live television

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Decade's Best Live TV Moments
 Decade's Best Live TV Moments 

Decade's Best Live TV Moments

From Barack Obama's victory speech to the tumbling of Saddam's statue

(Newser) - Paste looks back on the decade’s 25 best—not necessarily most important—moments on live TV. The top 10:
  1. Barack Obama: His victory speech captured the moment when one part of Martin Luther King’s dream came true.
  2. Miracle on the Hudson: Pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger became

'Drunk' Ewoks Storm Today Show, Blogosphere

Halloween segment turns into fun-size free-for-all

(Newser) - The weekend's hottest viral video is a Today show segment that began with Halloween decorating tips and ended with a pair of Ewoks running wild. The Star Wars-themed show saw the Return of the Jedi supporting players earn a leading role by fighting, moonwalking, swilling a Boo-tini, and humping Al...

SNL's F-Bomb Coulda Been Staged

The circumstances leading to Jenny Slate's viral video moment are awfully suspicious

(Newser) - With the Jenny-Slate-says-f---ing-on-live-TV clip going viral and making Saturday Night Live nearly relevant again, E! has to wonder—was it staged? It unrolls its best guess at what happened:
  • Sarah Palin bows out of politics, which means no more Tina Fey on SNL.
  • Lorne Michaels realizes he'll have to wait

SNL's Slate Keeps Her Fricking Job

NBC won't can rookie over nervous slip-up

(Newser) - SNL won't drop newbie Jenny Slate over the F-bomb she dropped on her live debut Saturday. NBC tells the Orlando Sentinel's Hal Boedeker that the frickin’ slipup, which viewers were supposed to hear between the lines, is not cause for dismissal. Perhaps Slate can even incorporate the scandal in the...

Andrews Back on Sidelines for ESPN

(Newser) - Reporter Erin Andrews put the summer’s naked-video scandal behind her tonight, returning to the sidelines for ESPN’s first college football telecast of the season. David Whitley was observing her every move during the South Carolina-North Carolina State tilt for AOL’s Fanhouse blog, and notes, “She appears...

Most Repulsive Reality TV Shows

(Newser) - Reality shows throw anyone who signs a waiver onto TV. Some have higher aspirations, but most rest solidly in "How low can they go?" territory. Annie Barrett of Entertainment Weekly looks at 35 of the most appalling reality TV shows.
  • Jail:  A new low from the guys

Viral Marketing Stunt Puts TV Actor on ... TV

(Newser) - A mysterious bald audience member turning up on various live Fox broadcasts is a viral marketing plant—as well as an actor on the show he’s subtly promoting. Michael Cerveris, in character as “The Observer” from the sci-fi drama Fringe, has so far been spotted, well, observing football,...

Guest Passes Out on Glenn Beck

Columbia prof announces he's passing out before doing so

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s live show had an unexpected twist yesterday: a guest passed out early in the program, TVNewser reports. As Beck chatted about a chart, David Buckner of Columbia University whispered “I’m passing out.” Beck asked if Buckner wanted to sit and took his hand, but...

Blago, Burris Kick Off SNL's '09
 Blago, Burris Kick Off SNL's '09 

Blago, Burris Kick Off SNL's '09

Comedian Jason Sudeikis is the Illinois gov's hair apparent

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live doesn’t have Sarah Palin to ape anymore, so the cast started 2009 with new impressions of Rod Blagojevich, Roland Burris, and Rachel Maddow, the Huffington Post reports. Last night’s show began with Maddow (Amy Elliott) grilling wannabe-senator Burris (Keenan Thompson) and embattled Illinois governor Blagojevich...

Sarah Palin, Come Back! SNL Needs You

Show loses its edge without the moose-hunting governor

(Newser) - Without Sarah Palin and with a dull Barack Obama impression on its hands, Saturday Night Live is in election withdrawal, Alex Carnevale writes for Gawker. The show’s opening skit about congressional hearings on automaker bailouts was “less than hilarious,” and it “tried to squeeze jokes out...

Madden Takes First Weekend Off in 28 Years

NFL commentator ends 476-game streak to see the grandkids

(Newser) - For the first time in 28 years, sportscaster John Madden will not call a regular-season NFL game this weekend, ending an impressive run of 476 without absence, the Washington Post reports. The hiatus is expected to be short for Madden—now 72 and working NBC’s Sunday-night broadcast—who crisscrosses...

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