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Roseanne Poses as Hitler: Cue Controversy

Publisher defends magazine's choice

(Newser) - Roseanne Barr, always good for a controversy, recently dressed up as a “Nazi domestic goddess” for Jewish magazine Heeb, causing quite a flap. “Yes, the story of this infamous satirist/Jewish grandmother pulling a tray of burnt ‘Jew cookies’ out of an oven has been making its way...

New Fashion Mag Takes Web by Storm

User-generated content brings visitors; next step: profit

(Newser) - The newest magazine to make a splash in the fashion world isn’t sold in stores, but it is a head-turner. Online-only Polyvore lets users act as fashion editors, putting together “sets” of clothing and accessories other users can then click to purchase. The site is growing in popularity...

Quincy Jones Wants Vibe Back—Online

'They just messed my magazine all up,' former owner says

(Newser) - Don’t count out Vibe, Quincy Jones tells Ebony. Despite this week's announced end to its print edition, Jones says the hip-hop publication he founded 16 years ago will continue online. “I’m trying to buy my magazine back now,” Jones said. “They just messed my magazine...

Ad Slump KOs Vibe
 Ad Slump KOs Vibe 

Ad Slump KOs Vibe

(Newser) - Hip-hop magazine Vibe is ceasing operations today, the New York Times reports. The publication has been in dire financial straits, and its chief said it had sought new investors or a plan “to restructure the huge debt on our small company” to no avail. Though Vibe reported healthy circulation...

Airbrush's Bristles Get Prickly for Fashion Mags

Readers demand more realistic photos

(Newser) - After years of digital enhancements that make today’s celebrities look more alien than human, a movement is under way to make fashion photography more realistic, the New York Times reports. Leading by example is photographer Peter Lindbergh, responsible for a series of un-retouched celebs on the cover of French...

TNR's Rosen: 'Of Course' She Should Be Confirmed

He wrote critical article in use by judge's critics

(Newser) - After writing a much-discussed article in the New Republic earlier this month raising questions about the qualifications of Sonia Sotomayor, Jeffrey Rosen wants to be clear: "Of course, Judge Sotomayor should be confirmed to the Supreme Court," he blogs. Rosen complains that conservatives have adopted much of the...

Playboy on Block for $300M

Hef said to be loathe to part with firm

(Newser) - With the magazine at its heart struggling against the tide of the Internet, Hugh Hefner’s Playboy empire is seeking a buyer for $300 million, the New York Post reports. That’s three times its current market capitalization, but sources say Hef won’t sell unless he can get the...

New Newsweek a Lot Like Old Newsweek
 New Newsweek a Lot Like 
 Old Newsweek 

New Newsweek a Lot Like Old Newsweek

(Newser) - Freshly fired by Time, Michael Kinsley checked out the much-ballyhooed Newsweek makeover. Let’s just say he’s less than impressed. In his introductory note, editor John Meacham says, “We are not pretending to be your guide through the chaos of the information age.” Already, Kinsley sees a...

First Fox: Michelle Hits Maxim's Hot 100 List

(Newser) - First lady Michelle Obama has joined the rarefied ranks of Maxim’s 100 hottest women in the world, AFP reports. Obama, who comes in at 93 on the list, is described in the lad mag as the “stimulus package America really needs.” She's the first first lady to...

Buff, Shirtless Obama Graces Mag Cover

(Newser) - If Barack Obama gets sick of being president, maybe he could work a career as cover-boy beefcake. The Washingtonian, a DC-area style/culture magazine, has plastered a picture of the topless Obama on the cover of its May issue, ABC News reports. The pic supposedly illustrates the No. 2 reason (among...

Mother Jones Provides Model for Nonprofit News

Floundering for-profits take note of magazine's success

(Newser) - Mother Jones has thrived for 33 years as a nonprofit publication, and its business model is becoming of increasing interest to struggling newspapers, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Though the magazine was founded as a nonprofit because of Nixon-era fears of undue influence in journalism, Mother Jones hit its financial...

Gawker to Portfolio : Cover Your Beat
Gawker to Portfolio: Cover Your Beat

Gawker to Portfolio: Cover Your Beat

Why must business mag put Palin on cover in midst of meltdown?

(Newser) - This should be Joanne Lipman's big moment. But the Portfolio editor blew it, complains Ryan Tate at Gawker: Instead of using her position at the helm of a major finance magazine to cover a once-in-a-century financial crisis, Lipman put Sarah Palin on the April cover. It's as bad as her...

Hearst to Roll Out E-Reader for Newspapers, Magazines

Publishing giant aims to save periodicals with new device

(Newser) - Hearst Corporation aims to do for periodicals what the Kindle's doing for books with a new electronic reader, CNN reports. The company—which publishes an array of magazines and newspapers, including Cosmopolitan, Esquire and the San Francisco Chronicle—hopes the device will help cushion revenues in light of sinking ad...

Seth Rogen: Playboy Cover Model

Comedy star joins exclusive list of males to grace cover of men's mag

(Newser) - Seth Rogen is about to join a very selective club: Playboy is putting him on the cover of its April issue, the Daily News reports. That's an honor shared by fewer than 10 men, including Jerry Seinfeld and Steve Martin. Readers who don’t buy Playboy for the articles will...

Michelle Obama Will Be on Vogue Cover

(Newser) - Michelle Obama will appear on the cover of Vogue’s March issue, only the second first lady (after Hillary Clinton) to have the fashion honor, the Washington Post reports. While most first ladies in the modern age have had spreads inside, editor Anna Wintour says Michelle's "serene and secure...

Madge Sizzles With Boy-Toy Foursome

Madonna comes to Jesus in 'W' spread

(Newser) - A sizzling-hot Madonna is about to hit newsstands in an eye-popping spread of simulated sex with a foursome of Brazilian boy toys, reports the New York Daily News. One of the beefcake hotties prominently featured in the 45-page show-all in W is 22-year-old Ford model Jesus Luz, a key rival...

She Wears Prada, But Forget the Devil Part
 She Wears Prada, 
  But Forget the Devil Part 
film review

She Wears Prada, But Forget the Devil Part

The September Issue parlays blanket access into 'engrossing' portrait

(Newser) - A Sundance documentary offering a rare, unfettered look at steely Vogue editrix Anna Wintour proves “engrossing even if you don't care much about fashion,” Andrew O’Hehir writes in Salon, and goes a long way to humanize the subject of The Devil Wears Prada. In a Q&A,...

Ambassador Anna? Rumors Have Vogue Ed Paris-Bound

Wintour rumored new French ambassador

(Newser) - Rumors are flying that Vogue editor Anna Wintour will become ambassador to France, the New York Post reports. Wintour's rumored replacement at the pinnacle of fashion journalism would be Carine Roitfeld, editor of French Vogue. But is the scuttlebutt, which appears to have originated with the Fashion Week Daily website,...

Want Ashley's Email? Ask Marie Claire

Mag forgets to Bcc in holiday blast, exposes celeb addresses

(Newser) - Whoops! Marie Claire accidentally gave an early Christmas gift to 582 people: the email addresses of celebrities including Ashley Olsen, Tina Fey, and Lindsay Lohan, Gawker reports. The blunder occurred when the mag forgot to use the good old Bcc line on its holiday email blast. It’s the third...

Why Are We Gaga Over Jen?
Why Are We Gaga Over Jen?

Why Are We Gaga Over Jen?

'Movie star' has nude pics, famous breakup, pithy quotes—but no blockbuster, uh, movies

(Newser) - Jennifer Aniston is everywhere. “Have you opened a paper or magazine in the last two weeks and not seen her? Did she finance Marley & Me herself?” asks Ken Levine on the Huffington Post. Even without a blockbuster to her name, the former Friend has become a bonafide movie...

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