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Balloon Boy Family to Face Charges
Balloon Boy Family to Face Charges

Balloon Boy Family to Face Charges

Sheriff offers few details, but hints he suspects a hoax

(Newser) - A Colorado sheriff said tonight that criminal charges are expected to be filed in the balloon boy case. He didn't specify what the charges would be, but he suggested that investigators smelled a hoax. "I think you get the gist," said Sheriff Jim Alderden when asked directly if...

Balloon Mess No Hoax: Sheriff
 Balloon Mess No Hoax: Sheriff 

Balloon Mess No Hoax: Sheriff

Restitution remains a possibility

(Newser) - The Larimer County, Colo., sheriff's office has no indication the Heene family was carrying out a hoax when the parents reported their 6-year-old son was in a helium balloon that floated away from their home and traveled more than 50 miles. "We believe at this time that it was...

Balloon Boy Throws Up on Today, GMA, as Dad Denies Hoax

Falcon Heene vomits twice on-air during morning show rounds

(Newser) - The Heene family made the morning show rounds today, denying that the “Balloon Boy” saga and search for assumed-missing son Falcon was a publicity stunt. “I went through such a rollercoaster of emotions yesterday, to have people say that, I think is extremely pathetic,” dad Richard told...

Was Balloon Boy Stunt a Hoax?
 Was Balloon Boy Stunt a Hoax? 

Was Balloon Boy Stunt a Hoax?

Falcon Heene tells CNN 'we did this for the show'

(Newser) - An apparent "slip" by Falcon Heene has fueled frenzied internet speculation that yesterday's balloon hoohah was a publicity stunt orchestrated by his family. When his dad asked him during a CNN interview with the family why the 6-year-old didn't come out of the attic when people were calling his...

Web Quick to Churn Out Balloon Boy Souvenir
 Web Quick to Churn Out 
 Balloon Boy Souvenir 

Web Quick to Churn Out Balloon Boy Souvenir

Internet entrepreneurs quick to milk Falcon Heene's 15 minutes for own gain

(Newser) - As if anyone doubted the internet-meme potential of today’s Colorado balloon episode … well, there’s a T-shirt for that. Internet entrepreneurs are already on with a cartoon of the craft at one point thought to be carrying 6-year-old Falcon Heene, with the caption “Go Falcon,...

Balloon Boy: 'I Thought I Would Get In Trouble'
 Balloon Boy: 
 'I Thought 
 I Would Get 
 In Trouble' 

Balloon Boy: 'I Thought I Would Get In Trouble'

Falcon Heene took off for the attic after dad yelled at him earlier

(Newser) - The Colorado 6-year-old we all thought we were watching in that balloon today was hiding in the family attic after his dad yelled at him for getting in a box of batteries. “He scared me, and he yelled at me,” Falcon Heene told a jammed news conference. “...

Missing Boy Is Fine: He Was Hiding in Garage

6-year-old set off frantic search after hot-air balloon took off

(Newser) - A 6-year-old Colorado boy thought to have floated off in a helium balloon has been found safe at his home—hiding in a cardboard box in the garage attic. Sheriff Jim Alderman turned to reporters during a news conference and gave a thumbs up. "He's at the house."...

Errant Balloon Lands, But Boy Missing
 Errant Balloon Lands, But 
 Boy Missing 

Errant Balloon Lands, But Boy Missing

(Newser) - A 6-year-old boy is missing after he supposedly floated away in his father's homemade balloon over the skies of Denver. The craft came down about 3:30pm, after two hours in the air, but the youngster wasn't inside. His fate remains unclear, and it's possible that he fell out during...

Going Up? 9.4M Balloons Should Do It

But different sources give widely varied estimates

(Newser) - Pixar stuck 20,622 balloons on a house to achieve liftoff in its animated Up, which wouldn't come close to doing the trick in real life, writes Nina Shen Rastogi on Slate's Explainer blog. If the old Carl character were using typical party balloons, he'd need somewhere around 9.4...

Calif. Pol Aims to Burst Balloons

Blames orbs on blackouts; opponents vehemently rally to helium-filled cause

(Newser) - A California lawmaker is pushing to ban helium-filled foil balloons, blaming the globe-shaped menaces for flying into power lines and causing more than 800 blackouts in the state last year. The bill easily passed the state's senate, but it’s facing an uproar from balloon artists and balloon lovers alike...

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