
Stories 101 - 107 | << Prev 

Buck Your Starbucks Addiction
Buck Your Starbucks Addiction

Buck Your Starbucks Addiction

Your health and your wallet will benefit from a little moderation

(Newser) - Though Starbucks' recent price hike averages just 9 cents a cup, that's still $50 a year for a java junkie with a five-latte-a-week habit. Save yourself with these tips from the Chicago Tribune:
  1. A 300-calorie snack in the afternoon is a healthier pick-me-up than coffee.

Coffee May Stall Memory Loss in Women

Drink up, and maybe you won't forget where you set your cup down

(Newser) - The world’s most popular stimulant may slow age-related memory loss in older women, Reuters reports. Drinking three or more cups of coffee per day reduced verbal memory loss in French women aged 65 and up by 33% compared to women who drank a cup or less, researchers say. The...

Drinking Coffee May Fight Colon Cancer

Japanese study finds benefits of 3 cups a day apply only to women

(Newser) - Drinking three or more cups of coffee a day can cut the risk of colon cancer in half—but the benefit manifests itself only in women. What's more, Reuters reports, the research was conducted in Japan, where men drink and smoke so much that scientists had trouble controlling for those...

Peppy Combo May Battle Skin Cancer
Peppy Combo May Battle Skin Cancer

Peppy Combo May Battle Skin Cancer

Caffeine and exercise show promise in prevention

(Newser) - A 1-2 punch of caffeine and exercise may help prevent skin cancer. Hairless mice fed caffeinated water who worked out on a running wheel showed an increase in destruction of skin cells damaged by UVB rays, the AP reports, and the secret appears to be the combination. Researchers caution, however,...

'Caffeinated' Workout May Cut Cancer

Combo of exercise and coffee can fight skin cancer

(Newser) - New research suggests that drinking coffee, combined with regular exercise, speeds up the killing off of cells damaged by ultraviolet-B radiation. Researchers at Rutgers University specifically examined UVB apoptosis — the programmed death of cells that become damaged by ultraviolet rays – in hairless mice. This sort of cell-suicide helps...

Coffee's Perks Not in the Caffeine
Coffee's Perks Not in the Caffeine

Coffee's Perks Not in the Caffeine

Go for decaf: other chemicals in coffee give health a jolt

(Newser) - Scientists have long championed coffee's health benefits, but a series of recent studies is waking them up to the fact that caffeine has nothing to do with it. Regular consumption of coffee or tea can provide protection against cancer, diabetes and heart disease, but researchers say other chemicals are responsible.

Students Brew Coffee Addiction
Students Brew Coffee Addiction

Students Brew Coffee Addiction

Docs abuzz over teens’ growing use and abuse of stimulants

(Newser) - Overworked kids are hopping up more and more on lattes and macchiatos, as well as even dodgier stimulants, according to U.S. News. Coffee consumption among 18- to 24-year-olds  has nearly doubled in three years, while increasingly popular energy drinks like Red Bull and the shockingly christened Cocaine pack multiple...

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