game show hosts

18 Stories

'The Time Has Come to Say Goodbye'
'The Time Has
Come to Say

'The Time Has Come to Say Goodbye'

Pat Sajak's final episode of 'Wheel of Fortune' airs after 40-plus years at the helm

(Newser) - After more than four decades lording over his show's giant wheel, Pat Sajak just presided over his final spin. The last Wheel of Fortune episode featuring the 77-year-old host aired Friday , and it was mostly business as usual in terms of gameplay, reports the New York Times . Then, at...

Pat Sajak Defends the Puzzle-Missers
Pat Sajak Blasts Twitter
Critics After Wheel Misfire
in case you missed it

Pat Sajak Blasts Twitter Critics After Wheel Misfire

'Have a little heart,' he says of those mocking contestants playing on national TV

(Newser) - Wheel of Fortune misfires crop up now and then, but they seldom reach the gone-viral peak of this latest one. And Pat Sajak isn't having it, reports Deadline . All but four letters were revealed in "another feather _n yo_r _a_," but the contestants couldn't get the...

Jeopardy! Confirms 2 New Permanent Hosts

Mike Richards, Mayim Bialik named as replacements for Alex Trebek

(Newser) - Beloved Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek left some big shoes to fill—and Sony Pictures Television has decided it will take more than one new permanent host to replace him. After months of guest hosts, game show veteran Mike Richards and Mayim Bialik, former star of The Big Bang Theory, have...

Ken Jennings, Make Way for Katie Couric

Per 'LAT' report, Couric set to be 2nd guest host for 'Jeopardy!'

(Newser) - With one upcoming guest host of Jeopardy! embroiled in a bit of online controversy , a second has just been announced. Sources tell the Los Angeles Times that Katie Couric has been selected to fill a one-week slot in Alex Trebek's place in the wake of his November death at...

Alex Trebek's Last Day Filming Was 10 Days Before Death

Tributes are pouring in for 'Jeopardy!' host

(Newser) - Tributes to beloved Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek are pouring in after he died Sunday at age 80 following a battle with pancreatic cancer. The three Greatest of All Time tournament contestants all weighed in, including Ken Jennings, who ultimately won the title. "Alex wasn’t just the best ever...

Chuck Woolery Says Son Has COVID, Takes Twitter Hiatus

Former game show host had said 'everyone is lying' about virus, was retweeted by Trump

(Newser) - "The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19," Chuck Woolery posted Monday on Twitter. "Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust." The post was retweeted the same day by President Trump. On...

Pat Sajak Had an Emergency. A Familiar Face Has Stepped In

Vanna White will act as 'Wheel of Fortune' host while Sajak recovers from emergency surgery

(Newser) - Thursday's taping of Wheel of Fortune was abruptly canceled after its host was rushed into emergency surgery. People reports 73-year-old Pat Sajak had to have a procedure for a blocked intestine, forcing Thursday's "Disney Week" taping in Los Angeles to be nixed. By Friday, a familiar face...

Alex Trebek Names Possible New Jeopardy! Hosts

He's considering retiring in 2020

(Newser) - Who is a beloved host of a long-running game show considering retirement? The answer is Alex Trebek, host of Jeopardy! since 1984. The Canadian-born host's latest contract expires in 2020, when he will be 80. He told TMZ's Harvey Levin on Fox's OBJECTified on Monday that the...

Let's Make a Deal Host Dies
Let's Make a Deal Host Dies

Let's Make a Deal Host Dies

Game show icon Monty Hall is dead at age 96

(Newser) - Monty Hall, the genial TV game show host whose long-running Let's Make a Deal traded on love of money and merchandise and the mystery of which door had the car behind it, has died, reports the AP . He was 96. Hall died Saturday of heart failure at his home...

Trump Out, Schwarzenegger In at Celebrity Apprentice

NBC announces Arnold as new host

(Newser) - With Donald Trump out, Arnold Schwarzenegger is in. NBC has named Schwarzenegger the new host of Celebrity Apprentice, Entertainment Weekly reports, setting off a host of jokes on Twitter about what the action star/former governor's catchphrase will be:
  • @berringer452 : "I guess instead of being fired the contestants will

Alex Trebek Suffers Heart Attack

But hospitalized host is upbeat, aims to be at next month's Jeopardy taping

(Newser) - Jeopardy king Alex Trebek has suffered a mild heart attack. The 71-year-old host of the long-running game show was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles over the weekend. Doctors expect him to make a full recovery, and he plans to be back on the Jeopardy set next month...

Family Feud's Richard Dawson Dead
 Family Feud's 
 Richard Dawson Dead 

Family Feud's Richard Dawson Dead

Game show host died of esophageal cancer, son says

(Newser) - Not a good morning for the small screen : Longtime Family Feud host Richard Dawson died late yesterday of complications from esophageal cancer, reports TMZ . He was 79. Known as "the Kissing Bandit" during his first run as host, from 1976 to 1985, Dawson later returned to host the show...

Jeopardy Host Hurt Chasing Hotel Burglar

Alex Trebek snapped Achilles tendon during pursuit

(Newser) - "I deal with answers and questions," Jeopardy host Alex Trebek told the crowd at the National Geographic World Championship after hobbling onstage on crutches. "Today I'm going to start with the answer to a question on many of your minds right now. The answer is: '...

10 TV Hosts Who Are Fantastic Jerks

They're mean, and we like them

(Newser) - Listen up, Ryan Seacrest: It's time to start being more of a smart aleck. Some of the greatest hosts in television history share one down-and-dirty characteristic: They're, well, a**holes, reports Movieline , which runs down the 10 who have most perfected the art of "likable meanness:"
  1. Anne Robinson: The

Ex-Scientologist Actor: Return My $120K

After 33 years, Larry Anderson wants out

(Newser) - After 33 years as a Scientologist and a star turn in a widely disseminated orientation video, actor Larry Anderson wants out—and he wants his money back. Anderson, a magician turned TV actor and game-show host, says the organization owes him $120,000. A Scientology rep tells the St. Petersburg ...

Ken Ober, Host of MTV's Remote Control, Dead at 52

Cause of death still uncertain

(Newser) - Ken Ober, who hosted MTV’s 1980s game show Remote Control, died Sunday at 52; a rep says the cause is still unknown, but that the actor and stand-up comic complained of a headache and flu-like symptoms Saturday. The show—at the time a relative rarity, given that the channel...

Millionaire Returns to Prime Time for 10th Anniversary

Special 11-night run will feature Regis Philbin, celeb guests

(Newser) - To mark its 10th anniversary, ABC’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire will return to prime time for an 11-night run starting Aug. 9, USA Today reports. Regis Philbin will return as host, along with celebrity guests—including Snoop Dogg, Lauren Conrad, Vanessa Williams and Katy Perry—who will...

D-Lister? Host a Game Show!
 D-Lister? Host a Game Show! 

D-Lister? Host a Game Show!

Game show offer actors new showcase

(Newser) - With game shows making a dramatic comeback, agents and their star clients looking to revive flagging careers are angling to get in on the action, reports the New York Times. Executives at cable's Game Show Network are being peppered with resumes, tapes, and pitches. The latest crop of new hosts...

18 Stories