Obama administration

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Say Hello to Glenn Beck's Latest Target

Sunstein's stance on hunting puts him on Fox host's hit list

(Newser) - Now that Glenn Beck has helped take down Van Jones, he’s set his sights on another Obama appointee: Cass Sunstein, would-be head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Conservatives initially praised the choice of Sunstein, because some of his writings have a libertarian bent, Newsweek...

Forget Health Reform&mdash;We Can't Afford It
Forget Health Reform—We Can't Afford It

Forget Health Reform—We Can't Afford It

The economy should be Obama's top priority: Henninger

(Newser) - Barack Obama makes health care sound like the most pressing issue in American life, but with unemployment at 10% and the country still officially in recession, Daniel Henninger wonders why he's "draining a dwindling reservoir of presidential capital." The cost of health care may be a problem for...

Fresh-Faced Prez Scores His Jimmy Stewart Moment

Mr. Obama goes to Washington

(Newser) - A joint session of Congress might not have been the perfect setting for Barack Obama's health care reform speech last night, writes Washington Post critic Tom Shales. All that "pomp, circumstance, and folderol," including 16 minutes just to get to the lectern, may have led voters to change...

Forget What You've Heard: Health Reform Is Nearly Done

Obama has party, public, industry support, despite a few town halls

(Newser) - Barack Obama goes into tonight's Congressional address amid talk that his health reform plan—and indeed his entire presidency—are nearly doomed. But the New York Times, in a front-page analysis piece, is far more optimistic, noting that August's town hall chaos did not substantially change public opinion, nor did...

Right Revives Red Scare, Despite Lack of Reds

Fears of secret socialism prove a fertile ground for right-wing outrage

(Newser) - The right has been energized by a good old-fashioned Red hunt—never mind the fact that there are precious few old-style leftists around in America today, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal. The centrist Democratic administration has been in power for well under a year, Frank writes, but...

McConnell Keeps Low Profile in Health Debate
McConnell Keeps Low Profile
in Health Debate

McConnell Keeps Low Profile in Health Debate

Conservative critics think Minority Leader should be fighting administration harder

(Newser) - Why haven’t we heard more from Mitch McConnell on health care? The Senate Minority Leader has kept relatively quiet on the administration’s reform efforts, a stance that has irked many conservative activists who feel McConnell is ducking his duties as de facto Republican Party leader, writes Stephanie Mencimer...

Ex-Adviser: Obama Not Bold Enough

(Newser) - One of Barack Obama's top advisers during the campaign tells Politico he's "losing patience" with the White House and wants more "bold" leadership from the president on a host of issues including health care and gay rights. “I’m not going to just sit by the curb...

Forget GOP, Full Speed Ahead on Health Reform: Clinton

It's OK Obama's 'jamming a lot of change down the system'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has a hopeful exhortation for Congressional Democrats trying to push through health care reform. “The president's doing the right thing. It is both morally and politically right,” Clinton tells Esquire. “I wouldn't even worry about the Republicans,” who are just “sitting around waiting...

Obama: Use House More, Senate Less
 Obama: Use 
 House More, 
 Senate Less 

Obama: Use House More, Senate Less

The Senate's not all it's cracked up to be

(Newser) - Barack Obama may come to regret using House Democrats as “expendable shock troops” in his battle to pass health care reform, writes David Rogers of Politico. Obama has focused on the Senate as his crucible of compromise, but the House—bolstered by a Rules Committee able to test competing...

Obama Asks Unions for Health-Reform Support

President expresses support for public option in speech to AFL-CIO

(Newser) - President Obama honored the achievements of organized labor today, pointing out that iniatives like the minimum wage and paid vacation “bear the union label,” the AP reports. Speaking at an AFL-CIO meeting in Cincinnati, Obama asked for union support in his push to reform the health care system,...

Obama Speech: Handwashing, Not Brainwashing

(Newser) - The eagerly anticipated speech President Obama will deliver to the nation's schoolchildren tomorrow contains none of the socialist indoctrination conservatives had apparently feared, Politico reports. Rather, an advance text indicates, he urges kids to work hard, not expect to get something for nothing, and "wash your hands a lot,...

Olbermann: Send Me All the Dirt on Glenn Beck

MSNBC host fires back after Fox host calls for White House lowdown

(Newser) - Glenn Beck has tweeted a call for followers to dig up dirt on Obama administration figures, and Keith Olbermann aims to turn the tables, making a bid for inside info on the Fox News host himself. “Find everything you can about Glenn Beck, Stu Burguiere, and Roger Ailes,”...

Iran Nuclear Talks Stall; Sanctions Loom

Stalemate seen as Ahmadinejad refuses more negotiations

(Newser) - Iran looks set to face another round of international sanctions as nuclear talks have reached an impasse and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refuses to discuss a compromise, reports the Guardian. Mohamed ElBaradei, who heads the UN nuclear watchdog, said today Iran has not suspended enrichment activities and continues to be uncooperative with...

No Rest for Beleaguered President
No Rest for

No Rest for Beleaguered President

Obama steels for fight as digs at hubris, inexperience continue

(Newser) - Barack Obama and his allies are calling this week a make-or-break climax for his  administration. He met with the House and Senate leadership last week, his top lieutenants blanketed the talk shows yesterday, and he's holding two meetings with health advisers today. Obama is faced with finishing the health-care battle...

Obama Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy

(Newser) - Obama environmental adviser Van Jones is resigning amid controversy over past inflammatory statements. The so-called green jobs czar got into hot water this week when two things surfaced: He called Republicans "assholes" in a video made before he joined the administration, and he signed a petition supporting the "...

Town Hall 'Paranoia and Violence' a Liberal Fantasia

(Newser) - To listen to the Obama camp and the liberal media, the anti-Obamacare protesters at last month’s town halls are a grave threat to our way of life, Mary Katharine Harn writes in the Weekly Standard. But “the climate of paranoia and violence that enveloped our political system this...

GOP Uses Van Jones to Rebel Against Czars

Republicans say czars are an end-run around congressional vetting

(Newser) - Republicans have groused for months that Barack Obama has too many “czars,” high-ranking, specialized advisers that, they complain, skirt congressional approval. Now they have a poster boy for their objections, Politico reports: Van Jones. This week an old lecture video surfaced in which he called Republicans “assholes,...

Opposition to School Speech 'Silly': Gibbs

Obama press secretary also hints at possible racially-driven censorship

(Newser) - Robert Gibbs fired back today at critics of President Obama's planned address to school children, calling it "a little bit of the silly season," the Hill reports. Noting that that Ronald Reagan and the elder President Bush both made school addresses, he painted Obama's critics as censors,...

School Speech Uproar Shows Country Divided
School Speech Uproar Shows Country Divided

School Speech Uproar Shows Country Divided

In addressing kids, Bush 41 didn't have problems like Obama's

(Newser) - When George HW Bush gave a televised address to a public school in 1991 and urged schools around the country to show it in class, no one much cared. When President Obama announced plans to do the same, he drew outrage and comparisons to Chairman Mao. That’s America in...

Obama's 'Spell is Broken'
 Obama's 'Spell is Broken' 

Obama's 'Spell is Broken'

Misreading his mandate and talking down to subjects makes president 'ordinary'

(Newser) - President Obama's big-government dreams have turned him into a modern-day Icarus, Charles Krauthammer writes for the Washington Post. “His wax wings having melted, he is the man who fell to earth.” The magic is gone after “a disastrous summer” of “mistaking his mandate, believing his press,...

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