men's health

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Depression in Dads Hurts Kids

More research needed into effects of fathers' mental health, experts say

(Newser) - With modern fathers often more directly involved in parenting than previous generations, researchers say it’s time to pay closer attention to the impact of paternal mental health on children, the BBC reports. Existing evidence suggests that children of alcoholic or depressive fathers are likely to suffer psychiatric or behavior...

Study Links Cannabis to Testicular Cancer

THC may intercept cancer-fighting chemicals

(Newser) - Cannabis use has been linked to a significant increase in the risk of developing testicular cancer, the Independent reports. Those who light up have a 70% higher risk of getting nonseminoma cancer—found in younger men—and the odds worsen with frequency and duration of use, the research has found....

Cell Phones Linked to Sluggish Sperm

Small study sees effect from leaving device in pocket on talk mode

(Newser) - Would-be dads should think twice about keeping cell phones in pants pockets while using wireless headsets, CNN reports, with a small study suggesting that active phones can decrease sperm motility and viability. Semen samples exposed to a cell phone in talk mode contained higher levels of free radicals, which "...

Painkillers May Play Role in Prostate Cancer

Doctors unsure if drugs reduce risk—or merely make screening harder

(Newser) - Common pain relievers like aspirin and ibuprofen belong to a class of drugs that lowers protein levels doctors use to test for prostate cancer, the second-most-common cancer found in men. But researchers say it's not clear if the drugs are lowering the risk of developing the cancer or just making...

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