electoral votes

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Nevada Judge Throws Out Fake Electors Indictment

Attorney general plans to appeal, while Republicans' lawyers contend case is over

(Newser) - A Nevada state court judge dismissed a criminal indictment Friday against six Republicans accused of submitting certificates to Congress falsely declaring Donald Trump the winner of the state's 2020 presidential election, potentially killing the case by ruling that state prosecutors chose the wrong venue to file the case. Nevada...

Wisconsin's Fake Electors Concede Biden's Victory

10 Republicans settle lawsuit, agreeing to not act for Trump again

(Newser) - A group of 10 Republicans who falsely attested that they were electors certifying that Donald Trump carried Wisconsin in the 2020 presidential election on Wednesday acknowledged President Biden's victory and agreed to not again act as electors, genuine or not, in any election involving the former president. In settling...

Electoral Fight Adds GOP Votes
Electoral Fight
Adds GOP Votes

Electoral Fight Adds GOP Votes

11 senators sign on to object to Biden's electoral count

(Newser) - Acknowledging that their effort to keep President-elect Joe Biden from assuming office is unlikely to succeed, 11 Republican senators committed anyway Saturday to voting to reject Electoral College votes on Wednesday. The group said in a joint statement that a commission should be appointed by Congresss "to conduct an...

Pence Wants Last-Gasp Election Lawsuit Tossed

Suit seeks to give him power to overturn the results of the presidential election

(Newser) - The Justice Department has asked a federal judge to dismiss a last-gasp lawsuit led by a House Republican that seeks to give Vice President Pence the power to overturn the results of the presidential election won by Joe Biden when Congress formally counts the Electoral College votes next week. Pence,...

Pence Rebuffs 'Extreme Call' From GOP Congressman

Court filing by Louie Gohmert's lawyers says VP isn't on board with their plan to overturn election

(Newser) - On Jan. 6, Vice President Mike Pence will oversee the Senate's formal acceptance of the Electoral College vote—and so far, it looks like he'll be following the usual protocols instead of joining in efforts to upend the results. Earlier this week, GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert filed a...

After Powerful Speech on His Vote, an Elector's Emotional Reveal

Jack Arends of Washington state on his failing health: 'I was glad to do my duty'

(Newser) - On Monday, Washington state's dozen electors all cast their votes for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the next president and vice president of the United States. One vote, however, proved a particularly emotional one. The Washington Post reports Jack Arends, a 64-year-old grassroots activist from Snohomish County, arrived...

Michigan Certifies Biden Win

Michigan Confirms Results

Republican who voted with Democrats to certify Biden's win says 'the law is pretty clear'

(Newser) - After listening to three hours' worth of public comment and receiving a recommendation from the state Bureau of Elections to approve, a Michigan board voted to certify President-elect Joe Biden's Nov. 3 victory in the state. One Republican member voted with the two Democrats to confirm the certified results...

GOP Leaders Quash Trump Bid on Electors

State lawmakers in 4 states say they won't do it

(Newser) - Republican leaders in four critical states won by President-elect Joe Biden say they won’t participate in a legally dubious scheme to flip their state’s electors to vote for President Trump, the AP reports. Their comments effectively shut down a half-baked plot some Republicans floated as a last chance...

Here's a Guide to What Happens Next
Trump Might Take This
to the Supreme Court
the rundown

Trump Might Take This to the Supreme Court

But there are hurdles, to say the least

(Newser) - Now that the AP has declared Joe Biden the next US president, what happens? And can President Trump, who is refusing to concede, take this to the Supreme Court? The Wall Street Journal offers a guide: First, states will let campaigns seek recounts or will conduct them on their own...

Trump: I'll Do Better in 2020 Than 2016

He also tells Fox News that he will declare victory 'only when there's victory'

(Newser) - President Trump isn't setting the bar low for expectations: On Fox News Tuesday, he predicted he'll rack up more electoral votes against Joe Biden than he did against Hillary Clinton. "I ended up with 306," he said, per Politico . "That was a big number, and...

Hillary Clinton to Cast Vote in Electoral College

She's a New York state elector this year

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has decried the Electoral College—but this year she'll cast a vote in it. The former Democratic presidential nominee, who won the popular vote in 2016, announced she would be one of 29 electors for New York during an interview on Sirius XM's "Signal Boost"...

Supreme Court Rules Against 'Faithless Electors'

States can make them back the winner of popular vote

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that states can require presidential electors to back their states' popular-vote winner in the Electoral College, per the AP . The ruling, just under four months before the 2020 election, leaves in place laws in 32 states and the District of Columbia that bind electors...

Connecticut Wants to Change How Presidents Are Elected

The Nutmeg State has joined a multi-state pledge to award electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote

(Newser) - A newly passed Connecticut law places the Nutmeg State among a growing group of US states that aim to change the way America chooses its president. Per NPR , the state's legislature voted over the weekend to send a bill to Gov. Dannel Malloy that ensures Connecticut's seven electoral...

Trump: If Popular Vote Mattered, I Would've Won It

So he said on Twitter Wednesday morning

(Newser) - Donald Trump is known to occasionally think out loud on Twitter, and on Wednesday the president-elect processed his Electoral College victory, which he won by 304 votes to Hillary Clinton's 227 . Trump started off by tweeting at 8:15am EST: "Campaigning to win the Electoral College is much...

The Electoral College Has Spoken: It's Trump
The Electoral College
Has Spoken: It's Trump

The Electoral College Has Spoken: It's Trump

He walks with 304 of the expected 306 electoral votes

(Newser) - The revolt was infinitesimal: Of the 306 electors pledged to vote for Donald Trump, 304 did, officially giving him more than the 270 electoral votes needed to become president. Politico reports the two who opted for someone other than Trump were both from Texas: One cast a ballot for John...

9/11 Firefighter: I Won't Cast Electoral Vote for Trump

'I watch Mr. Trump fail to unite America and drive a wedge between us': Texas GOPer Christopher Suprun

(Newser) - Consider him one of the faithless . Texas Republican Christopher Suprun, one of the 538 electors set to cast a ballot for the next president on Dec. 19, won't be voting for Donald Trump, and he explains his position in an opinion piece for the New York Times . He says...

GOP Elector Quits, Says Trump Not 'Biblically Qualified'

Art Sisneros of Texas says he felt he had no choice but to step down

(Newser) - There's been talk of "faithless electors" trying to overturn the Electoral College vote on Dec. 19 that presumably will fall in Donald Trump's favor, but one Texas elector has so much faith that he's taking a different route, per the Houston Chronicle : He's resigning his...

Trump's Chance of Getting to 270 Is Shrinking
Trump's Chance of
Getting to 270
Is Shrinking
the rundown

Trump's Chance of Getting to 270 Is Shrinking

Polls suggest he's in trouble in crucial states

(Newser) - Friday morning brings another spate of Donald Trump stories. Some of the big ones generating headlines:
  • Trump's path to victory is in trouble based on the latest polls in North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, while the campaign seems to have given up entirely on Virginia. "It's hard

GOP Moves to Scrap Winner-Take-All Voting

Virginia poised to vote on changes next week; other states considering

(Newser) - Republicans in swing states that went for President Obama are pushing for a big change in how the Electoral College works, reports the Washington Post . The idea is to apportion electoral votes according to congressional district, instead of the winner-take-all system that most states employ. In Virginia, for example, the...

How Pundits' Predictions Stacked Up
How Pundits' Predictions Stacked Up

How Pundits' Predictions Stacked Up

Nate Silver nailed it, while Rush, Noonan were way off

(Newser) - The official results from Florida aren't in yet but it looks like Nate Silver—whose blog accounted for a fifth of the New York Times' web traffic Monday—correctly called 50 out of 50 states after getting 49 right in 2008. "You know who won the election tonight?...

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