VJ Day

3 Stories

Physicist Unearths Key Detail About Iconic WWII Photo

His finding debunks several people's claims to be the ones kissing

(Newser) - The party started early on VJ Day. Though the official announcement that World War II ended wasn't made until closer to 7pm on Aug. 14, 1945, a scientific assessment of the famous photo of the couple kissing in celebration, called "VJ Day in Times Square" and widely known...

Brooks: Humility Is Dead
 Brooks: Humility Is Dead 

Brooks: Humility Is Dead

Kanye, Joe Wilson lead age of attention-seeking

(Newser) - What happened to humility in America? In the past few days, we’ve seen Joe Wilson interrupt a presidential speech, Kanye West steal Taylor Swift’s microphone to voice his opinion, and Michael Jordan offer up an “egomaniacal” Hall of Fame speech, writes David Brooks in the New York ...

VJ Day Nurse to Lead Parade
 VJ Day Nurse to Lead Parade 

VJ Day Nurse to Lead Parade

was the iconic image of war's end

(Newser) - The woman who claims to be the lady in white in the iconic Life photograph of a sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square on V-J Day is being feted this week as grand marshall of tomorrow's Veterans Day Parade in Manhattan, AP reports.  Former nurse Edith Shain, now...

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