is still 'unacceptable'

(Newser) - It seemed at first that Catholic bishops would be on board with President Obama's tweak on contraception coverage, with an initial statement calling it "a first step in the right direction." They made clear last night, however, that they're still not happy, reports the Wall Street ...

Israel Slams Catholic Call to End Occupation of Palestine

Calls archbishop's comments 'libel'

(Newser) - Israel blasted a statement by Catholic bishops made during a conference in Rome that called for “an end to the occupation” of Palestinian territories. “We express our disappointment that this important synod has become a forum for political attacks on Israel in the best history of Arab propaganda,...

Bishops Fight Sex Abuse Bill
 Bishops Fight Sex Abuse Bill 

Bishops Fight Sex Abuse Bill

Conn. legislation 'undermines church mission'

(Newser) - Connecticut bishops are using church pulpits to battle a Connecticut bill to remove the statute of limitations on child sex abuse. The state's three Roman Catholic bishops issued a weekend letter to be discussed at mass yesterday, saying the bill "would put all church institutions, including your parish, at...

Bishops to Congress: Get Health Reform Done
 Bishops to Congress: 
 Get Health Reform Done 

Bishops to Congress: Get Health Reform Done

Church's role in health debate becomes even more paradoxical

(Newser) - The US Catholic bishops, whose primary role in the health care debate until recently was to voice concern about abortion funding, have changed tack in the wake of Scott Brown's election and are now urging Congress not to abandon the "moral imperative" of universal health coverage. The appeal the...

Irish Bishop Quits Over Child Sex Scandal

Vatican mum about scathing report, government furious

(Newser) - The bishop of Limerick is offering his resignation to Pope Benedict XVI today in the wake of a damning report on the church's cover up of multiple child sexual abuse cases. Donal Murray acted "inexcusably" in one case and handled others badly, the report concluded. The report has caused...

RI Bishop Disses Kennedy Over Pro-Choice Stance
 RI Bishop Disses 
 Kennedy Over 


RI Bishop Disses Kennedy Over Pro-Choice Stance

Spat over Patrick's position on abortion escalates

(Newser) - Health care reform, the cause of his father's life, has made Rep. Patrick Kennedy persona non grata in his Rhode Island parish—thanks to the furor over publicly funded abortion. As the debate rages, Bishop Thomas Tobin has told the only public servant remaining in America's most famous Catholic family...

Abortion Dispute Could Derail Health Care Bill

Some Dems vow to block final passage

(Newser) - The abortion funding ban included in the health-care bill passed by the House Saturday could doom it down the road, as abortion supporters in the Senate threaten revolt, and those who voted for it in the House vow they won't back the final bill if it's still included, the Washington...

Gay Catholic Archbishop Writes Memoir
Gay Catholic Archbishop Writes Memoir

Gay Catholic Archbishop Writes Memoir

Figure in sex scandal admits orientation, denies assault

(Newser) - A Catholic archbishop who resigned in 2002 over a sex scandal with a man has written a book addressing his sexual orientation, reports the AP. Rembert Weakland was head of the Milwaukee archdiocese and a hero to liberal Catholics for his activism, until he resigned at the peak of the...

Notre Dame Students Support Obama Invite

Bishops are angry, but students want to see the president

(Newser) - President Obama's invitation to speak at Notre Dame's graduation has prompted protests from two bishops, who blasted the Catholic school for inviting a president who supports stem-cell research and funding for family-planning clinics that offer abortion. But students are eager for Obama's visit, the AP reports. Based on letters to...

Bishops to Press Obama on Abortion Ban

Catholic leaders re-energize abortion opposition at annual meet

(Newser) - America's Roman Catholic bishops appear to be on a collision course with the Obama administration over abortion, the Chicago Tribune reports. At the bishops’ annual meeting yesterday in Baltimore the group began drafting a statement that will call on the president-elect to outlaw the procedure. The bishops also threatened to...

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