oil imports

7 Stories

'Stunning' Move Made on Keystone Pipeline Request

Canadian energy company writes letter to State Dept.

(Newser) - The company behind the controversial Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to the US Gulf Coast has asked the US State Department to pause its review of the project. TransCanada said Monday a suspension would be appropriate while it works with Nebraska authorities for approval of its preferred route through the...

Americas Replacing Mideast as World's Oil Source

Production is up from Canada to the US to Brazil

(Newser) - Gas and oil production is booming from Canada to Argentina, and that shift away from the Middle East has the potential to change the United States' geopolitical calculations significantly, reports the Washington Post . Even the US has been able to boost its petroleum production by 1.7 million barrels per...

Clinton to India: Back Off the Iran Oil

Secretary on 3-day visit seeking more support for oil sanctions

(Newser) - Hoping to wean India from Iranian oil imports, Hillary Clinton is urging Indian leaders to explore alternative suppliers as she opens a three-day visit to the energy-starved South Asian giant. Clinton arrived in the eastern city of Kolkata today as officials traveling with her said the Iranian oil imports would...

US Imports 1M Fewer Barrels of Oil Daily
 US Imports 1M Fewer 
 Barrels of Oil Daily 
new report

US Imports 1M Fewer Barrels of Oil Daily

White House report says we're closer to achieving energy security goals

(Newser) - The US is well on its way toward achieving President Obama's energy security goals as laid out a year ago, says an administration report out today. The White House is looking to cut oil imports by a third over the next decade, boost domestic oil and natural gas production,...

President Obama Energy Speech: Bloggers and Left and Right Say It's a Lousy Plan
Obama's Energy Speech: Smart Politics, Lousy Plan
OPINION roundup

Obama's Energy Speech: Smart Politics, Lousy Plan

Early reaction finds little to get excited about

(Newser) - President Obama laid out his energy plan for America, with the headline-grabbing line that he intends to cut oil imports by a third in about a decade. Read the full text here . A quick survey of bloggers of all stripes finds them underwhelmed, in part because they don't see much...

Obama: Cut Imported Oil by 1/3 by 2020

President wants to boost domestic production, biofuels

(Newser) - President Obama will put energy policy in the crosshairs today, calling for the United States to cut the 9.7 million barrels it imports each day by a third by 2020. But even given the precarious energy situations in the Middle East and Japan, notes the Washington Post, the president...

Chavez Building Reactor With Russian Support

Only for 'peaceful purposes,' Chavez insists

(Newser) - In his latest challenge to Washington, Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez has announced that his nation is developing a nuclear reactor—with Russian support, Reuters reports. "We are interested in development of nuclear energy, of course for peaceful purposes—for medical purposes, for  electricity," Chavez said yesterday at a...

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