Treasury secretary

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Trump Denies Considering Dimon for Treasury Secretary

'I don't know who said it, or where it came from, perhaps the Radical Left'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has denied reports that he's considering JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon or BlackRock CEO Larry Fink for Treasury secretary if he wins a second term. "I don't know who said it, or where it came from, perhaps the Radical Left, but I never discussed, or...

Culinary Diplomacy: What's Janet Yellen Eating in China?

She ate potentially psychedelic mushrooms on her last visit, and all eyes are on this trip

(Newser) - Ever since she ate mushrooms that can have psychedelic effects in Beijing last July, Janet Yellen has united Americans and Chinese in wanting to know what she'll eat next. As the AP reports, now that the US Treasury secretary is back in China this week, having stopped in Guangzhou...

It's a 'Huge Milestone' for US Currency

New banknotes are the first to be signed by 2 women

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday helped mark a milestone in US history when she held up a newly minted $5 bill signed for the first time ever by two women. Yellen's signature will appear alongside that of US Treasurer Lynn Malerba, the first Native American in that position,...

Yellen: I Worked Hard on a Legible Signature for US Bills

'I knew this was something you could really screw up,' she tells Colbert

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's signature will soon appear on US currency—and she says she "practiced and practiced" to make sure it was legible, unlike the signatures of some of her predecessors. "Tim Geithner and Jack Lew signed the currency and their signatures were so illegible that...

Mnuchin's Wife Releases Quite a Movie Trailer
Mnuchin's Wife Releases
Quite a Movie Trailer
in case you missed it

Mnuchin's Wife Releases Quite a Movie Trailer

Louise Linton stars in 'Me You Madness,' described as 'camp-tastic' and 'insane'

(Newser) - Louise Linton gained fame , and some infamy , as the wife of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Now that her husband's DC tenure is over, the 40-year-old is getting back to her day job: acting. A new trailer for Me You Madness is out, featuring Linton in the starring role, reports...

Janet Yellen at Helm of Treasury Is a Big First

Senate OKs Biden's nominee, making her the first woman to lead the department

(Newser) - The Senate on Monday approved President Biden's nomination of Janet Yellen to be the nation's 78th Treasury secretary, making her the first woman to hold the job in the department's 232-year history. Yellen, a former chair of the Federal Reserve, was approved by the Senate in an...

Report: Biden Has Picked Yellen for Treasury Secretary

She chaired the Fed from 2014 to 2018

(Newser) - The first woman to lead the Federal Reserve is set to become the first female Treasury secretary. Sources tell the Wall Street Journal and the AP that President-elect Joe Biden has tapped 74-year-old labor economist Janet Yellen, who chaired the Fed from 2014 to 2018, for the role. Yellen also...

White House, Congress 'Very Close' to $450B Deal

Aid package will offer billions for hospitals, testing

(Newser) - The Trump administration and Congress are nearing an agreement as early as Sunday on an aid package of up to $450 billion to boost a small-business loan program that has run out of money and add funds for hospitals and COVID-19 testing, the AP reports. With small-business owners reeling during...

Paul O'Neill Is Dead at 84
Paul O'Neill Is Dead at 84

Paul O'Neill Is Dead at 84

The former Treasury secretary was known for his straight-talking style

(Newser) - Paul O’Neill, a former Treasury secretary who broke with George W. Bush over tax policy and then produced a book critical of the administration, died Saturday. He was 84. O'Neill's son, Paul O’Neill Jr. confirmed that his father died at his home in Pittsburgh after battling...

Mnuchin Balked on Trump's Tax Returns. Watchdog: OK

Treasury sec's decision was based on DOJ advice, which acting Treasury IG didn't comment on

(Newser) - A watchdog has found that the Treasury Department appropriately handled Congress' request for President Trump's tax returns, which Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has refused to provide. Rep. Richard Neal, the Massachusetts Democrat who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, asked acting inspector general for the Treasury, Rich Delmar,...

Mnuchin on Greta's Fossil Fuels Comment: Go to College

Treasury secretary takes a jab at Swedish climate activist at Davos

(Newser) - The person from the Trump administration usually criticizing Greta Thunberg is President Trump himself . On Thursday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, however, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin decided to get in on the action with a jab against the 17-year-old Swedish climate activist. The talk had turned to...

Mnuchin: Everything's Fine, Banks Have Money to Lend

'Not exactly confidence inspiring'

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced Sunday that he had called the CEOs of America's six largest banks and they had confirmed him that they had ample cash available for lending. His tweet , however, alarmed some analysts, who noted that Treasury secretaries don't call bank chiefs on a Sunday...

Louise Linton Tries to Find Her Footing in 'Mean Girls' DC
She Thought Everyone in DC
Would Be 'So Nice.' Maybe Not?

She Thought Everyone in DC Would Be 'So Nice.' Maybe Not?

Louise Linton, wife of Steven Mnuchin, tells 'Washingtonian' of adapting to 'mean girls' town

(Newser) - Louise Linton has been the subject of much interest since her arrival in DC, as evidenced by not just one profile on her, but now a second. The latest take on Steven Mnuchin's wife comes via the Washingtonian , and author Elaina Plott poses one big question: "Is DC...

Watchdog Finds 'Disconnnect' on Mnuchin's Flights

Rich Delmar says they were legal but poorly justified

(Newser) - "Just because something is legal doesn't make it right," White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney said when setting down new travel rules —and it was a line that a Treasury Department watchdog decided to include in his report on Steven Mnuchin's travel. In his review...

Mnuchin: Jet Request Was All About National Security

And he says as a New Yorker, he didn't care about eclipse

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Thursday his request for use of a government plane for his European honeymoon earlier this summer was about national security and not his own personal convenience. Mnuchin said as a member of the president's National Security Council, he needed a secure communications link with...

Treasury Secretary Asked for Air Force Jet for Honeymoon

Steven Mnuchin's request was turned down

(Newser) - As a wealthy former Goldman Sachs banker, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is used to traveling in style—but his request for a government plane to take him and new wife Louise Linton on their European honeymoon was rejected. Officials tell ABC News that Mnuchin's office made a formal—and...

Treasury Secretary's Wife Reacts to Backlash Over Instagram Post

Louise Linton had gone after commenter who railed into her over luxury lifestyle

(Newser) - Louise Linton had her "let them eat cake" moment , but now she's eating crow. The Scottish actress and new wife of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin issued a short apology Tuesday after posting a picture of herself on Instagram disembarking from a military jet (she'd accompanied Mnuchin on...

GOP to Dems Skipping Cabinet Votes: 'Stop Acting Like Idiots'

Democrats want more information before votes for Mnuchin for Treasury, Price for HHS

(Newser) - Senate confirmation hearings for President Trump's Cabinet choices got heated Tuesday—or at least the ones that took place. Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee angered not only by Trump's recent travel ban , but also by his firing of acting AG Sally Yates , forced votes Tuesday to be...

Trump Likely to Name Suicide Squad Producer Treasury Sec

Steven Mnuchin is also a former Goldman Sachs executive

(Newser) - Donald Trump is preparing to name a former Goldman Sachs executive and Hollywood financier as Treasury secretary, the Wall Street Journal reports. Before spending six months as the Trump campaign's finance chairman, Steven Mnuchin was chairman of Dune Capital Management. IMDB lists him as producer on nearly three-dozen movies,...

Bill Clinton Had Unusual CEO Advice for Geithner

Slitting Lloyd Blankfein's throat wouldn't help in the long run, said former president

(Newser) - The New York Times magazine has a lengthy profile of Tim Geithner ahead of Monday's release of the former Treasury chief's new book, and one bit in particular involving Bill Clinton is getting a lot of attention. Geithner had asked Clinton's advice on appeasing populist anger in...

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