civil war

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UN on Syria: It&#39;s a Civil War
 UN on Syria: It's a Civil War 

UN on Syria: It's a Civil War

'This is really becoming large scale,' peacekeeping chief says

(Newser) - The situation in Syria has officially descended into a full-blown civil war, the UN's peacekeeping chief said today. "Yes, I think we can say that," Herve Ladsous told Reuters , explaining that the opposition has claimed "large chunks of territory in several cities," and that regime...

UN Enters Alleged Syria Massacre Site

Reporter calls scene 'ghastly' but says no bodies have been spotted

(Newser) - Things just keep getting worse in Syria: Activists say the government is shelling Homs again, possibly in preparation for a large troop surge. But UN monitors have finally made it to the site of the alleged massacre in Qubair, after being waylaid and shot at yesterday, reports Sky News . "...

Arab League Boss: I Fear a Civil War in Syria

Would pose threat to 'neighboring states,' says Nabil Elaraby

(Newser) - As Arab League observers begin to bail on their Syria mission—frustrated over their own failure to end the government crackdown against protesters—the leader of the League says he's concerned the crisis could escalate. "I fear a civil war and the events that we see and hear...

UN: Syria Now a &#39;Civil War&#39;
 UN: Syria Now a 'Civil War' 

UN: Syria Now a 'Civil War'

Because so many soldiers are defecting army

(Newser) - Words that describe the situation in Syria: conflict, uprising, revolt ... civil war? The latter now applies, according to the UN's top human rights official. Navi Pillay today said that more than 4,000 people are dead, though "really the information coming to us is that it's much...

Breitbart on Liberals: 'We Have the Guns'

'We outnumber them' in hypothetical war, says blogger

(Newser) - Liberals may talk tough, but if there were a war between left and right, “they cannot win,” says Andrew Breitbart: “We outnumber them in this country, and we have the guns,” the conservative blogger told Tea Partiers. After the crowd laughed, he said, “I’m...

Sudan Border Region Revolts
 Sudan Border Region Revolts 

Sudan Border Region Revolts

Rebels in Nuba Mountains want independence for their non-Muslim region

(Newser) - Just days before southern Sudan is poised to break away and form a new country, ending decades of civil war and bloodshed, new fighting is breaking out in the north's Nuba Mountains along the north-south border, reports the New York Times . The Sudan government is desperate to keep the...

Nicholas Kristof: Libya Intervention Could Teach Us It's OK to Stop Genocide
 Libya's Lesson: 
 It's OK to Stop 


Libya's Lesson: It's OK to Stop Genocide

Stopping atrocities is most important, even if inconsistent

(Newser) - The US intervention into the bloody unrest in Libya has drawn a wide range of criticisms—President Obama has not explained US objectives, there's no exit strategy, it's inconsistent to get involved in Libya and not elsewhere—and "those critics are all right," writes Nicholas Kristof in the...

Southern Sudan Votes, Could Spawn New Nation

Referendum to end decades of sectarian violence

(Newser) - Millions flock to the polls in southern Sudan today for a historic election that could give birth to a new nation, reports the Washington Post . The nation's 22-year-old civil war ended in 2005 with some 2 million casualties, but the violence continued, made worse by a sectarian divide, with the...

Don't Blow It, World: Sudan Has Chance at Peace

Op-ed: Other nations must keep up pressure ahead of referendum

(Newser) - For Sudan, this might be as optimistic as it gets: Two experts have returned from a two-week visit and concluded that war and violence "are not inevitable" following January's referendum on southern independence. "But only if the international community sets clear lines of acceptable behavior as the two...

Obama Is Failing Sudan
 Obama Is 
 Failing Sudan 
Nick Kristof

Obama Is Failing Sudan

Even Bush was better, Kristof writes

(Newser) - When is comes to Sudan , Barack Obama has been worse than even George W Bush, argues Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times , who despite his many failings, managed to secure the 2005 deal that ended Sudan's 20-year civil war. Obama's "incoherent, contradictory and apparently failing Sudan policy" is...

Gang Rape Epidemic Cripples Congo

New study shows growing problem

(Newser) - The Democratic Republic of Congo is in the midst of a horrific and deepening gang rape crisis, according to a new report commissioned by Oxfam. Of the roughly 4,000 rape victims researchers interviewed, 60% said they’d been attacked by groups of armed men. The sheer number of such...

Virginia Is for Lovers (of Revisionist History)

States seems content to forget the facts, Collins says

(Newser) - Virginia might not be so much for lovers as for haters, writes Gail Collins—or at least crazy revisionists of history. Gov. Bob McDonnell's celebration of "Confederate History Month," which failed to acknowledge the existence of slavery in its "love affair with all things Confederate," is...

Guatemala Army Kidnapped, Sold 333 Children

Kids were adopted in US, Sweden, and Italy

(Newser) - The Guatemalan army stole at least 333 children during the country’s 36-year civil war, selling them for adoption in countries including the US, Sweden, and Italy, says a new government report. In some cases, the children’s parents were killed. “This was a great abuse by the state,...

Clinton Challenges Congo to Stop Sexual Violence

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton traveled to war-ravaged eastern Congo today, where the nation's top diplomat demanded an end to the sexual violence that has claimed at least 200,000 victims. Clinton came to Goma aboard a UN plane over the objections of some top aides who were concerned about security and logistics...

Congo's New Horror: Men Raping Men

(Newser) - Hundreds of thousands of women have been sexually assaulted in the ongoing war in eastern Congo, but suddenly, the region is seeing a sharp increase in rapes of men. More than 10% of the victims of sexual violence in the region are male, and victims are often ostracized by their...

After 26-Year War, Sri Lanka Struggles with Peace

Ethnic tensions remain as Tamil rebels lay down arms

(Newser) - The Sri Lankan government finally prevailed in its 26-year civil war with Tamil rebels with a brutal campaign, leaving thousands dead and 300,000 displaced. Now, reports the Wall Street Journal, the country must try living in peace after years of assassinations and abductions from both sides. Tamils "should...

EU Sold Millions in Weapons to Sri Lankan Army

European arms may have been used in civil war atrocities

(Newser) - European Union nations sold millions of dollars worth of arms and military equipment to the Sri Lankan army in the final stages of its 26-year civil war, in which the army has been accused of atrocities. The UK sold the country $22.3 million in armored vehicles and weapons, though...

Sri Lankan Shelling Killed 20,000 Civilians

Photos, UN documents reveal hidden massacre at civil war's end

(Newser) - The final battles of the 26-year civil war in Sri Lanka killed more than 20,000 Tamil civilians, most from government shelling, an investigation by the Times of London concludes. The number of casualties is three times higher than the government admitted. Aerial photographs, eyewitness testimony, and confidential UN documents...

Tamil Tigers Confirm Death of Leader

(Newser) - The defeated Tamil Tigers have admitted that leader Velupillai Prabhakaran is dead, the BBC reports. The rebels declared a week of mourning after their “incomparable leader” was killed while "fighting the military oppression of the Sri Lankan government," a statement said. The Tigers have also renounced violence,...

Tamil Boss Shot Dead Trying to Flee

After 26 years, Tamil Tigers resoundingly defeated

(Newser) - The leader of the Tamil Tigers was shot dead before dawn this morning as the Sri Lankan army moved into the rebel group's final stronghold, the Guardian reports. Velupillai Prabhakaran was killed while trying to flee the war zone in an ambulance. Four other senior Tigers, including his son, were...

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