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Approval Rating Nears Biden's Low Point

Roughly one-fourth of respondents say the economy is doing well

(Newser) - Approval of President Biden's job performance has dipped slightly since a month ago, nearing the lowest point of his presidency as his administration tries to project a sense of stability while confronting a pair of bank failures and inflation that remains high. That's according to a new poll...

Poll: 27% of Republicans, 19% of Democrats Approve of Capitol Riot

More than half of GOPers think 'people participated in a legitimate public discourse'

(Newser) - More than a quarter of Republicans now approve of the Capitol riot, according to a new poll—and, puzzlingly, almost a fifth of Democrats agree. "Do you approve or disapprove of the Trump supporters taking over the Capitol building in Washington, DC on January 6th, 2021 to stop Congressional...

Americans' Predictions for US in 2023 Aren't Good

Majorities expect tax increases, political conflict, more crime: Gallup

(Newser) - New year, new country? Not the way most Americans see it, according to Gallup . Given the partisan politics and economic struggles of 2022 , a new poll finds Americans are "largely pessimistic" about the state of the US in the coming year. Some 80% expect economic difficulty, with tax increases...

In Our Recreational Substances of Choice, a Big First

11% of US adults tell Gallup they smoke cigarettes; pot smokers surpass that for first time, with 16%

(Newser) - In the mid-1950s, nearly half of US adults copped to smoking cigarettes. After decades of PSAs and warnings from the medical community on the dangers of smoking, it's probably not surprising that that figure has plummeted to just 11%—and it's now been surpassed by Americans who say...

Poll: Trump Gains Steam Among GOPers After FBI Raid

Percentage of GOP voters who support Trump over Republican Party spikes from May, per NBC poll

(Newser) - After the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago earlier this month, the walls may feel like they're closing in on former President Trump, at least from a legal standpoint. In the court of public opinion with fellow Republicans, however, that search may have helped to give Trump a boost, at least...

Poll: Most Black Americans Fear More Racial Attacks

Most say white supremacy is a bigger problem than it was 5 years ago

(Newser) - Black people in the US were well aware of the danger racism posed to them before the shootings in Buffalo, polling confirmed. Since then, the concern is clear: Three-fourths of Black people are concerned that they or someone they love will be attacked physically because they're Black, a Washington...

Poll Shows Republicans With an Edge Before Midterms

Respondents trust GOP to handle inflation over Democrats by 21 points

(Newser) - For the first time since 2014, voters say they're more likely to vote Republican in the congressional midterm elections, a new poll shows. That snapshot has been meaningful in the past: GOP candidates led by 5 percentage points before the vote eight years ago and went on to win...

Most Trusted News Source Is ... the Weather Channel?
Most Trusted News Source
Is Bit of a Surprise
in case you missed it

Most Trusted News Source Is Bit of a Surprise

52% of Americans trust the Weather Channel in latest YouGov poll

(Newser) - When it comes to the weather, most of us are on the same side of things—or, at least we're all watching and believing the same reports. That's according to YouGov , a UK market research firm whose latest poll on the media found that the most trusted news...

Poll Finds 91% of Ukrainians Expect to Win
Ukrainian Poll: 91%
Predict Victory

Ukrainian Poll: 91% Predict Victory

Confidence is increasing as Russian invasion sputters

(Newser) - Ukrainians are growing increasingly sure they'll defeat the Russian invaders, a new poll has found. In February, just before Russia attacked, 56% of those surveyed said Ukraine would be able to repel an invasion, an Info Sapiens poll showed. By March 14-15, 91% predicted victory, the Washington Post reports,...

Americans Are Majorly Stressed Out
Americans Are
Majorly Stressed Out

Americans Are Majorly Stressed Out

87% say mental health has faltered under 'constant stream of crises without a break' since 2020: APA

(Newser) - Feeling stressed out more than you were, say, in 2019? Makes sense, according to a new survey from the American Psychological Association, which says that a COVID-fatigued America now grappling with higher prices at the pumps and supermarkets, as well as gruesome images from a war overseas, is being hit...

Biden May Have Just Hit 'Rock-Bottom' Numbers

56% of Americans think president's first year was a failure, with a current 39% job approval, per new poll

(Newser) - President Biden's State of the Union is set for Tuesday , and now that he's got just over a year in office under his belt, the pollsters are out to see how America viewed those initial 365 days. Per a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey , not that hot. Turns out...

Poll Finds Frustration With Biden Presidency

Lack of attention to slowing inflation concerns respondents most

(Newser) - As the Biden presidency turns a year old, a poll released Sunday shows many voters feel let down. About half the respondents to a CBS News poll said the words "frustrated" and "disappointed" described their sentiments about President Biden's work, though they still like him personally, the...

Teens Rank 9 Biggest Threats to Their Generation
Teens Rank the
9 Biggest Threats
They Are Facing
in case you missed it

Teens Rank the 9 Biggest Threats They Are Facing

Climate change fails to make the top 5

(Newser) - Teenagers are perhaps less concerned with climate change than you might think, ranking it sixth in a list of the nine greatest threats to their generation, according to a new Washington Post -Ipsos poll. The national survey of 1,349 teens aged 14 to 18, conducted online in May and...

Poll: Americans' Optimism Fades as Delta Spreads

Even a month ago, the public felt better about the pandemic

(Newser) - In June, 89% of Americans polled saw the COVID-19 outbreak as improving, with just 3% saying it was worsening. That was before the delta variant of the coronavirus made itself felt. In July, the Gallup Poll reports, more adults expressed pessimism than optimism about the pandemic—45% to 40%. It'...

Finances of 2 Groups Hit Hardest During Pandemic

Women, people of color more likely to report being worse off

(Newser) - Women and people of color are significantly more likely than white men to say they're worse off financially now than they were before the pandemic, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll . Of the 1,007 people surveyed by phone between April 18-21, 22% said they were worse...

Poll on Capitol Attack Reveals a 'Huge Problem'

Reuters survey: Half of Republicans say it was mostly peaceful; 80% of Dems say otherwise

(Newser) - It's been almost three months to the day since the Capitol attack , and in its wake, former President Trump and his allies, as well as members of the conservative media, have "publicly painted a picture of the day's events jarringly at odds with reality," as Reuters...

Poll: Most in GOP Would Back Trump
Poll: Most
in GOP Would
Back Trump

Poll: Most in GOP Would Back Trump

Support for 2024 run rebounds after Senate acquittal

(Newser) - Donald Trump has left the White House—and public view, for the most part—but indications are his base of support is not going anywhere. A poll conducted as his Senate impeachment trial ended in acquittal has found that 54% of Republican voters would back Trump in a 2024 presidential...

Trump's Final Approval Rating: A 'Personal Low Note'

President is leaving with a 34% approval rating

(Newser) - As he gets ready to head out of the Oval Office and back to life as a private citizen, President Trump just received his final report card—and Gallup notes he's leaving "on a personal low note." In a survey of 1,023 random American adults taken...

As the Vaccines Roll Out, a Shift in Perceptions

46% of Americans now willing to get one ASAP, compared to 26% in late October

(Newser) - Two months ago, a USA Today/Suffolk University poll showed a wariness among Americans toward the coronavirus vaccine, with only 26% willing to roll their sleeves up for the shot as soon as it became available to them. Now, just days after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine rollouts began for health...

Why a Wisconsin Poll Is Getting So Much Attention
Why a Wisconsin Poll Is
Getting So Much Attention
the rundown

Why a Wisconsin Poll Is Getting So Much Attention

It shows Biden up by 17 points

(Newser) - GOP strategist Karl Rove this week said President Trump could secure a second term if he wins Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, or Michigan, along with the other states he took in 2016. "If he carries Wisconsin out of those three states, only Wisconsin, he's got 270," said Rove, per...

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