Obama administration

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Votes Weren't About Obama

Votes Weren't About Obama

Prez shouldn't lose sleep over defeated lackluster Dems

(Newser) - if the votes in New Jersey and Virginia were a referendum on President Obama, then Ohio's vote for casinos must have been a referendum on health care reform and Cincinatti's public transit vote a rejection of cash-for-clunkers, smirks Gail Collins. Nearly all of Tuesday's results are being portrayed as blows...

Most Replaced Clunker With ... Another Guzzler Like This

Most common trade was old pickup (15-17 mpg) for new (1-3 better)

(Newser) - Think most who traded in a clunker under the government’s fuel-efficiency incentive program are now driving a hybrid? Guess again: The most common swap was an old, gas-guzzling pickup for a new, just-slightly-less-gas-guzzling pickup, AP analysis finds. Ford’s F150 is a prime example—it gets 1-3 mpg more...

Ammo Supply Can't Keep Up With Demand

Fearing tighter laws under Obama, 12B rounds fly off shelves

(Newser) - Crime is down, gun control is on Obama's back burner, and Americans are buying more ammunition than factories can produce. While there are economic reasons—supply is off as the war effort eats up necessary materials—Americans have still managed to buy 12 billion rounds in the past year, up...

White House Move Bad News for Investors
White House Move Bad News for Investors

White House Move Bad News for Investors

It's trying to weaken protections put in place after Enron

(Newser) - Belying its reputation as financial regulatory crusaders, the White House is quietly working to weaken a protection for everyday investors. Rahm Emanuel is pushing lawmakers to back an amendment that would exempt smaller companies from audits of their internal controls, sources tell the Huffington Post. The stricter controls, established by...

Obama's Had Year We Can Believe In
 Obama's Had Year
We Can Believe In

Obama's Had Year We Can Believe In

Prez has already changed the world

(Newser) - There's been plenty to quibble about over the last year, but a look at the big picture shows that President Obama has been changing the world just as he was elected to do, writes Eugene Robinson. Obama's biggest accomplishment has been averting another Great Depression, Robinson notes in the Washington ...

Jarrett: Abdullah Quitting Isn't a Complication

Says election up to Afghan gov't; Obama decision may be delayed

(Newser) - Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett says Abdullah Abdullah's withdrawal from next weekend's runoff election in Afghanistan won't complicate the White House's decision-making process on a war strategy. But Jarrett tells George Stephanopoulos that the president's decision could slide back to late November. “The President will make a decision...

Cheney on Plame Leak: I Can't Recall

VP comes up blank on specifics in newly released interview

(Newser) - After years of effort by the Bush and Obama administrations to keep documents related to the CIA leak case secret, redacted portions of the special prosecutor’s 2004 interview with Dick Cheney released today show plenty of nothing. The then-VP apparently suffered acute memory loss: Cheney told Patrick Fitzgerald he...

Senate Finally Confirms Surgeon General

Republicans relent after weeks of procedural delays

(Newser) - The Senate unanimously confirmed Regina Benjamin as US surgeon general yesterday after Republicans ended a procedural delay that had dragged on for several weeks. Mitch McConnell and seven other GOP senators said they stalled because of an administration “gag order” that prevented insurers from giving their opinions on the...

White House Takes Crack at Car Website

Blog post assails Edmunds.com's view of 'clunkers' initiative

(Newser) - The administration has picked another fight with a media outlet, but not one that employs Glenn Beck. The White House blog took aim at Edmunds.com, which had posted a scathing assessment of the “Cash for Clunkers” program. The snarky post argues that Edmunds must have been “covering...

Obama Lifts HIV+ Travel Ban
 Obama Lifts HIV+ Travel Ban 

Obama Lifts HIV+ Travel Ban

President extends bill funding care for low-income HIV/AIDS patients

(Newser) - HIV-positive individuals will no longer be banned from visiting or immigrating to the US, President Obama announced today. The president discussed the revocation of the ban, which has stood since 1987, at today's signing of an extension of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS bill. That bill provides funding for HIV/AIDS testing...

Time to Act Presidential on Afghanistan
Time to Act Presidential on Afghanistan
Charles Krauthammer

Time to Act Presidential on Afghanistan

After 'yearlong drift,' Obama can't keep passing buck to Bush

(Newser) - President Obama loves to blame things on George W. Bush, and on Monday he did it again, referring to the “long years of drift in Afghanistan.” He must be trying to “explain away his own, well, yearlong drift on Afghanistan,” writes Charles Krauthammer . In March, Obama...

Credit Stimulus for 650K Jobs: White House

Directly or indirectly, $150B spent has had great effect, report says

(Newser) - The economic stimulus package has already created or saved at least 650,000 jobs, the White House said today, even though just $150 billion of the $787 billion has been spent. And the number of jobs is closer to 1 million if it includes positions added indirectly, according to the...

'Stupid' Leadership Has Sapped America's Hope

Business is losing faith as government spends like spoiled kids

(Newser) - The economy's growing again but the people Peggy Noonan talks to—"the American leadership class who are not in Washington, most especially those in business"—have lost their confidence that a turnaround is coming. That's because they don't think the government has any solutions to America's problems other...

No Clear Way for US to Prosecute Gitmo Prisoners
No Clear Way for US to Prosecute Gitmo Prisoners

No Clear Way for US to Prosecute Gitmo Prisoners

Experts split on whether to use federal courts or military commissions

(Newser) - President Obama is edging closer to his goal of closing the Guantanamo Bay prison: Congress has approved detainee trials on US soil and the National Defense Authorization Act, passed yesterday, attempts to repair the damaged legality of President Bush’s military-commissions system. But hurdles remain, with legal scholars split on...

Drug Czar Needs to Look Beyond Worthless Laws
 Drug Czar Needs 
 to Look Beyond 
 Worthless Laws  


Drug Czar Needs to Look Beyond Worthless Laws

Enforcement doesn't work, but there is hope elsewhere

(Newser) - In a chat with new czar Gil Kerlikowske, George Will notes that the war on drugs, as it has been waged, is an utter failure. Harsh drug laws have done nothing to reduce drug-taking, he writes, and incarcerating drug users is looking more and more wasteful to strapped states. “...

Dems, Health Care Need to Enter the iPhone Age
Dems, Health Care Need to Enter the iPhone Age

Dems, Health Care Need to Enter the iPhone Age

Lumbering dinosaur of a bill will fall flat with 21st century voters

(Newser) - We live in the age of the iPhone, a world in which you can take your pick of 100,000 apps—and "Democrats are pushing the biggest, fattest, one-size-fits all legislation since 1965," writes Daniel Henninger for the Wall Street Journal. It's not what you'd hope for from...

Obama Looks for Local Allies in Afghanistan

Administration's decided it can't wipe out Taliban

(Newser) - President Obama has requested detailed, province-by-province analysis of Afghanistan’s local and tribal leaders, hoping to find more effective partners than the country’s weak and corrupt central government. The administration has concluded that no surge in troops will be able to eradicate the Taliban as a political force, but...

Obama Backlash Will Wallop Dem Candidates Next Week

GOP's chances looking good in Gov races as fallout builds

(Newser) - America's dissatisfaction with Democratic rule just 9 months into the Obama presidency will be crystal clear after next week's elections, writes Karl Rove . Republican Attorney General Bob McDonnell looks set to defeat Democrat Creigh Deeds in Virginia's gubernatorial race on the back of anti-Washington, anti-Obama sentiment, Rove notes in the...

White House, Fox News Reach a 'Truce'

Analysts skeptical about how long it'll last

(Newser) - The White House and Fox News appear to have called a “truce” in their war of words after a meeting today between Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs and Fox exec Michael Clemente. Clemente then returned to the channel’s DC bureau and asked staff to remain “fair and...

White House Denies Giving Perks to Donors

GOP wants an investigation after newspaper report

(Newser) - White House officials are engaging in damage control after GOP Chairman Michael Steele accused the Obama administration of offering selected donors perks in exchange for big contributions. Steele’s charges stem from a Washington Times report today claiming that DNC contributors who give $30,400 or bundle $300,000 get...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>