Nicholas Kristof

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Iran Nuanced, Not &#39;Crazy&#39;

 Iran Nuanced, 
 Not 'Crazy' 
Nicholas Kristof

Iran Nuanced, Not 'Crazy'

US needs to nurture progress, not stereotypes

(Newser) - Nicholas Kristof may be mad at President Obama for protecting "odious" regimes such as Syria and Sudan, but Iran—despite its nuclear weapons program and terrible human rights record (and having accused Kristof of being a spy back in 2004)—deserves "a dollop of humility and nuance,"...

Sanctions, Not Bombs, Will Break Iran
 Not Bombs, 
 Will Break Iran 
Nicholas Kristof

Sanctions, Not Bombs, Will Break Iran

Nationalist backlash to attack would keep regime in power for years

(Newser) - International sanctions are biting hard into Iran's significant and growing middle class, but for the most part people are blaming their government for the hardship, not the United States. Which is why it is so important that the United States concentrate on sanctions and not bomb Iran—a military...

Iranians Sound a Little Fed Up With Leaders
 Iranians Sound 
 a Little Fed Up 
 With Leaders 
Nicholas Kristof

Iranians Sound a Little Fed Up With Leaders

And many are remarkably 'pro-American': Nicholas Kristof

(Newser) - It's been eight years since Nicholas Kristof last visited Iran, and this time around, people "seem more discontented," he writes in the New York Times . Kristof blames that on economic troubles—and while Western sanctions are partially to blame, a "surprising number of Iranians" hold their...

Chemical-Soaked Danger Lurks in Your Couch
 Danger Lurks 
 in Your Couch 
Nicholas Kristof

Chemical-Soaked Danger Lurks in Your Couch

Deadly chemicals in furniture illustrate lobbyist dangers

(Newser) - To you, the sofa is probably just a place to park your butt. But to Nicholas Kristof, writing in his latest New York Times column, it is a symbol of how money and politics ruin everything. That's because nearly all couches in the United States contain flame retardant chemicals...

Goldman Sachs Owns Stake in Sex Trafficking Website was already the target of legal action

(Newser) - The No. 1 American website for sex trafficking of underage girls is And is owned by Village Voice Media, which is 16% owned by ... Goldman Sachs. The Wall Street firm "was mortified when I began inquiring last week about its stake in America’s leading...

Bomb Iran? It&#39;s No Debate at All

 Bomb Iran? 
 It's No Debate at All 
Nicholas Kristof

Bomb Iran? It's No Debate at All

All credible experts agree striking Iran very bad idea, says Kristof

(Newser) - You might think from newspaper editorials and Sunday morning talk shows that a debate was raging over whether Israel should strike Iran's nuclear facilities. In fact, there is not—no credible security expert thinks it is a good idea, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . “Unless...

Bankers Giving Banking a Bad Name
 Bankers Giving 
 Banking a 
 Bad Name 
Nicholas Kristof

Bankers Giving Banking a Bad Name

Nicholas Kristof hopes young idealists can save American capitalism

(Newser) - Nicholas Kristof was dumbfounded when, during a recent college lecture, a student asked him if banking jobs were immoral. "I've been sympathetic to the Occupy Wall Street movement, but look, finance is not evil," he writes in the New York Times . It's an essential force, allocating...

What&#39;s a Great Teacher Worth? $700K
What's a Great Teacher Worth? $700K
Nicholas Kristof

What's a Great Teacher Worth? $700K

Nicholas Kristof explains why teacher quality is so important

(Newser) - What should you do if the excellent teacher your child was supposed to have next year retires? "Correct answer? Panic!" writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times , or better yet, get the incoming class to raise $100,000 to convince the teacher to stay—it would be...

Time for a New Approach to a New North Korea
Time for a New Approach
to a New North Korea
Nicholas Kristof

Time for a New Approach to a New North Korea

Forget isolation, let's try outreach: Nicholas Kristof

(Newser) - North Korea's change in leadership provides the US a chance to rethink its Pyongyang strategy, which might actually be backfiring, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . Our sanctions have isolated the country, but that isolation has helped the Kims keep their grip on power. And in a...

Ex-Banker: Yeah, Collapse Was Our Fault
Ex-Banker: Yeah, Collapse Was Our Fault
Nicholas Kristof

Ex-Banker: Yeah, Collapse Was Our Fault

So why haven't homeowners been bailed out?

(Newser) - If you were trying to get a loan in southern Florida in 2007, bankers like James Theckston were there to help. "If you had some old bag lady walking down the street and she had a decent credit score, she got a loan," Chase's then-regional VP of...

Nicholas Kristof: Michael Bloomberg and Cops Underscore Occupy Wall Street's Point
 Bloomberg, Cops 
 Occupiers' Point 

Bloomberg, Cops Underscore Occupiers' Point

OWS about occupying the national agenda, not city parks

(Newser) - With harsh police crackdowns against Occupy Wall Street protesters around the country, it's enough to make you wonder if Michael Bloomberg and the nation's police chiefs are actually on the side of the protesters, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . Of course they're not really,...

Want Equality? Occupy Preschool
 Want Equality? 
 Occupy Preschool 
Nicholas Kristof

Want Equality? Occupy Preschool

Invest in early education to prevent wide disparity

(Newser) - Occupy Wall Street protesters are raging against inequality, proposing new taxes and regulations to get there. But Nicholas Kristof thinks he knows “the single step that would do the most to reduce inequality,” he writes in the New York Times : expand early childhood education. “That will seem...

Occupiers Are Democracy&#39;s &#39;Primal Scream&#39;
 Occupiers Are 
 'Primal Scream' 
Nicholas Kristof

Occupiers Are Democracy's 'Primal Scream'

From Tahrir Square to Wall Street, protesters feel society rigged, says Kristof

(Newser) - Don't underestimate the parallels between Tahrir Square and Occupy Wall Street, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . He's interviewed plenty of protesters in both locations, and he says that people's responses were largely the same, the feeling that a small ruling elite is rigging the...

What Occupy Wall Street Should Demand
 What Occupy Wall Street 
 Should Demand 

What Occupy Wall Street Should Demand

Movement needs clear demands to fix financial system

(Newser) - The biggest problem with the Occupy Wall Street movement is its demands: "It doesn’t really have any," writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . While he's not anti-market like many of the protesters, Kristof does think America's financial institutions have grown out of control—...

Kenya Can Help Stop 'Mass Rape' of Somali Refugees Fleeing Famine
 Kenya: Help Stop 
 Rape of Somali Refugees 
Nicholas Kristof

Kenya: Help Stop Rape of Somali Refugees

Donor fatigue no excuse for giving up: Kristof

(Newser) - The severe famine gripping Somalia is not only starving millions of people, it's creating "an instance of mass rape" for refugees fleeing into Kenya, writes Nicholas Kristof at the New York Times . About 1,000 a day are forced to trek 50 miles from the border to a...

Nicholas Kristof Interviews Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

 My 'Bizarre'  
 Chat With  
Nicholas Kristof

My 'Bizarre' Chat With Ahmadinejad

Iran president: We 'love' Americans

(Newser) - In his only print interview during a visit to the UN, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared “complex, even bizarre,” writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . The “firebrand” in public was “subdued and very soft-spoken” in person, offering repeated “olive branches” to his interviewer: "We...

Nicholas Kristof: Get Real About Creating Jobs
 It's the Jobs, Stupid 

It's the Jobs, Stupid

Nothing else is going to pull us out, so get real about creating jobs

(Newser) - Washington policy wonks may enjoy obsessing about the debt and political intrigue, but with 25 million Americans unemployed or underemployed, it's the jobs, stupid, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . Polls show people's biggest worry is work, by a two-to-one margin over federal spending. "I...

US Should Copy Model of Its &#39;Lefty&#39; Military
US Should Copy Model
of Its 'Lefty' Military
nicholas kristof

US Should Copy Model of Its 'Lefty' Military

It stresses people, education, and income equality: Nicholas Kristof

(Newser) - America is desperate to find ways out of its funk, and Nicholas Kristof thinks it would do well to copy a liberal-sounding model from an unlikely place—the US military. "The United States armed forces knit together whites, blacks, Asians, and Hispanics from diverse backgrounds, invests in their education...

Agriculture's 'Most Disgraceful' Problem: Antibiotics

Overuse of antibiotics threatens our entire food supply and our health

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's attacks on 9/11 killed nearly 3,000 people, completely transforming America's approach to national security. And yet food-borne illnesses kill 5,000 Americans each year and hospitalize 325,000, but there is little interest in improving food safety, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . Now,...

Nicholas Kristof: Tea Party Utopia Already Exists—and It's Pakistan
Tea Party Utopia Already Exists—and It's Pakistan
Nicholas Kristof

Tea Party Utopia Already Exists—and It's Pakistan

Low taxes, small government are for developing countries

(Newser) - Imagine Tea Party Utopia—a country with low taxes, limited government, a strong military, deeply patriotic citizens, plenty of school prayer, and no same-sex anything. Well, that country exists, and it's called Pakistan, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . "The United States is, of course, in...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>